delaware district court case search

You're all set! U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | (RJB) (ENTERED: 08/31/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | These include the Northern District of Ohio and the Southern District of Ohio. Court records show the case was assigned to Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was confirmed by the Senate in a voice vote to her position in the District of Delaware in 2018. The Chief Judge is the Hon. #21 . Consular court case records, 1863-76. | 1:20-CV-00506 | 04/14/2020, SO ORDERED, RE #7 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME TO MOVE, ANSWER, OR OTHERWISE RESPOND TO THE COMPLAINT TO JUNE 26, 2020 (*RESET ANSWER DEADLINES: DROPWORKS, INC. ANSWER DUE 6/26/2020). In addition to U.S. District Court cases filed in the District of Delaware, UniCourt also provides you with bulk access to all federal court records and cases filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at the James A. Byrne U.S. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE)(BRITTON, ALLYSON) MODIFIED ON 3/25/2022 (NMS). (APK) (ENTERED: 05/04/2022), (#11) DECLARATION OF STEPHEN P. HALL RE #9 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM, #10 OPENING BRIEF IN SUPPORT BY META PLATFORMS, INC. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 EXHIBIT 1-3)(MOORE, DAVID) MODIFIED ON 4/29/2022 (DLW). | 1:19-CV-01983 | 10/18/2019, (#24) ORAL ORDER: FOR THE REASONS STATED ON THE MAY 22, 2020 TELECONFERENCE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS (D.I. WebThe Delaware State Courts will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2023 in observance of Independence Day. CORPORATION.REPLY BRIEF DUE DATE PER LOCAL RULES IS 11/8/2019. WebCourts . | 1:06-CV-00487 | 08/07/2006, (#49) STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL BY CARL P. JACOBS. (NMF) (ENTERED: 04/23/2009), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | WebThe PACER Case Locator (PCL) is a national index for district, bankruptcy, and appellate courts. (NMS) (ENTERED: 07/21/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | (COPY TO PLTF.) 8) RE #8 MOTION FOR PRO HAC VICE APPEARANCE OF ATTORNEY ROBYN E. MARSH, #7 RESPONSE TO MOTION FILED BY SEA PINE TECHNOLOGIES, INC., ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY. Delaware Court of Chancery: Del. WebJuvenile criminal records in Delaware are not automatically destroyed or sealed and must be manually expunged. WebIn Ohio, you can find two federal district courts. Use as a one-stop location to search all courts (appellate, bankruptcy, district) for cases. (NOTES ON FILE IN CLERK'S OFFICE) (ASW) (ENTERED: 01/08/2008), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | In addition to the courts above, New Castle also houses multiple Alderman's Courts and Justice of the Peace Courts. Justice Of The Peace Court Constable Sales. WebContact Us. 100 West Front Street. (NTL) (ENTERED: 12/07/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | USCA CASE MANAGER: SLC (DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED AND CAN ONLY BE VIEWED BY COURT STAFF) (SC, ) (ENTERED: 10/09/2013), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | OVERHEAD DOORS, LLC. Case files and court records can be found on | 1:22-CV-01191 | 09/09/2022, (#17) ANSWERING BRIEF IN OPPOSITION RE #9 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR IMPROPER VENUE FILED BY AMELIA CAI, DAVID CHOI, RICHARD DAI, JAN STASTNY.REPLY BRIEF DUE DATE PER LOCAL RULES IS 11/15/2022. REPLY BRIEF DUE 10/8/2020. In accordance with Federal and State statutes and the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of Maryland or Court: Third Circuit Delaware US District Court for the District of Delaware. Expungement/Pardon of Criminal Records. Contract COURT REPORTER: KEVIN MAURER. WebCapitalization will not affect the search. Office NumbersHours and DirectionsFee Schedule (effective December 1, 2020)Electronic Public Access Fee ScheduleObtaining Copies Of Court Documents (Rev. | 1:20-CV-01342 | 10/02/2020, (#11) ORAL ORDER RE #10 REQUEST FOR DEFAULT AS TO ANEXIO DATA CENTERS, LLC - IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT PLAINTIFF SHALL SERVE A COPY OF THE REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT ON DEFENDANT AND SHALL FILE A PROOF OF SERVICE EVIDENCING SAME ONCE COMPLETE. Contract R. APP. These courts determine who is correct by assessing the facts and applying legal principles. Contract Phone: 918-456-0691 Fax: 918-458-6587. $.10 per page. # 26, 34, 130, 131, 132, 189, 190, 191, 192 (CLA, ) (ENTERED: 09/27/2013), (#218) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING SEALED DOCUMENTS, SIGNED ON BEHALF OF BOUCHARD, MARGULES & FRIEDLANDER : D.I. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 EXHIBIT A, #2 EXHIBIT A-1, #3 EXHIBIT A-2, #4 JUDGMENT FOR SUM CERTAIN BY DEFAULT)(TARR, STANLEY) (ENTERED: 12/17/2019), REMARK: D.I. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware is David C. Weiss, who previously served as the First Assistant U.S. Attorney, and both the Acting and Interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware. The Supreme Court of Ohio maintains a list of courts in the state, including municipal, county, common pleas, claims, and appellate courts. (NMS) (ENTERED: 05/27/2020), (#10) NOTICE OF APPEARANCE BY ALEXANDRA M. EWING ON BEHALF OF DROPWORKS, INC. (EWING, ALEXANDRA) (ENTERED: 05/26/2020), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | ASSOCIATED CASES: 1:18-CV-00013-CFC, 1:18-CV-01874-CFC(NMF) (ENTERED: 12/14/2018), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | RE-SET BRIEFING SCHEDULE: RE #5 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION OVER THE PERSON DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS DUE TO LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION OR, ALTERNATIVELY, TO TRANSFER VENUE AND FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM FOR RELIEF. The court address is 1028 Lincoln Ave, Prospect Park PA 19076. As intermediate level appellate courts, their primary function is to hear appeals from the common pleas, municipal and county courts. #22 ). (NMF) (ENTERED: 03/01/2023), (#4) ORDER, DENYING REQUEST TO PROCEED INFORMA PAUPERIS. # 14, 16, 17, 19, 31, 42, 164, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 197, 198, 199 (CLA, ) (ENTERED: 09/27/2013), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | Contract 1-54) FILED BY AMNEAL PHARMACEUTICALS CO. INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, AMNEAL PHARMACEUTICALS LLC, AMNEAL PHARMACEUTICALS OF NEW YORK LLC. Intellectual Property (ATTACHMENTS: #1 EXHIBIT A, #2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE)(CHAPPLE, BENJAMIN) (ENTERED: 11/01/2019), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | ASSOCIATED CASES: 1:20-CV-01076-CFC ET AL. WebPursuant to Pa.R.J.A. | 1:22-CV-01603 | 12/16/2022, (#9) OPENING BRIEF IN SUPPORT RE #8 MOTION TO DISMISS, TO DECLINE JURISDICTION OVER THIS DECLARATORY JUDGMENT ACTION OR, ALTERNATIVELY, TO TRANSFER VENUE, FILED BY HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY FRANCHISING, LLC, SIX CONTINENTS HOTELS, INC..ANSWERING BRIEF/RESPONSE DUE DATE PER LOCAL RULES IS 2/22/2023. MILKEN'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT (D.I. WebWelcome to the Delaware Courts. Other (FMS) (ENTERED: 08/14/2020), SO ORDERED, RE (16 IN 1:20-CV-00995-CFC, 5 IN 1:20-CV-00989-CFC) STIPULATION CONSOLIDATING RELATED DERIVATIVE ACTIONS AND APPOINTING LEAD AND LIAISON COUNSEL FILED BY LESLEY SAVAGE, BRASON LEE. 05/06/2014. Search form. Diversity jurisdiction arises when a civil case involves citizens of different states, and there is more than $75,000 at issue. Save your frequent searches using the Saved Searches feature. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 PAGES 2 AND 5 OF IFP MOTION, #2 EXHIBIT HOME NOT IN DR. ARUNACHALAM'S NAME)(ARUNACHALAM, LAKSHMI) (ENTERED: 09/02/2020), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | | 1:22-CV-00841 | 06/21/2022, (#6) REMARK:CASE TRANSFERRED FROM DELAWARE HAS BEEN OPENED IN CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA AS CASE 2:22-CV-05054, FILED 07/21/2022. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 EXHIBIT A, #2 PROPOSED ORDER)(GALLAGHER, PATRICK) MODIFIED ON 5/27/2022 (NMS). (NMS) (ENTERED: 01/08/2019), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | WebSearch Delaware court records including types of courts, court cases in federal districts, trial dockets, electronic records and DE state courthouses. Until 1857, judges had to travel between Wilmington, Dover, and New Castle, Delaware by horse and carriage to hold court. SIGNED BY JUDGE SUE L. ROBINSON ON 11/24/2014. Registration or subscription is not required. | 1:18-CV-00184 | 01/31/2018, (#122) REDACTED VERSION OF #118 MOTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A GUARDIAN AND AUTHORITY TO SETTLE A CLAIM BY THEODORE A. SCHWAB, CLAIRE WILKERSON SCHWAB. CORPORATION. 07/10/2023 JP17-23-001102. SIGNED BY JUDGE GREGORY M. SLEET ON 3/4/2015. Type the name of a federal court to find links to login to CM/ECF or search by other information unique to that court, like their contact information, RSS feed, county codes, and flag definitions. UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. | 1:19-CV-01895 | 10/07/2019, (#25) REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT BY UNITED STATES. ***CIVIL CASE TERMINATED*** (MDB) (ENTERED: 03/04/2015), (#176) NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA TO HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT CO FILED BY MICHAEL MILKEN. Cause Of Action: 15 U.S.C. VG Enterprises, S.A. v. Dawa Line Co., Ltd. Antilles Family Office, LLC v. Inception Mining, Inc. ASV Georgia Holdings, LLC v. Hunsaker Properties, LLC et al, Pennsylvania Manufacturers Indemnity Company v. Six Continents Hotels, Inc. et al. Black Hawk County Courthouse 316 East 5th St. Waterloo, IA 50703 Chief Judge. You can get easy access to the court dockets, court documents, transcripts, and legal data you need on the parties, attorneys, law firms, and judges involved in court cases in the Delaware District. WebPennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy Court. (NMG) (ENTERED: 07/22/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | If there are multiple plaintiffs or multiple defendants, no plaintiff can be a citizen of the same state as any defendant. Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court. (ENTERED: 06/01/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | (KMD) (ENTERED: 06/03/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | GAFFIGAN.) (ATTACHMENTS: #1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE)(DAY, JOHN) (ENTERED: 11/08/2022), (#16) SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLAINT AGAINST DEFENDANTS AADI BHANTI AND DROPMINTS, INC., BY AMELIA CAI, DAVID CHOI, RICHARD DAI, JAN STASTNY. (NMG) (ENTERED: 07/22/2022), CASE ELECTRONICALLY TRANSFERRED TO THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA. Other Contract (ENTERED: 05/26/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | 7) AND PLAINTIFFS' MOTION AND ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE (D.I. UniCourt also gives you real-time, bulk access to the entire PACER database of civil and criminal federal court data from the Delaware District through our PACER API. Actions. | 1:22-CV-00466 | 04/10/2022, SO ORDERED, RE #15 UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OR OTHERWISE PLEAD (*RESET ANSWER DEADLINES: IMPERIUM3 NEW YORK, INC. ANSWER DUE 7/15/2022; FRANK POULLAS ANSWER DUE 7/15/2022; CHAITANYA SHARMA ANSWER DUE 7/15/2022; SHAILESH UPRETI ANSWER DUE 7/15/2022; IM3NY, LLC ANSWER DUE 7/15/2022). WebSearch for a case in the federal court where the case was filed, or Search a nationwide index of federal court cases. Search for court records online in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and lookup case information you need on federal litigation across the State of Delaware. 1:20-CV-00989-CFC. % $ # " ! (ATTACHMENTS: #1 EXHIBIT A)(MICKLER, FREDERICK) (ENTERED: 12/13/2019), SO ORDERED RE #12 STIPULATION (SET BRIEFING SCHEDULE: RE #5 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM; MOTION TO DISMISS FOR INSUFFICIENCY OF SERVICE OF PROCESS - REPLY BRIEF DUE 12/13/2019). The deal needs Noreika's signoff. (CG1) (ENTERED: 01/23/2018), (#72) NOTICE OF DOCKETING RECORD ON APPEAL FROM USCA FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT RE #71 NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE THIRD CIRCUIT, FILED BY SAUL BRESALIER. (NTL) (ENTERED: 02/13/2020), (#8) MOTION FOR PRO HAC VICE APPEARANCE OF ATTORNEY JOCELYN R. CUTTINO, EMILY CUNEO DESMEDT, AND ELIZABETH A. JOHNSON - FILED BY CHRISTIANA CARE HEALTH SYSTEM, INC.. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 CERTIFICATION BY COUNSEL TO BE ADMITTED PRO HAC VICE OF JOCELYN R. CUTTINO, #2 CERTIFICATION BY COUNSEL TO BE ADMITTED PRO HAC VICE OF EMILY CUNEO DESMEDT, #3 CERTIFICATION BY COUNSEL TO BE ADMITTED PRO HAC VICE OF ELIZABETH A. JOHNSON)(BARILLARE, JODY) (ENTERED: 02/12/2020), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | WebPowell et al v. Ford Motor Company. Contract Unlike UniCourt,PACER charges for every case search you make on their platform, even if the search terms you used do not produce any results. Lena Heit Phone: 319 FILED BY SMC NETWORKS, INC.. (O'KELLY, SEAN) (ENTERED: 10/17/2018), (#9) ORAL ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT THE PARTIES SHALL CONFER REGARDING PROPOSED DATES IN THE SCHEDULING ORDER AND SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOSED ORDER, INCLUDING A PROPOSAL FOR THE LENGTH AND TIMING OF TRIAL, TO THE COURT NO LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS ORDER. Customize a simple search to include advanced search features such as region and date range. WebPACER Case Locator Features. Below displays a list of the most recent opinions. If you need assistance finding records, consider seeking help from your local library, the Indiana State Library, or the Indiana Supreme Court Law Library.. #26 AND THE DOCKET TEXT CORRECTED. The Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) case management system will be implemented in Baltimore City on May 6, 2024. | 1:14-CV-00697 | 06/02/2014, (#19) ORDER: ON OR BEFORE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014, EACH PARTY OR EACH PARTY GROUP SHALL EMAIL TO CHIEF MAGISTRATE JUDGE THYNGE, WITH A COPY TO HER JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, CATHLEEN KENNEDY, THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THE ORDER. THE PROPOSED ORDER FILED AT THAT ENTRY HAS NOW BEEN ADDED AS AN ATTACHMENT AT D.I. Box 527 Manchester, IA 52057 Phone: 563-927-4942 Fax: 563-927-1748 Case Scheduling Personal Injury Contract | 1:22-CV-00845 | 06/22/2022, (#17) ORAL ORDER: IT IS ORDERED THAT THE PARTIES ARE TO SUBMIT A JOINT PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 12, 2022. Filing may be accomplished by filing a paper original and a specified number of copies in the Courts filing office, or by electronic filing via the PACFile appellate court electronic filing system. WebHow Do I Find Court Records in Delaware. (DALTON, ANDREW) (ENTERED: 04/06/2020), REDACTION NOTICE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION G OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES GOVERNING FILING AND SERVICE BY ELECTRONIC MEANS, REDACTED VERSIONS OF SEALED DOCUMENTS SHALL BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THE FILING OF THE SEALED DOCUMENT. WebThe Kansas judicial branch collects data about the roughly 400,000 court cases handled each year by district courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court. The federal district courts are the trial courts in the federal court system. Iowa Multiple County Court Dockets Calendars. Web21.9 Records of U.S. District and Other Courts in Delaware 1790-1988 . There are two main situations in which a federal court holds jurisdiction over a case. 124, but the specific The above links use Google Translate, a free online language translation service. REDACTION REQUEST DUE 11/5/2014. THE FILES OF THE CONSOLIDATED DERIVATIVE ACTION WILL BE MAINTAINED IN ONE MASTER FILE UNDER LEAD C.A. Friday-Dillard v. Christiana Care Health System, Inc. Walker v. City of Harrington Delaware et al. UniCourt gives you access to U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records across the State of Delaware, so you can search a range of different types of bankruptcy cases including Chapter 7, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 15. | 1:23-CV-00347 | 03/28/2023, PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEYS J. CAMERON TRIBBLE AND ROY E. BARNES FOR CHRISTINE HUNSAKER, HUNSAKER PROPERTIES, LLC ADDED FOR ELECTRONIC NOTICING. Republicans have mostly railed against the deal since it was publicly released Tuesday, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) leading the backlash among GOP lawmakers. IN SUPPORT OF DIRECT PURCHASER CLASS PLAINTIFFS' UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF NET SETTLEMENT FUND, # 3 EXHIBIT DECLARATION OF ROBERT OSEAS OF EPIQ CLASS ACTION & CLAIMS SOLUTIONS, INC. Records of the office of the clerk and U.S. $ & " $ ! Intellectual Property WebThe federal district courts are the trial courts in the federal court system. Court of Chancery Calendar for the week June 26 2023 through June 30 2023. (KJM) (ENTERED: 05/10/2013), (#50) ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT RE PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $120,000 (ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS) AND A CONTRIBUTORY AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000 (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS) IN FAVOR OF RICHARD SMUTEK. WebThis website provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. RELEASE OF TRANSCRIPT RESTRICTION SET FOR 8/8/2013. | 1:22-CV-00580 | 04/29/2022, (#10) ANSWERING BRIEF IN OPPOSITION RE #5 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION OVER THE PERSON DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS DUE TO LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION OR, ALTERNATIVELY, TO TRANSFER VENUE AND FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM FOR RELIEF FILED BY HAIWEN CHEN.REPLY BRIEF DUE DATE PER LOCAL RULES IS 6/24/2022. Dareh Gregorian is a politics reporter for NBC News. Customize a simple search to include advanced search features such as region and date range. $47.00 file/index fee per document. PACER - Case Search Only; Attorney Filers for CM/ECF; Non-attorney Filers for CM/ECF; Group Billing; Register for an Account Overview; Find a Delaware County Magisterial District Court is located in Delaware county in Pennsylvania. The main type of record the federal courts create and maintain is a case file, which contains a docket sheet and all documents filed in a case. For criminal cases, the MiCOURT Case Search will currently only display case information for convictions if the sentencing occurred within the last seven years. WebLookup Delaware county court records in PA with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. The court address is PO Box 407, Jay, OK 74346. and the fax number is 918-253-5739. Jury Fax Number: 302-573-6189. SIGNED BY JUDGE COLM F. CONNOLLY ON 9/28/2022. RAMAN'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT (D.I. (NTL) (ENTERED: 07/22/2022), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | (FINEMAN, STEVEN) (ENTERED: 12/11/2019), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | 302-252-2900. Certified copy of any case document available from Clerk's office. For those inquiries, please contact Family Court at 302-255-0300 in New Castle County, 302-672-1000 in Kent County and 302-855-7400 in Sussex County. Other | 1:08-CV-00388 | 06/25/2008, (#29) REVISED JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF MARNAVI SPA AGAINST ADVANCED POLYMER SCIENCES INC. | 1:20-CV-01269 | 09/21/2020, (#9) NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PLAINTIFFS' RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE ANSWER (D.I. Property Judges typically abide by the terms of such agreements, but not always. Public Records Policy. (MKR) (ENTERED: 01/26/2023), U.S. District Courts | Delaware District Court | SIGNED BY JUDGE MARY PAT THYNGE ON 5/19/2008. Del.) View court service and motion day schedules for Allamakee, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Chickasaw, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Grundy, Howard, and Winneshiek Counties. | 1:18-CV-01506 | 09/27/2018, CASE CLOSED PER #12 . Pennsylvania Middle District Court. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Delaware State Police, Jill Biden, Delaware Forensic Examiner's Office, Hunter Biden, Curtis C. Dunn, Office of the Attorney General for Delaware and Wilmington City District Attorneys Office: Case Number: 1:2020cv01351: Filed: October 6, 2020: Court: US District Court for the District of Delaware: Presiding | 1:18-CV-01223 | 08/09/2018, (#20) REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT BY CABELA'S LLC RE #5 MOTION TO DISMISS BASED ON LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION AND IMPROPER VENUE, OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, TO TRANSFER THIS CASE TO THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA.

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