(College of Education) )Health AdministrationHospitality and Tourism ManagementInnovation EntrepreneurshipLegal Compliance Management (Certificate is not admitting students at this time. Elementary Education Neumann University is a private, Catholic, co-educational college in the Franciscan tradition. If you have a major and only want to explore minors, you can select "Minor" under Degree Options. Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature with Linguistics Concentration Supply Chain Management Engineering and Computer Science department, For more information about the MS track, reach out to the Mathematical Sciences department. Students must enroll in the degree program in the subject they wish to teach. University Honors core seminars that focus on topics central to a liberal arts education. (College of Science) Studio/Fine Arts (College of Science) Geosciences (College of Education) Three tracks, each requiring 12 credits, constitute the minor and certificate: Information Technology (IT), Computer Science (CS) and Mathematical Sciences (MS). (College of Nursing) Biological Sciences (Honors College) Apr 2022 - Present1 year 3 months - Increased Instagram followers by 70% in 7 months - Contributed to a 85.5% increase in Instagram engagement - Creating graphics & room layouts for events -. Physics In addition, students are expected to complete 12 credits in courses that are specially designated as honors courses and also fulfill General Education requirements. Geosciences The Internet has made a tremendous impact on society. Exceptional Student Education Must achieve an overall GPR of 2.5 in approved minor field of study coursework. Harvard Extension School: Cyber Security Certificate. Typically, students in the University Honors Program are expected to take four seminars during their freshman year. Psychology (College of Arts and Letters) and Operations Management (in the College of Business), Computer and Electrical Engineering Physics The Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) Military Programs Minor, Biological SciencesCybersecurity: Mathematical SciencesGeographic Information ScienceGeographyGeologyInterdisciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence: ScientificMathematicsPhysicsPsychologyStatistics, College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. degree from FAUs College of Medicine in seven to eight years. All course prerequisites are enforced. in Computer Science The B.A. (College of Business) degrees in teacher education programs at the secondary school level are available in English, Mathematics, Social Science and Science, including Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Physics. Anthropology Cyber Security Professional Science Masters Degree (PSM) Designed for working professionals who have already completed a four-year undergraduate degree, this fully online program allows you to complete your degree at your own pace, within an approved course track in a specific area. All students who enroll in the minor will acquire a basic understanding of programming, and a firmly grounded understanding of cybersecurity, to include cyber ethics. (College of Business) /College of Engineering and Computer Science), with major in one of the following: English from the Wilkes Honors College and the M.D. Liberal Arts and Sciences with History Concentration/History College of Engineering & Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Division of Engineering Student Services & Advising, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Each year a number of highly qualified entering freshmen are selected for the University Honors Program. 10 were here. Accounting All combined bachelor's/masters degree programs offered at the University require a minimum of 150 credits, comprised of a minimum of 120 credits for the baccalaureate degree and a minimum of 30 credits for the masters degree. Business Administration (College of Arts and Letters) Cybersecurity Minor/Certificate PROGRAM COURSE INFORMATION To complete the minor/certificate requirement, students mustcomplete all four required courses below with minimum grades of"C" required in all courses. (College of Engineering and Computer Science) (College of Arts and Letters) All students complete either an internship or a study abroad. (College of Science) Students are advised to seek their advisor's input upon course selections. Completion of the University Honors Program will be recognized at a special University awards ceremony and will be noted on the student's Florida Atlantic University transcript. A maximum of 12 credits of graduate coursework may be used to satisfy both degrees. (College of Business), with major in one of the following: (College of Engineering and Computer Science) degrees in teacher education programs at the secondary school level are available in Science: Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Physics. Minimum Units for Completion. The inclusion of these courses in the minor will allow students to specialize in the area of cybersecurity that is most closely aligned with their respective interests and their degree plans. Chemistry Senior Management Information Systems Student at Florida Atlantic University Ocoee, FL. Hospitality and Tourism Management (College of Engineering and Computer Science) Philosophy policies, controls, and procedures as well as awareness and training initiatives is (College of Arts and Letters) systems and data become strategically important for the survival of companies and Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology Please follow the links to the college sections below for the individual combined degree program information. International Business Mathematics The major pages in the catalog give you an overview of the major, a list of the major requirements, and contact information including a link to the department's website. These courses include: In order to successfully complete the University Honors Program, students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average in their honors courses and an overall grade point average of 3.5. systems data. Bachelor's degree Master's degree Cybersecurity certifications This is mainly because several companies maintain offices or business centers within Florida's major cities, necessitating a new influx of cybersecurity grads to keep data safe. Due their extensive expertise and facilities, the departments of Information Technology and College of Business) Pathways in Business, Education, Engineering, and Nursing enable students to pursue focused career objectives while also receiving a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences. Communication (College of Science) English B.A. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a median salary of $98,350 for Information/Cyber Security Analysts, and expect an increase of 32% new jobs in this career by 2028. Must achieve an overall GPA of 2.5 in approved minor coursework. The security and assurance of our information and communications infrastructure is Sur cette page, tous les rsultats et toutes les photos des comptitions universitaires se tenant The degree is intended for those members of the local community already in careers who need a degree to advance professionally or personally, as well as for current FAU students who meet the 120-credit requirement, but because of personal or employment imperatives, need to hasten their time to degree completion. Management Information Systems Program descriptions are listed in specific college sections. Advanced courses approved as substitutes for IFP requirements. Plan Ahead Give yourself a head start by building plans. (College of Science), (College of Nursing In addition to its degree programs and minors, the University offers the following undergraduate certificate programs: College of Arts and Letters Undergraduate Certificates, Asian StudiesCaribbean and Latin American StudiesClassical StudiesEnglish as a Second Language (ESL) StudiesEthics, Law and SocietyEthnic StudiesInterdisciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence: SocietalPeace, Justice and Human RightsProfessional and Technical WritingReligious Studies, College of Business Undergraduate Certificates, Business AnalyticsCasino and Gaming Industry ManagementClub ManagementCybersecurity: Information TechnologyDigital MarketingGerontologyHealthcare Information SystemsHospitality and Tourism ManagementInterdisciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence: BusinessInternational BusinessInvestment ManagementMeetings and Events ManagementRisk Management and Insurance, College of Education Undergraduate Certificates, Applied Mental Health Services (offered jointly with College of Science)Diversity and Global StudiesEarly Childhood Environmental EducationSupported Community Access (open to Academy for Community Inclusion students only)Supported Community Living (open to Academy for Community Inclusion students only)Supported Employment (open to Academy for Community Inclusion students only), College of Engineering and Computer Science Undergraduate Certificates, Aerospace EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringCybersecurity: Computer ScienceData Science: Computer ScienceInterdisciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence: TechnologyMarine Materials and Offshore EngineeringNaval ArchitectureRobotics EngineeringSurveying and MappingUnderwater Acoustics, College of Science Undergraduate Certificates, Actuarial ScienceApplied Mental Health Services (offered jointly with College of Education)BiotechnologyCybersecurity: Mathematical SciencesData Science: Mathematical SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Advanced Geographic Information SystemsInterdisciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence: ScientificPharmaceutical TechnologyPost-Baccalaureate Pre-Health ProfessionsStatistics, College of Social Work and Criminal Justice Certificates. Experimental Psychology (College of Arts and Letters) All Honors College students write an honors thesis in their senior year and take advantage of other opportunities to conduct research alongside faculty members. (College of Arts and Letters) All students are required to take 2 credits of Honors Introduction to Academic Life (SLS 1501) offered in the fall. (College of Engineering and Computer Science) Courses demonstrate increased rigor and demands consistent with an honors program. (College of Education) To receive a minor (18 to 24 units) at Northern Arizona University, you must complete a planned group of courses from one or more subject matter areas with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. Interim Undergraduate Advisor - Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, The College of Engineering is a member of. College of Engineering & Computer Science, Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Division of Engineering Student Services & Advising. Cybersecurity (MS) Online The cybersecurity minor requires 16 credit hours and is broken up into three different tracks: Technology Track, Engineering Track, and Interdisciplinary Track. A grade of C or higher is required for the course to count toward the Honors in-the-Major Program. (College of Science) To refine the phenotypic and molecular spectrum of EIF3F-related . Content Writer The Jill Biggs Group May 2023 - Present2 months Journalist The Daily Campus Feb 2021 - Present2 years 5 months Education University of Connecticut Communications Major, English. Mathematics Criminal Justice and Cybersecurity (minor) at Florida Atlantic University | Program Management Intern at Tenable | Lien Coordinator at Kanner & Pintaluga, P.A. to maintain business operations. Computer Science students may replace CSCI 113 and CSCI 156 for ECE 118 and ECE 146 . Data Science and Analytics ISM 4220 - Business Data Communications ISM 4320 - Introduction to Cybersecurity ISM 4323 - Mgmt. Cybersecurity and Technology Policy Cybersecurity and Technology Policy Program Summary The surge in connected devices along with the proliferation of digital technologies is drastically increasing cybersecurity threats to public and private sectors around the world while at the same time reshaping economic, political and social spheres. Must obtain a C or better in each course. (College of Arts and Letters) MTDE Academics Degrees Undergraduate Minor in Cybersecurity Minor in Cybersecurity The cybersecurity minor is designed to appeal to both less technically-oriented and more technically-oriented undergraduate students, across multiple departments, in multiple colleges. (College of Science) (College of Engineering and Computer Science) To qualify for the cybersecurity minor, all courses must be taken from the same track. (College of Science) The Wilkes Medical Scholars Program enables a select group of students to receive a B.A. Art Request Information Fully online program Specializations Ocean Engineering Mathematical Sciences Business Biotechnology Ocean Engineering Finance (Program is not admitting students at this time.) (College of Engineering and Computer Science) ), with major in: (College of Medicine) (College of Science) College of Science) International Business (College of Arts and Letters) (College of Science) Graduate courses, as designated by departments, count as honors courses for students completing Honors-in-the-Major Programs, once the University Honors Council has approved them. (College of Arts and Letters/ (College of Science) For existing Honors-in-the-Major programs, please visit: https://www.fau.edu/honorsinthemajor/program-information/existing-honors-in-the-major/. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. Geosciences
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