Student self-care includes, but is not limited to the following: getting enough rest, eating well, maintaining personal hygiene, managing illnesses, and seeking the appropriate care wherever necessary. Intimidation, harassment, and assault in all forms are strictly prohibited on the Rutgers University campus and in all residence halls. Fire hazards like candles, incense, and cigarettes are all no-nos in the dorms. Those staff members who hold concurrent positions with other student clubs or organizations may not utilize these spaces in their roles within these extracurricular activities. We have provided a download link below to Firefox 2 installer. influencers) from their room or any part of the residence halls. Dorms usually have basic overhead lights which can be tough on your eyes. Blockages in our sanitary systems are an inconvenience to residents, and in many cases are harmful to the environment. Ask How Their Day Was To help you get the best sleep possibleearly morning classes are no jokeplan on buying these items. Be open to differences When you leave home for the first time, youll meet many people who are different from youin beliefs, values, lifestyles, personalities, and more. While you may use your tablet or phone for most of your reading, plenty of professors still require students to buy paper textbooks. Its totally reasonable to expect all roommates to abide by the provisions in the 3. In accordance with Rutgers University Policy 20.1.22-Tobacco Free Policy: In addition, Rutgers policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products on each of its campuses, including all outdoor areas on campus grounds. To get the best possible experience please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to view this website. When youre in college, you probably wont have the luxury of your own washer or dryer. 1. All violations of HRE policy are addressed through our Student Conduct process which is guided by values of community, fairness, and responsibility. All advertising must include the co-sponsorship of the Residence Life Staff and must be Any one of the following will be considered theft, and is therefore a violation of law and the Student Code of Conduct: A "weapon" can be defined as any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury or incapacitate, or create a reasonable fear of harm, including but not limited to, all firearms, including air rifles and pellet guns; bow and arrows; ammunition; knives (other than kitchen knives); martial arts weapons; brass knuckles; explosives; and dangerous chemicals or poisons that are possessed with the intent to injure another or to cause damage to property. motorcycles, mopeds or the components). If youre short on space, look for a compact microwave rather than a full-size one. Instead, use a shower caddy to keep all of your toiletries together. within the privacy of their own room, reasonably free from disruption resulting from the activities of others. All guests must have a valid photo ID at all times within the residence halls. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Reusable tableware (dishes, glass, silverware, and trays) cannot be removed from the dining area without the permission of a dining supervisor. While your college may not allow you to have hot plates or griddles in your room, you can probably have a microwave. The writings of Ellen White are a great gift to help us be prepared. Before you take any questionable action regarding your roommate, stop and think about how you would feel if the tables were turned. Distribution of drugs will result in arrest and can result in permanent expulsion from the University. approved by the Residence Life Coordinator. Living on campus is an integral part of the Rutgers Community. Residents are advised that they are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) at all times. No door-to-door soliciting or canvassing is allowed in residence halls or apartments at any time. Top 10 Colleges With The Best Campus Housing, The Ultimate Guide to Writing a College Application Essay, How to Loft a Dorm Bed? If you cannot follow the rules, you may be moved to another room if available. Though dorm room policies for guests may vary, most have some sort of policy that includes letting the hall director or hall book know that you are having a guest stay. Normally, playing a radio with the door open is ok during normal daytime hours, but not at night when people are trying to sleep. Whether the college has a dry campus or the dorms are substance-free, you need to understand the alcohol policies fully to avoid any disciplinary action. As a college student, you may be entitled to special discounts at many businesses. You will have to bring your own detergent and stain remover to the laundromat whenever you need to wash your clothes. Residents must follow the outlined procedures to cancel a contract, to move from their assigned room, or to move into another residence hall space. If youre worried about the mattress being too firm or not supportive enough, consider buying a memory foam mattress topper. Gasoline powered items, (e.g. Cooking appliances such as electric skillets, immersion coils, toaster ovens, rice cookers, hot plates, unapproved hot pots, etc. WebHousing and Residential Education seeks to address policy violations in a way, which prevents harm, centers learning and encourages student accountability. Residents 21-years or older in Collins-Hillcrest, Wilkie-Mason/Apartments, and Union Street Center are expected to be aware of, understand, and follow Indiana alcoholic beverage laws, federal statutes about alcoholic beverages, the Code, State Board of Accounts regulations concerning student government organization accounts, and the policies of RPS. You can buy storage bins, desk lamps and bedding at huge discounts. Find a copy of your universitys dorm rules to make sure you dont accidentally get in trouble. Residents may be charged a replacement fee for a damaged or lost window screen that results from their failure to keep the window and window screen properly secured. Just as a student has the right to reasonable protection against unwarranted physical intrusion, residents also have the right to reasonable protection against the uninvited intrusion of noise. Refunds will only be issued if the show/event is cancelled. Normally, playing a radio with the door open is ok during normal daytime hours, but not at night when people are trying to sleep. A hair dryer may not seem like a necessity. To obtain information and permits, visit the. Violations of the Code and/or these Residence Hall Rules & Regulations may result in university student conduct charges. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. Decorations of any kind may not be hung from or across ceilings or light or sprinkler fixtures. Brand: wlegebr. These roommates typically share common areas, such as a Save Kiki Deere Oct 29, 2014 7 min read Staying in a dorm room with strangers can be a whole lot of fun, although it does come with challenges cacophonous Individuals under the age of 21 may not consume alcohol. Twin beds. Its totally reasonable to expect all roommates to abide by Mobile ID applications that facilitate access via user devices may not be loaned to gain access to residence halls. To make that as tolerable as possible, pick up these college dorm essentials. The student who caused the damage will be expected to cover the cost of repair or replacement for the University or other residents. Any student or guest in possession of an illegal weapon in a residence hall or apartment will face possible arrest. Combustible liquids and other similar materials, except for sealed containers not exceeding eight-ounce capacity. proposals will be accepted prior to the end of that period of time. Dorm mattresses arent known for their comfort. Although the majority of colleges dont allow pets of any kind, a few of them do. Bonfires or campfires are prohibited on residence hall property unless specifically authorized. If so, are some things off limits? Bicycles and/or personal or vendor-owned scooters may not be charged in the residence halls, or kept in hallways, public areas, or stairwells inside the residence halls. Based on space, this may mean your preferred bathroom style cannot be fulfilled. Compare rates from participating lenders via If damage occurs a third time to the same machine and/or another machine in the same building, the machines will be removed/ emptied for the remainder of the semester. A person is authorized to possess and use a hypodermic needle or hypodermic syringe if the person obtains the hypodermic syringe or hypodermic needle by a valid prescription issued by a licensed physician, dentist or veterinarian and uses it for its authorized purpose. Typically, staff will limit room entry to the following instances. Subjecting another person or threatening to subject another person to striking, kicking, shoving, or offensive touching. Applicable fees may be incurred for any changes or damages. Instead, assign one roommate to each part of the household thats 2. Residents may be responsible for activities, damages, or policy violations that occur in their room if it can be found that such activities, damages, or policy violations occurred due to their failure to secure/lock their room. regulations including (but not limited to) maximum occupancy, fire regulations, security Possessing or using cannabis on Rutgers University campus.*. Violations of this policy will be adjudicated by the Office of Student Conduct. Painting must be supervised by building Residence Staff. UL-listed rice cookers with automatic shut offs may be used in residence hall rooms and placed on a level surface such as a countertop or desktop. Any suspicion of illegal drug use in residence halls, apartments or suites will be immediately reported to Rutgers University Police. Most colleges will supply you with a basic twin bed frame and mattress. Coffee Makers without an automatic shutoff. All types of guns (including paintball guns, airsoft guns, pellet guns, etc. The University judicial process may be carried out before, simultaneously with, or following any related civil or criminal proceedings. If the mural remains unfinished at the end of that time, the mural wall will be The professional residence life staff of the center must grant any exception to this, and the decision should be made in consultation with any roommate/suitemate(s). If individuals responsible for damage cannot be identified, the residents of the building, floor, or unit will become collectively responsible for the cost of repair and/or replacement, which may include a student conduct response. Pay your share of the bills. All Residents will be held responsible for the behavior of their guest, which includes Rutgers students. To help you narrow down your dorm room checklist, here are some of the top college dorm essentials that students can use. No animals are allowed in residence halls or apartments except service dogs, other service animals in training, and pre-approved support animals. Intimidation, harassment, and assault in all forms are strictly prohibited on the Rutgers University campus and in all residence halls. It is expected that all students living in residence have read and understand the policies of on-campus living. During courtesy hours, residents in the community can ask others to reduce their volume in a respectful manner and expect immediate compliance. Any student or guest in possession of an illegal weapon in a residence hall or apartment will face possible arrest. Door-to-door sales or solicitation in the residence halls are not permitted. Failing to vacate the residence hall when directed to do so by emergency staff, residence hall staff, or the sounding of a fire/smoke alarm is prohibited. Storing or placing personal items, including but not limited to, furniture, bicycles, and e-scooters in public areas is prohibited. During your conversation about ground rules, you and your roommates will inevitably run When it comes to alcohol, first, only students of If you have early morning classes or a huge test and need your rest, it can be really difficult to fall asleep when its so loud. See the college's, Experiential Learning & Community Engagement, Responsibility for Loss of Personal Property, Room Decoration, Construction, and Furniture, Room Occupancy, College Vacations, and Summer Housing. Smoking is prohibited in all Residence Halls, Suites, Apartments or any Residential facility where students sleep. Only Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick students with a valid RU ID may purchase tickets. Residents may not reconfigure or disassemble beds or furniture on their own. Bed-in-a-bag sets are easy and inexpensive ways to get everything you need to outfit your bed. Living on campus is an integral part of the Rutgers Community. Cotton clumps together and causes stoppages at the bends in the pipes. You can get to know your roommate by discussing some of the following before they become an issue: If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission. Guests must be escorted at all times within the residence halls. They usually come with sheets, a comforter and even decorative shams. Even if youre on the university meal plan, youll want a refrigerator to store drinks and snacks in your room. If you dont want to carry your clothes and get changed in the bathroom, invest in a terry robe or bath covering. Do I have to live on campus? Bedding and Sleep Most colleges will supply By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. 1) Keep noise at a tolerable level. Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. To aid in creating this environment, it is important that all students understand what is expected of them while living on campus. Best Credit Cards for International Travel, How To Apply For Federal & Private Student Loans, How To Get A Student Loan Without Co-Signer, How To Qualify For Student Loan Forbearance. The event must be in compliance with all Rutgers University and Rutgers Residence Life, regulations including (but not limited to) maximum occupancy, fire regulations, security. During the housing preference process, students will have the option to indicate a preferred roommate. It may look like a liquid however, when it cools, it will congeal and clog up pipes. Few things will ruin your relationship with your roomie faster than an unauthorized sleepover. Girls are funny that way. Can I move in early? This includes failure to vacate the residence halls when they are closed. Individuals may not provide alcohol to anyone under the legal drinking age. Selling, transferring, or exchanging something in return for narcotics, prescription medications, or illegal substances on University property or between members of the University community. Dont Violate the Lease or the Law. When it comes to alcohol, first, only students of legal drinking age can drink. No refunds, no exchanges. For information on parking and policies visit the. Four or more lockouts or temporary key cards issued per academic year constitutes abuse of this privilege and will initiate a meeting with residence life staff. Non-UL-approved, heavy duty, 12-14 gauge corded extension cords. Items that residence life staff consider potentially harmful to students and/or others in the housing community. The residence life staff will inform the unit of the situation and give community members an opportunity to identify responsible individuals before billing or a student conduct response occurs for the entire unit. 2. Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana University BloomingtonIU Bloomington. Knowingly possession private or University property that was stolen. Hosts must receive permission from any roommate/suitemate(s) to have an overnight guest, and it is the responsibility of the host to register their guest(s). Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy Terms of Service, Side Hustles for College Students The Ultimate Guide. University housing is provided for the exclusive use of Rutgers students, as assigned by the Residence Life assignments office. Resident and student organizations registered with the university may obtain permission to sell merchandise or services in the public areas of the residence halls. These cloth and clothing items do not break down and are difficult to remove. Instead of digging your heels in when it comes to change, stay open-minded and try expanding your horizons. Before packing Fido in his travel carrier, be sure to check with your colleges pet policy to make sure your furry friend is truly welcome. Common dorm rules at university include policies on alcohol, pets, roommates and other topics. Your privacy in your dorm room is somewhat reduced. Think about your lifestyle. Students with a common backgrounds or majors might also have their own housing. 13 Essential Roommate Rules That Will Make Your Lives Easier 1.Talk about expectations and pet peeves, and set rules for roommates before moving in. General Dorm Rules. Window surfaces must be kept 25 percent clear of all opaque materials, such as aluminum foil, posters, or signs. By changing your shams or adding throw pillows, you can completely change the look as your style evolves. Review additional fire safety guidelines provided by Institutional Planning and Operations. Make a quiet pact.. And in a pinch, you can use a hair dryer to quickly dry your clothes. Room Change; Housing Rates. Each student should expect to be able to sleep, study, converse, listen to the music of their choice, etc. Residents are responsible for any activities, damages, or policy violations that occur in rooms or bathrooms to which they have been assigned when it can be reasonably shown the residents knew or reasonably should have known that the inappropriate the activity or damage occurred and the resident failed to take appropriate action to resolve the issue which includes but not limited to, activities, damages, or policy violations caused by guests. Different colleges will have different rules about this. But how often do you or 2. Flushable Wipes are NOT actually flushable as they clog the system. Electrical outlets must not be overloaded. These standards are in addition to university-wide standards expected of all Indiana University students, as outlined in theCode of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, hereafter referred to as "the Code." When in doubt, opt for a basic detergent and follow the directions. When shopping for detergent, pay attention to the labels; some detergents are meant only for high-efficiency machines. As Community members, we must also act in good faith at all times to ensure that they and others are not placed in situations that contradict the spirit or letter of our standards. Living in a residential community requires students to take independent responsibility for their own self-care and the impact of their behavior on others. Guests or residents who are present on residence hall grounds when it can be shown that residents knew or reasonably should have known that a violation(s) is/are occurring will be deemed complicit in the activity unless they immediately report the situation to a university official and/or leaves the area upon discovering the violation(s). Persons under the age of 21 are not permitted to possess or consume alcoholic beverages. While you may be looking forward to decorating your dorm with artwork and area rugs, make sure these items are also on your dorm checklist. The machine will not be refilled for two weeks from the date of the vandalism. Get a visa letter for a visiting family member? All first-year students at Indiana University are required to comply with the conditions of the residency policy approved by the Board of Trustees. Since youre sharing a bathroom with other people, you probably dont want to leave all of your stuff sitting in the shower. Each student is provided with a mailing address. Students whose behavior disrupts the community may be asked to adhere to an action plan and/or leave the residence halls if such behavior continues to disrupt the residential community. Living on campus can be a great way to make new friends and learn to be on your own. Grease should never be poured down any drain. (Verbal assault may be prosecuted as a "threat of physical abuse."). The request, however, cannot exceed the maximum occupancy limit, which isas follows: Nichols, Johnson, and Marvin Apartments are limited to a maximum of 6 people total. The following are prohibited in and around residence facilities: Propping doors open Tampering the with physical structure of a Residential space Throwing or Hanging Items from Residential buildings or attaching items to outside of a Residential building The presence of individuals or objects on a roof, roof deck, or ledge is strictly prohibited. WebAll areas in a residence hall, except for private rooms, are considered public areas. For major expenses, such as a minifridge or television, you can decide if you want to split the cost or divide up the list of college dorm room essentials. When the door of a private room is open, the room is considered a public area. What should I leave at home? As Community members, we must also act in good faith at all times to ensure that they and others are not placed in situations that contradict the spirit or letter of our standards. All attendees (guests included) must be 18 years of age or older and comply with all Rutgers University and Residence Life policies. Anything you want to hash out with your new roommate is fair game when it comes to this contract, so talk about any issues you think could lead to problems. We have provided a link on this CD below to Acrobat Reader v.8 installer. Youll need storage bins to stash your clothes, school supplies, toiletries and other items. Any form of bullying is strictly prohibited on campus and in Rutgers University residence halls. Though most college dorms will have a meeting once everyone has moved in to go over rules, nerves and tiredness may make it difficult to remember them. For the safety of other students and the integrity of our facilities, residents may not engage in any sporting activities within the residence hall rooms, lobbies, lounges, hallways or other public areas. Tiny rooms. Theyre less expensive than a new mattress and can help you get a better nights sleep. This includes washing your dishes, cleaning any spills, and taking care of leftovers in a timely manner. Back; Housing Rates; Rate Calculator; Deposit and Billing Information; The approval process can be initiated by contacting. Be open to differences When you leave home for the first time, youll meet many people who are different from youin beliefs, values, lifestyles, personalities, and Click here to view fines and sanctions for alcohol/drug offenses Any suspicion of illegal drug use in residence halls, apartments or suites will be immediately reported to Rutgers University Police. James Woodson/Digital Vision/ Thinkstock A college education is more than what you learn in the lecture halls. In addition, Rutgers policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products on each of its campuses, including all outdoor areas on campus grounds." Modification of wiring or permanent alteration to the structure of the room within a residence hall or living unit is prohibited. If youre heading to college, you may be nervous about your new home and overwhelmed about what you need to make a small living space comfortable. All residence hall room key cards and keys, including university IDs, are the property of Indiana University and may not be loaned or duplicated by residents. Residents are responsible for securing/locking their residence hall room. 8 roommate rules youll want to set Most roommates don't mind if you borrow something from time to time. Important Note: To access all the resources on this site, use the menu buttons along the top and left side of the page. This guidance may change as any public health crisis evolves. If using personal transportation to get to event/bus pick up location, event attendees must adhere to all Rutgers University parking regulations and policies. It is important that the sanitary sewer plumbing in our buildings sustain good operating condition. Additional details can be found on the RPS website at the Residency Policy website. A roommate agreement is a legally binding contract put in place that both you and your roommates agree upon and sign, before living together. University Student Housing Prospective Students Housing Rates. But with a set of bed risers, you can get extra storage space for cheap. In situations where the damages are extreme or repetitive and/or the unit is severely disruptive, the building, floor, or unit may be referred to the Residence Hall Association Judicial Board to be considered for further sanctions, which can include the unit being disbanded and the residents reassigned to other residence halls. Anything you want to If on university property, cannabis and paraphernalia will be confiscated and destroyed. A well-made bag with multiple pockets will give you enough space for your books, laptop and even your favorite water bottle. They fit over your existing mattress and can be zipped closed when you want to block out light. Shining lasers or throwing items from residence hall windows is prohibited. mural may only be painted in the space designated by the Campus Director of Residence Life and the Manager of Housing, to be the appropriate place for the mural. Take a virtual tour of any of our Residence Halls anytime! We will do our best to fulfill your roommate preference. Electrical Outlet Extenders (devices that can be screwed into a light bulb socket that has an electrical outlet the light bulb is then screwed into the extender), Electrical wiring that is homemade or otherwise modified or transformed; possessing or using an electrical extension cord over six feet long or a multiple plug into which more than two cords are attached. In accordance with theResidence Life Accidental Damage Policy, students will be held accountable for any damages to the facility as a result of any in-hall sporting activities. University recognized student groups may request permission to have a table for solicitation in the main lobby of each hall by contacting the Campus Director of Residence Life on their respective campus.
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