They said hell be given a tough sentence. Because it was two tired. Weve pulled together some of the very best dad jokes, aka the most groan-worthy of the bunch, and are giving you two options to enjoy them. It led to massive delays, cancellations, diversions, as well as crews and aircraft out of position. We have lots of holiday-specific jokes, too, including Thanksgiving jokes, Halloween jokes, Easter jokes and Valentine's Day jokes. She hasnt realized it yet, but I know the thyme is cumin. Question: What was the moon's parenting advice to earth? 48. 51 Funny Bee Jokes That Will Bring a Swarm of Laughs. Question: What is a robot's favorite food? Attire. But really its because theyre all dead. Because the pee is silent. How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? Question: Why did the neutron get free drinks? Because it was framed. According to FlightAware, there were 8,330 delays and 769 cancellations within, into, or out of the U.S. on Thursday. 108 Corny Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud, See Mariska Hargitay Slay at the Eras Tour on IG. But were going to answer anyway. It has an ex axis and a why axis. Question: What do basketball players and farmers have in common? What lights up a soccer stadium? Some people think prison is one word, but to robbers, it's the whole sentence. For example, we shared a bunch on our Facebook Page, and they got a lot of laughs. What do you call a black man flying a plane? 36. Maybe we left the worst dad jokes for the second page? Police have arrested the World Tongue-Twister Champion. Previously, she was an editor at Verizon Media. Question: What do scuba divers wear to sleep? 43. Question: Why did the cookie stay in bed all day? 68. 109. Why cant you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? These jokes and puns are guaranteed to make kids giggle, teens roll their eyes, and dad's partner sigh heavily as he throws yet another cheesy but clever dad joke out into the universe. 84. I was attacked by 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9. Question: What did the omelet say to the plate? Loafers. What did the lettuce say to the celery? A witch's vehicle goes brrrroom brrrroom! I guess they drank the t. I dont trust stairs. 77. Question: What is the most tired animal in the savannah? Now a Business Owner Himself, LinkedIn Changed Its Algorithms Here's How Your, 'Focus Is Just as Important as Passion': How to Avoid. 5 r/dadjokes 1 comment u/The_Baconbitz Oct 22 2016 report That girl with only fans 5. But dont take my word for it. Whats the difference between a poorly-dressed man on a tricycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle? 97. You boil the hell out of it. 64. Whats the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle? Joke: We won't say which of our three kids is our favorite, but we tell them all they each made the final top three! Question: What's a mummy's favorite music? Why did the scarecrow win an award? Find her on Twitter at @EmilyKRella. I thought about going on an all-almond diet. Answer: He was all wrapped up with something else. 11. An attempt at being cheeky by the Federal Aviation Agency on Twitter didn't exactly land with disgruntled customers. It might be tempting to sigh and roll your eyes when your father lets a corny joke rip, but remember, he is telling a joke for the sole purpose of making you smile. What do you call a sad cup of coffee? I tell dad jokes, but I dont have any kids. Joke: I get plenty of exercise. Whats the best part about living in Switzerland? Because sometimes we sit on the ground, wrap our arms around our knees, and then lean forward thats just how we roll! or jail time. 15. 72. 10. Beside his ear. Where was King Davids temple located? What are scientists favorite dog breed? I have a joke about being an electrician, but its too shocking. 14. 55. 78. Question: What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa on Christmas night? Nobody saw it coming! Question: How do fleas like to travel? Question: Why don't people tell a lot of jokes about baseball? Ive often heard that icy is the easiest word to spell. But take a look at me now. Looking at it now, I see why. They love to dunk their food. Answer: They tend to be barkseat drivers. A joke can ease tension, earn a laugh, and bond a father to his darlings. Question: What do sweet potatoes do with instruments? Were kind and thoughtful that way! Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Go dads! When joke-telling with children, the punchline doesn't have 5/4 of people admit that theyre bad with fractions. Check out this breakdown of the best jobs for introverts. I always knock on the fridge before I open it. 81. 77. There are certain prerequisites before something gets properly classified as a Dad Joke. If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels. Whats black and white and read all over? I know, it really came out of the purple. What do you call cheese that isnt yours? Did you know thatHooters now offershome delivery? 64. Question: What do you call a penniless Santa? Thanks for sharing and linking up with me! Leave the writing for pens and pencils. 110. Its so hot the catfish are already fried when you catch them. Its like funny home decor, only on your computer screen. 27. Answer: New Year's Eve, because he can steal a kiss. Question: What vegetation has trouble growing in forests? Goodbye boiling water, you will be mist. Thats a ridiculous question! I switched the labels on my wifes spice rack. It was the best dam documentary I have ever seen. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 39. Answer: Milk and cookies. 34. Answer: Remove all of their credit cards. Question: What did the pig say while lying on the beach? What do you call a well-balanced horse? Most people think that the T-Rex cant clap because its arms are too short. Question: Where did the pepper and the cucumber go after work? What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? Question: What do dads and turkeys have in common? What kind of tea is hard to swallow? They are great at being ghoul keepers. 93. 45. Answer: Neither! After all, theres just something about a super clich and predictable one-liner that gives it the ability to elicit a big belly laugh from even those with the driest of humor. A majority of the country thinks that at least 20 percent of Americans at least one in five of us are gay or lesbian. Well, toucan play at that game. I dont know what he laced them with, but Ive been trippin all day! People said Id never get over my obsession with Phil Collins. Frostbite. We'll be in your inbox every morning Monday-Saturday with all the days top business news, inspiring stories, best advice and exclusive reporting from Entrepreneur. What does corn say when it gets a compliment? Theres only one way to find out! 21. Generally (but not always) inoffensive, the best dad jokes bring back a simpler time in your familys life, when the younger members would laugh at practically anything the patriarch would say PLUS they offer the opportunity to embarrass the ever-living crap out of grown children when they should be too old to care. Joke: To drive an electric car, do you need a "current" license? Dot the dining experience with a couple of food-related jokes that only dads can pull off. A cant opener. Dads love a well-executed joke, and the cornier or more obvious, the better! 57. But the best thing about corny jokes is that they dont have to be one size fits all. 80. 14. What did the tomato say to the other tomato during a race? Question: What is the coolest scientific discipline? Someone threw a giant bottle of omega-3 pills at me. The Broom. So, in other words, they are the absolute best thing EVER! Question: Which athletes are messiest? Those have been pretty AMAZING so far, wouldnt you agree? 103. What did the yoga instructor say when her landlord tried to evict her? 100. 103. I have a joke about time travel, but you guys didnt get it. One says to the other: Does this taste funny to you?. They just take your money and run. Policeman: Whose car is this, where are you taking it, and what do you do for a living? Miner: Mine.. Otherwise, its just a bad joke. Me: (Screams) Therapist: I see. 108. 58. These jokes about bananas are simply smashing; they'll a-peel to anyone! Taking the family on a road trip can be a lot of work for the guy in the driver's seat. Our expertly crafted list of corny jokes is also great for any and every occasion. Went out. 19. After all, not everyone is a big fan of this particular brand of comedy gold. 52. 16. What did the football coach say to the broken vending machine? WOW, what an amazing collection of Dad Jokes I knew a few of them (from my Dad) but a bunch of them were new to me! Two cannibals are eating a clown. Answer: Put a bag of sugar under your pillow. It looks like weve come to the end of the list. What did the triangle say to the circle? 10-tickles! Joke: Someone told me to spell part backward, but I wasn't about to fall for that trap! 5. 56. 65. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the joke pool, were not done yet! 90. I was petrified. Question: What do you call a sleeping woodcutter? What do sprinters eat before they race? Related: 90 Questions About the '90s You HAVE To Ask Gen Z 50 Question: Why did the fish take music lessons? Otherwise, its just a bad joke. 96. Here are the best funny jokes for teens, clean jokes for teens and overall stupid but good jokes. Remains to be seen. I made a graph of all my past relationships. 62. 26. A waist of money. Answer: They are always the first ones to squeal. Enjoy! 73. Question: What happens when a football player has a problem? Question: What does a witch always look for in a hotel? Im going to go with. Ill let you know. He has to keep his eyes on the road, doesn't get to join in many of the fun car games and activities, and has to figure out something to occupy the long stretch of time. I wasnt shocked. Its impossible to put down! What do you call a magician that looses his magic? 107. Question: What did the tortilla say to the meat and cheese when they were having an argument? Answer: Because of all the fans they pack in there. What did the nut say to the other nut in a game of tag? Answer: Because everything flies right over people's heads. What noise does a 747 make when it bounces? Answer: Do your best to keep palm and not lose your temper. 95. 83. Because theyre extinct. Question: What do you do when you see a fork in the road? What is the best time on a clock? Or that you insist on telling (if you happen to be the Dad in this particular situation). Question: How did the penguin build the birdhouse? Him: No, the cars are much faster. Dogs can't operate MRI machines but catscan. According to a British newspaper, Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficker is causing problems for the guards and inmates at her Florida prison. 3. 46. He died of an enlarged heart, and when the news spread in our neighborhood, well-meaning friends and acquaintances would walk up to my brother and me and tell us, Your 75. 01:15 AM - 30 Oct 2022. What kind of doctor was Dr. Pepper? Question: Why did one atom break up with another atom? I want to go on a diet, but I feel like I have way too much on my plate right now. 29. With Fathers Day just around the corner, we thought it was the perfect time to celebrate and denigrate Dads particular sense of humor with this collection of 111 of the best dad jokes (or worst dad jokes, depending on your perspective). Her coverage spans features, business, lifestyle, tech, entertainment, and lifestyle. You know what Im talking about those knee-slapping dad jokes that your father insists on telling. Judge: Its a fine. 21. Question: Why did the banana stay home? 63. 25. Question: Why can't Cinderella ever make a sports team? How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow? 70. 72. Did you hear about the sensitive burglar? 2:48. 80. 55. 101. I dont trust atoms. Its so hot you realize asphalt has 20. in magazine journalism. Constitutional questions surrounded the looming decision on President Biden's student loan forgiveness program that would have eliminated federal student loan debt for about 20 million people. I was going to tell a time-traveling joke, but you guys didnt get it. My daughter screeched, Daaaaaad, you havent listened to one word Ive said, have you! That makes me a faux pa. Why did the picture go to jail? Dismiss. I dont know and I dont care. Question: Where do dads keep all of their funnies? What happens when a snowman throws a tantrum? It's also an especially contentious time for travelers ahead of the holiday weekend, with some passengers already stranded in major hubs like Denver and New York due to storms and other issues. 102. You know he thinks he is on stage, performing jokes for crowds of adoring fans. True, dad jokes tend to be cheesy, but they are almost always well-intentioned, and we love dads for their great effort. Question: What did the mama bat say to the baby bat who couldn't fall asleep? Why dont astronomers like Orions Belt? 100. Dad: Because I'm taking a bath. My daughter Chewbacca not so much. Just saying. 73. 79. Somebody just threw a jar of mayonnaise at me. 9. What did the cucumber say to the pickle? Question: Why didn't Santa go down the chimney? She is a graduate of Syracuse University, where she received a B.A. Likely to his son. 74. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? Joke: Never talk to trees on the account that they tend to be shady. What do you calla crocodile thatis a detective? 32. 91. Im reading a book about anti-gravity. 59. At first, I was afraid. So, I packed up my stuff and right. You look flushed. 20. Weve pulled together a MASSIVE collection of 111 of the Best / Worst Dad Jokes, and created memes out of them. (A biology-related Dad Joke, in case you missed that). There are, however, Guncle Jokes which are like Dad Jokes, but far more fabulous! (A variation on the theme)Why cant you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? If athletes get athletes foot, what do elves get? Damaging Results of The Mandated Return to Office. These dad jokes are super sciency ways to get the gang giggling and thinking! What kind of shoes does a lazy person wear? The FAA also reduced capacity at several major airports due to air traffic control staffing issues on top of inclement weather. How do you make holy water? Answer: Basketball players. 46. A fizz-ision. Answer: Hockey, but they are mostly there for the zam-bony. To maximize your reach, it's time to share "knowledge and advice.". 21. 18. Looking for more laughs? Bro, Many parents are drawn to the fantastical realm of dragons, fairies, spells, witches, and wizards, and their love of mystical wonders might spur their baby name journey. 76. Question: Which hand is best to write with? LOL, I had such a giggle. Question: What does an astronaut put on a sandwich? What do you get from a pampered cow? Why cant you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom? Whats small and red and has a rough voice? My mother always used to say The way to a mans heart is through his stomach Lovely woman; terrible surgeon. 40. Question: Why did the mummy miss Halloween? 41. 59. Labs. Im not joking, but he is. 105. Question: How do you keep a bull from charging? 67. Him: I race cars. 11. The Briish one made me laugh (being from the UK)! 67. 108. Nice guy. Why do mushrooms get invited to all the parties? Shout out to the people asking what the opposite of in is. Question: Why did the turkey fearlessly approach the hunter? I ordered a chicken and an egg online. Question: What do you do when road tripping through Florida traffic? Question: Why do you want to date a hockey player? Question: What did the proton say to the neutron? What do you call a cow with no legs? All the fruits go on vacation in Pear-is. Answer: You better take an umbrella, it looks like "rain," deer. These one-liners might be good enough to help him get there someday. 30. However, social media users became agitated at the agency for making jokes amid a rough year of mass cancelations and delays. 47. What do clouds wear under their shorts? Whether you are gathering the family for Thanksgiving, celebrating the Christmas season, or dressing up to spook the neighborhood during Halloween, the holidays are prime times to slip in a few funny dad jokes. Try easy to understand jokes for little kids, and jokes that really get the mental wheels turning (and the eyes rolling) for older kids and teens. 85. Buzzworthy bee jokes are the best dose of sweetness! It may seem unreasonable to many, but some people simply dont appreciate a well-timed, punny comment. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? What do you get when you cross a fish and an elephant? 70. I can tell just by looking at them. The dry-erase board is the most remarkable invention. 105. How could anyone possibly know the answer to that question? I misplaced Dwayne Johnsons cutting tool for the origami workshop I cant believe I lost the Rocks Paper Scissors. Everybody! Hands down. On Tuesday, the FAA These jokes about school will make you the talk of the class! Question: Why are elephants such good travelers? To me this is the ultimate dad joke. Her: Do you win many races? What do you call a belt made out of hundred-dollar bills? 6:30. How did the two cats end their fight? 49. Answer: The kitchen sink. The odds were against me. Question: Why should you never fall for a tennis player? A joke can ease tension, earn a laugh, and bond a father to his darlings. Boeing, Boeing, Boeing. Question: What did mama corn say to baby corn? 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. In her spare-time she can be found scrolling TikTok for the latest cleaning hacks and restaurant openings, binge-watching seasons of Project Runway or online shopping. Question: Why are pigs the hardest animals to keep on a farm? Joke: I had a joke about a book, but it was tearable. Twitter: @RebeccaPapin. 92. Therapist: You are? Question: What do you call a reindeer with no manners? 62. Most people in the country have a last name reflecting one of these cultural naming traditions. 51. 91. And like live & in-person Dad Jokes they get better and better the more often you read them, tell them, share them, and read them again. Women 35. Question: What do you call a bear that is missing his ears? We're Now Finding Out The Damaging Results of The Mandated Return to Office And It's Worse Than We Thought. Do you know whats remarkable? Of course not. What did the worker at the rubber band factory say when he was fired? Dear Math, it's time to Plus, having a few corny jokes to fall back on when youre in need of a pickup line or an icebreaker for work is an invaluable necessity. Question: Why are basketball players always forgetting where they live? Question: How can you measure how long you sleep? Close the storybooks and break out a few dad jokes to send the kids to sleep with a smile on their face. 50. You cant. 33. I just watched a program about beavers. Otherwise, youre a faux pa. A dad. First, the joke needs to be told by a Dad. First off, if Ive told you once, Ive told you a million times dont exaggerate. Question: What did the planets think of the solar system's new restaurant? We hope you enjoyed, laughed, groaned, shook your head with frustration at least twice, and shared the heck out of all of these amazing Dad Joke Memes in honor of the best Dad in your life, even if that is you! What do you call a can opener thats broken? 20+ Best Dad Jokes From Corny to Punny to Actually Pretty Hilarious The whole family will be cracking up or at least pretend to be. Did you know that 97% of the people in the world are stupid? Answer: Because they always have a trunk on hand. Answer: Those long days really leave them fried. Whiteboards. 104. 54. Ridiculously bad.So bad that people are left shaking their heads. Prosecutors in Chicago dismissed murder charges brought against a 35-year-old mother and her 14-year-old son in the shooting death at a hot dog stand after Break up the big game with a few sports-themed jokes that dads will love telling. The Best Dad Jokes to Make Kids Laugh. Hea a cereal killer. My eye doctor just told me that Im color blind. Im fine I only suffered super fish oil injuries. Secondly, it has to be amusing, but somewhat corny. Make sure dear old dad feels the love by giving him a fitting father nickname! Some were so bad they are actually very good. Spring is here and I got so excited I wet my plants. 94. Technically, yes. And even though you want to pretend that you hate them there is something ultimately endearing about a well-timed Dad Joke. Question: What did the lamp say to the table? 49. 1forrest1. How many DIY buffs does it take to change a light bulb? Why can't you trust the king of the jungle? Question: Why should you never trust an atom? 19. Question: Who is the sweetest actor in all of Hollywood? Spring is here! 44. Question: Why should you always have a first date at the gym? 23. Anna one, Anna two! When joke-telling with children, the punchline doesn't have to be genius, it only has to be silly and understandable for the kids on the receiving end of the wisecrack. These ringers are sure to add to the holiday spirit and continue dad's reigning title as Champion of the Dad Jokes. I'm afraid of speed bumps, but I am slowly getting over it. Question: What did the 90-degree angle say when he got the answer correct? I showed my empty coffee cup to the IT guy and told him that I just finished Installing Java. He hates me. Question: Why did Dracula pass out on New Year's Eve? Question: What did the bread say to the peanut butter and jelly? Dad: Would you like anything to eat for dinner? Son: What are my choices? Dad: Yes or no. I asked: What are you doing? He said: Working from home.. Dad: I'm in hot water. I dont know, but the flag is a big plus. By Alesandra Dubin Published: ? I told her it was a strange way to start a conversation. If only my late father was still alive theres a few here hed love! Theyre always up to something. I didnt think orthopedic shoes would help. I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. Have you ever tried eating a clock? Hot Laughs 30+ Hilarious Summer Jokes That Are Sure To Make A Splash Unlike oysters, we aren't shellfish with our puns by Lilian Ogbuefi Updated: Aug. 11, 2022 Originally What is the most ground-breaking invention of all time? 2023 Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 47. By Emily Rella Jun 30, 2023. Save and share your favorites with your Dad this Fathers Day. 44. I spent a lot of time, money, and effort child-proofing my Answer: Because of all the traveling they do. What goes up and down but doesnt move? 66. If towels could tell jokes, I think they'd have a very dry sense of humor. But thats just nuts. Whats the difference between ignorance and indifference? Question: Why do frogs play basketball? Yesterday, I was washing the car with my son. 69. 101. "The FAA reduced the arrival rates by 40 percent and the departure rates by 75 percent," the email said. Answer: Milk! Companies knew the mandated return to the office would cause some attrition, however, they were not prepared for the serious problems that would present. He replied: Aisle B, back.. 88. 65. The I.C.U. Question: What did one pickle say to the other pickle when it was having a bad day? 37. They are notorious for their dribbling. Question: What animal has the most trouble falling asleep? Recently, a Google Alert informed me that I am the subject of deepfake pornography. What do you call a constipated detective? 98. The FAA then tagged Ryan Seacrest, who was named the new host of "Wheel of Fortune" earlier this week, in an attempt to be a part of the conversation. Emily Rella How many apples grow on a tree? "That is almost certainly a reflection of understaffing/lower experience at the FAA. Hes a web designer. Me: Im terrified of random letters. Im trying to learn the alphabet but I cant get past the letter X. I dont know why. Thanks for sharing at Fiesta Friday. 2. Enter: Road trip dad jokes. British people be like: Im bri ish. They will drag those smiles out while serving as excellent ways of starting conversations about science. If you see a robbery at an Apple Store, does that make you an iWitness? 40. So funny, and so very much Dad-like! Why its the best: Its the laugh at his joke at the end that really sells it. What do you call a chicken that is staring at a lettuce? Lastly, your Dad (or you as the Dad) has to find it absolutely hilarious, even if the audience does not agree. People these days are too judgmental. Its so hot the frozen pizza I bought at the grocery store was ready to eat by the time I got home. 24. I have a joke about hunting for fossils, but you probably My wife told me to take the spider out instead of killing him. I was like: What the Hellman!. The oldest computer can be traced back to Adam and Eve. I'm worried for the calendar because its days are numbered. Question: What is a skeleton's favorite dish at a bbq? Question: Where do aliens park their cars? 53. Question: What is a grasshopper's favorite sport? Deal with it. Question: Do you by chance know Pavlov? It takes a certain kind of humor to truly appreciate a good, solid dad joke in 2023. Question: What beverage moves at the speed of light? Because thats how I roll! It is one of the world's only privately owned manned submersibles capable of reaching depths of 4000 metres below sea level. If youve heard them once, youve probably heard them a thousand times. Answer: Hmmm, not sure, but the name rings a bell. My son Luke loves that we named our children after Star Wars characters. Her: What do you do? It is time for the kids to hit the sheets, but no one seems to be tired! Question: Why do you never take dogs on road trips? Just in case theres a salad dressing. Entrepreneur and its related marks are registered trademarks of Entrepreneur Media Inc. By 18. 22. Have your very own, absolute favorite Dad Joke??? Question: How did the daddy planet get the baby planet to sleep? Where do polar bears keep their money? My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns. 99. 87. Judge: I order you to pay $10,000 Mario: Why? Question: Why is the moon jealous of the sun? I asked the toy store clerk where the Arnold Schwarzenegger action figures were. What job did the frog have at the hotel? 41. Answer: Because to them, love don't mean a thing! 75 Spectacular Space Jokes & Puns That Will Light Up Your Year, 45 Banana Jokes to Get Your Whole Bunch Laughing. I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. And that put everyone behind the eight ball when weather actually did hit on Sunday and was further compounded by FAA staffing shortages Sunday evening.". My wife: Why dont you stop telling terrible Dad jokes and write a book instead? Me: Thats a novel idea.. 94. 84. Memes are far easier to read than basic text on a white screen. Cameron (she/her) is a staff writer for Good Housekeeping, where she covers everything from holidays to food. Question: Who are Santa's favorite women on Christmas? 97. I just saw a burglar kicking his own door in. 22. What did one toilet say to another? Joke: Never discuss science with a scientist until they pop a few experi-mints. Rebecca Papin @RebeccaPapin. Why shouldnt you write with a broken pen? Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Dad, Im hungry! with the Dad Joke response of Hello, Hungry, Im Dad!. On Tuesday, the FAA tweeted a timely joke using a photo from "Wheel of Fortune" that spelled out "unruly passengers," saying that there was "nothing puzzling about bad behavior on a flight. Naturally, Twitter users expressed their frustration. ), What is mitosis? 25. Two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks. Answer: Keep trying and you'll get the hang of it. Because he was outstanding in his field. Especially since his name is Steve. Ok, maybe you didnt ask. But I stand corrected. Why couldnt the bad sailor learn the alphabet? What did the drummer name her twin daughters? I was recently having a conversation about the nature of dad jokes and now I am completely up to speed on this type of humor! Ground beef. Want a career that leaves you fulfilled and doesn't take up too much social energy? 95. What is an astronauts favorite part of the computer? Question: What is a scientist's favorite way to capture their own image? And there you have it. 6. Question: What did one camper say to the other camper? Where do you takesomeone who has beeninjured playinghide and seek? Why shouldnt you tell secrets in a cornfield? It is very draining. Question: What did the mama cow say to the baby cow late at night? Question: Why didn't the ghost go to the party? Answer: He wasn't "peeling" up for a hangout. Luckily, Im part of the other 8%! Whats Forrest Gumps password? What do you call a bear with no teeth? Please Note: Due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, orders are taking longer than normal to ship. Share it with us in the comments below!!! Answer: Soccer. I cant remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 in Roman numerals. Question: Why are football stadiums cool? Question: What did you see when the werewolf bent over? But thats what some of the best dad jokes are really all about! Question: When the tectonic plates bumped into one another what did they say?