Education has opened doors for my family and has changed the trajectory of our lives and its that type of opportunity that I want to provide to every student that I have the privilege of serving in CCUSD. 2, HUGHES-ELIZABETH LAKES UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 4, CLAREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. This Saturday, August 22, each of the six candidates running for the two open seats on the Culver City Unified School District Governing Board had half an hour to talk about why they are running for the Board and answer questions from voters. For example, we pushed for and helped develop an exemplary LCAP review process that was transparent and inclusive with meaningful participation by all stakeholder groups. 3 (No Candidates Filed), SANTA CLARITA VALLEY WATER AGENCY Member, Board of Directors, Division 1, ALTADENA LIBRARY DISTRICT Member, Board of Trustees, MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member, Board of Trustees, Trustee Area No. 3, ANTELOPE VALLEY-EAST KERN WATER AGENCY Member, Board of Directors, Division 1, PALM RANCH IRRIGATION DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 4, LANCASTER SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Superintendent Stefanie Garber presented the 2022-2023 School Year Division 22 Standards to the School Board on October 20, 2022. I understand to my core that if we are going to achieve real progress for students, families and employees real, inclusive, empowering, effective progress, we have to do the difficult, unglamorous, day-in and day-out work of planning, communicating, and engaging with stakeholder to build/rebuild systems and institutions that work for everyone. Authentic Engagement - Improve communication and engage. Historically, most trustees have been parents, business folk, or community leaders, and its been a long time since weve had a teacher someone with actual on-the-ground, in-the-classroom experience with students day in and day out on the dais participating in the important discussions and providing the essential perspective of a practitioner and recipientof the policies and programs the School Board establishes. 5, SAUGUS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Stephanie is a contributor on the Culver City Middle School (CCMS) Parent Teacher & Student Association DEI and Special Education Committees; the CCUSD Environmental Sustainability Committee; and the Culver City High School School Site Council. *I have also had the good fortune to teach internationally on two occasions. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. 1, DOWNEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 5, LOS NIETOS SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I serve with our Special Education committees, the Culver Needs committee supporting our immigrant/foster youth/low-income families, the Labor Management Partnership collaborating with our labor unions, and the Food Services subcommittee reducing waste, increasing sustainability, and identifying healthier, locally sourced foods. To update classrooms/labs/technology for 21stcentury learning; implement COVID-19 facility safety standards; address school facility inequities; reduce asbestos, earthquake and water quality hazards; and replace/renovate aging school classrooms/buildings, shall Los Angeles Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $7,000,000,000 i. Im running for Culver City school board because I believe our community needs a champion for care, someone who deeply and personally understands what it means to be left behind, to be forgotten by your government, and to not see yourself reflected in education. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Support for Teachers & Staff: Increasing salaries and benefits to reach our goal of a livable compensation package while recognizing all classified staff and early education providers as professionals. 1, WEST BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 1, HACIENDA LA PUENTE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Im so proud to have a policy platform that is rooted in community, rooted in diversity and inclusion with a racial and equity justice lens, said Ezidore. Monday evening, the Culver City Democratic Club held a virtual forum for six candidates vying for a seat on the Board of the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD). 1, EL MONTE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, MONROVIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, ROWLAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Link to presentation - download Building Partnerships - and screenshots of several pages: I currently serve as a committee member on Culver City Unified School Districts Equity Advisory Committee. 5, DUARTE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Raised in New Jersey, Stephanie is a self-starter who values character and diversity of thought in all aspects of life. 3, VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, ROWLAND WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 5, ABC UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I was born in a small town in Connecticut where I lived with my parents and twin brother. As a parent of two CCUSD children, I am heavily invested in our public schools. 1, LITTLE LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. They are the structures that our communities bloom around. Citrus Community College District. CLAREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TRUSTEE AREA 4 SPECIAL ELECTION - 7/25/2023 We want to make sure that educators, classified staff, parents, and students have an ongoing leadership role in community schools, not merely superficial consultations when it serves districts needs. They are the nourishing elements that our city collectively owns, and we are accountable for their enrichment. SPECIAL ELECTIONS - 3/2/2021 With Voters Edge, you have all the election information you need at your fingertips. Member, Culver City Unified School District Equity Strategic Planning Committee Appointed position (2019 -2020) 4, LA PUENTE VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, SOUTH WHITTIER SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Names of candidates for the Glendale Municipal Election will appear on the bellow. Permit students who by the way are overwhelmingly black and brown are held to a different standard, countered Ezidore. 5, WISEBURN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, COMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. These people depend on the personal growth and happiness gained from a robust public school system bolstered by a culture of care. For example, Ive been closely following the development of Governor Newsoms Universal Transitional Kindergarten initiative and providing local leaders with updates on aspects of the program they may want to discuss or even negotiate with their districts prior to implementation. I also work with the California Department of Education and analyze Education Code and CDE policies to provide local union chapters with information on new rules and programs. Through regular and ongoing communication and engagement that allows a broad spectrum of stakeholders (including employee unions) to participate, collaborate, and share in decision making, CCUSD can do a better job of meeting student, parent, educator, classified staff, and community needs, seeing results, and providing the truly exemplary educational experiences all our students deserve. GENERAL ELECTION 11/8/2022 Name AND/OR Office Title Show only Write In records. We can hold multiple listening sessions in various places and at various times, to accommodate peoples work and family schedules. Not just consultation weve all been to meetings where weve been asked our opinions, someone checks a box that says, Consult the public, and then they go ahead and do what they intended to do all along Im talking about listening that may alter the course of a project and real shared decision making. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. LONG BEACH CITY PRIM. These people depend on the personal growth and enrichment gained from a robust public school system. SPECIAL ELECTIONS - 6/2/2020 Very early in my career (1994-96), I attended university in Mexico for a year at theUniversidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxicoand then taught English and social studies at theInstituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterreyin Mexico City. California Democratic Party Biden-Harris White House Elections Endorsement Process Endorsed Candidates Ballot Measures Events Host or Attend An Event LACDP Presents JFK Awards 2023 Past Events Gallery Media Statements In the News Action Center COVID-19 Resources Training and Advancement Program (T.A.P.) Brian Guerrero added transportation assistance, but also argued that CCUSD needs to treat teachers and staff like the professionals they are. Encourage this candidate to share their information on Voter's Edge. Westside Voice brings the neighborhoods and cities of West Los Angeles together. An adventurer at heart, she grows, creates, and chefs at her homestead in Culver City, CA with her husband and their two children. 2, BONITA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I am committed to lifting Culver City schools into the top tier of public schools in California. Get the latest news sent right to your inbox! I know this district and Ive built relationships with countless people. She also added, I love this district, but Im also critical of it because very few challenges we face are black and white. Guerrero acknowledged staff morale is an issue and that the district needs to do what it can to keep teachers and staff incentivized and motivated. Stephanie also utilizes her home as a hub for donations to Nourish LA, a non-profit that organizes weekly distribution for neighbors experiencing food insecurity. In that time, I taught in multiple settings and programs, including multi-grade combo classes, bilingual classes, English language development classes, as half of a general ed./special ed. Skip to main content en Espaol Get the facts before you vote. As a parent of five CCUSD students, including one recent graduate, I've spent the past 13 years volunteering and advocating for equity for all. City Council City of Culver City | California General Election Ballot - Voter Guide - Tuesday November 8, 2022 | Voter's Edge California Voter Guide Get the facts before you vote. Before we can tacklethe issues that need to be resolved (or maybewhilewe tackle the issues that need to be resolved), wehave to establish better communication and better engagement,AUTHENTICcommunication andengagement, which, in the context of a school district, means different stakeholder groups are involved in decision making at the school and district level. I fight everyday not just for but with our community to make sure that the students in our great district have access to a well rounded excellent public education that they do richly deserve. 3, LOWELL JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I finished high school in Fullerton, then studied at German, Russian, and Political Science at UC San Diego. Find out what's happening in Culver City today We respect your privacy. I studied abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1992, the year after the USSR ended. We do not sell or share your information with anyone. Culver City public schools serve 7000 students. Ive spent much of my career pushing for teachers (as well as classified staff, parents, and students) to have a greater voice in the decisions that impact teaching and learning conditions at schools. Send us your press releases and, as a community service, well post them here! 5, PALMDALE WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 5, WATER REPLENISHMENT DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Member, Board of Directors, Division 1, BEVERLY HILLS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, ORCHARD DALE WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, ANTELOPE VALLEY-EAST KERN WATER AGENCY Member, Board of Directors, Division 3, CLAREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Culver City Unified School District. And I think its very reasonable to say, its a privilege to be here. In my experience, we can lower barriers to participation by walking out our own doors and going to the stakeholders we need to include, going out into the community to places where stakeholders already are and engaging with them where they feel comfortable. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 51 SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION - 10/3/2017. 3 (Unexpired term ending December 13, 2024). 1, LAWNDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 2, CHARTER OAK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Darrell Menthe was first up and said he entered this race because, our schools face real challenges and opportunities after COVID-19. When her children were at El Rincon Elementary School, Stephanie served as Walk to School Day chairperson. 2, PALMDALE WATER DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION Member, Board of Directors, Division 1 (Unexpired term ending December 6, 2024), EAST WHITTIER CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Karen Kwak. 4, NEWHALL SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 4, LOWELL JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Use "return" to select this candidate. 3, THREE VALLEYS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 1, ALHAMBRA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Member, Board of Education, Trustee Area No. By November 1 of each year, school district superintendents are required by OAR 581-022-2305: District Assurances of Compliance with Public School Standards to report to their community on the district's status . Duarte Unified School District. We can provide language interpretation if needed, childcare, snacks or even meals if thats whats necessary to get folks involved. Although one has a different opinion than I do, that response was detailed, thoughtful, and gave me some research to read. My wife and I are both teachers and have lived in Culver City for 12 years. Every child deserves to be challenged in school. Loredo closed with, I am a queer, Philappina-American progressive who Culver City Democrats can trust to build and nourish lasting relationships in the community; to fight for diversity, equity, and inclusion, sustainability and housing.. I dont care what race you are; I dont care what gender you are; I dont care what your sexuality [is] it doesnt matter. To tell someone that they arent going to be held to a certain standard because of their race is insulting to them, its insulting to everybody. Adelman also doesnt see permitted students being held to a higher standard to begin with. North Orange County Community College District, Antelope Valley Community College District, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, Centinela Valley Union High School District, William S. Hart Union High School District, Antelope Valley Joint Union High School District, Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Elementary School District, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, Water Replenishment District of Southern California, Eastside Union Elementary School District. 5, SULPHUR SPRINGS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. She expanded her advocacy as a member of the Culver City Safe Routes to School Committee, working with stakeholders from local school sites, the school board, city council, and Public Works Department to address safe and sustainable school travel. Their choices for this election will have resonating effects for them, whether or not they currently have children in our school district. This is a presentation I developed recently about ways local unions and school districts can develop trust and partnerships so they can collaborate more effectively and serve students better. 6, WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, KEPPEL UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, CASTAIC UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area D, TORRANCE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area C, WHITTIER UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with Westside Voice. Fellowship & Internships Blue 22 Initiative Candidate statements will be updated as they are submitted. I've served on the Culver City School Board for six years. Board relations with one another and with the community was also a point of inquiry, with Juson asking the candidates how both could be improved. As chapter leader, I consistently advocated to increase teacher (and classified staff and parent) voice in district decision making. At one point, Iattended a junior high school in northern Arizona where my mother, an educator, was the principal, and where most of the students were Navajo (Dine), Hopi, or Havasupai. Darrell impressed me as well. Effective Inclusion - Promote access and inclusion. Equitable Education: Systemic inequity exists at all levels of education. He also becomes the youngest candidate to win a seat on the Culver City School Board, and the first Black male to serve on the Board. I believe in a culture of care that empowers students, teachers, staff, and families to thrive in schools. We were an AYSO family, a Little League family, and these days were a Taekwondo and AVPA family. Implementation of policies that bring more transparency. 5, SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 4, SOUTH PASADENA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Governing Board Member, Trustee Area 2 . 5, ACTON-AGUA DULCE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION Governing Board Member (Unexpired term ending December 13, 2024), SOUTH PASADENA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I watched the CC Chamber of Commerce debate between the candidates. Menthe repeated his three main goals and added the district needs to, Make sure every child is challenged. 1, GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Ezidore spoke of his hope for big, systemic change and brought up a recent endorsement by labor icon Dolores Huerta. Dear Editor, Public schools are the foundational elements that promote thriving, healthy communities. 5, CLAREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Use tab to activate the candidate button. Stephanie was media relations manager for the Games Organizing Committee of the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games, a national sporting event with 3,500 athletes, 10,000 volunteers and 70,000 attendees. 2, GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I hope that catchphrases and flashy flyers are not what people base their vote on. LOCAL AND MUNICIPAL CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS - 11/7/2017 Contact Us Please select an election 1, THREE VALLEYS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 5, COVINA-VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 5, WEST COVINA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, ROWLAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Our schools fuel Culver Citys ecosystem. Brian Guererro, a representative of the California Teachers Association (CTA) and educator for more than 20 years, talked about his experience with distance learning and preparing school districts and their educators for new policies that emanate in Sacramento. Too often, someone in a central office or on a school board will get have an idea - maybe even a good idea - and rush forward with it without planning how it's actually going to roll out, without communicating with stakeholders and listening to their input, without authentically engaging with the folks the idea is supposed to benefit. 5, EAST WHITTIER CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 1, PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, EL MONTE UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. The candidates ran as a slate. Later, after graduate school and teaching elementary for 5 years, my wife and I joined the US Peace Corps and served as volunteer teachers and teacher-trainers in the Philippines for two years (2002-04). Council Member Alex Fisch is the sole incumbent, while Freddy Puza is hoping to at least retain the number of progressives currently with a seat. 4, RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. 2022 CUSD Governing Board Candidates In addition to important elections are the national and state level, CUSD also has two Governing Board positions on the ballot this year. 4, ANTELOPE VALLEY-EAST KERN WATER AGENCY SPECIAL ELECTION Member, Board of Directors, Division 4 (Unexpired term ending January 2, 2023), VALLE LINDO SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, WALNUT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 3, HUGHES-ELIZABETH LAKES UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION Governing Board Member (Unexpired term ending December 13, 2024), ROWLAND WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 4, CERRITOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these pages was valid at the time of publication. Competitive compensation, relevant professional development, and opportunities for growth for all employees, so students have access to the highest level of academic rigor, classroom support, and enrichment in equitable and inclusive learning spaces. It has been a privilege to serve and advocate for my community over the years. But with experience comes wisdom. Get the facts on the California candidates running for election to the Board Member Culver City Unified School District. Its the perfect way to take a break at the top of the afternoon and catch up on local stories, discover performances, and trade a few thoughts with other Culver City-centric people. Careerwise, Im an educator with over 27 years of experience, including 21 years in the Lennox School District just south of Culver City. 5, DOWNEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. I just heard a lot of woke word salad from some of the others. Adelman was also toughest on students who attend CCUSD schools on a permit, saying, When you come in on a permit, out of district, you sign a contract. In my professional career, I work as a Section 3 youth employment case manager for the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, I case manage for the Jordan Downs housing site in watts - before then I was an equity specialist in a higher education Office of Diversity & Inclusion charged with implementing strategic equity initiatives for the entire living, learning, and working community. Improving the mental and social-emotional health of students and staff by emphasizing trauma-informed care; increasing counselors, therapists, and nurses districtwide; and reaffirming parents as partners to strengthen the school-home connection. A Filipina American Progressive, Stephanie organizes for local organizations in Culver City as well as regional initiatives throughout Los Angeles. Governing Board Member, Trustee Area 1 . 7, SOUTH MONTEBELLO IRRIGATION DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 2, LITTLE LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. T: 574-842-7000. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Your IP: Some have had negative experiences and are hesitant to get involved, others are just so busy with complex home situations or economic struggles that they couldnt participate even if they wanted to. 2, UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Member, Board of Directors, Division 5, CENTINELA VALLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. On school safety, most candidates focused on making students feel safe through a nurturing school environment. Summer Concert Series Moves to the Steps on July 27, CCHS New Gaming Curriculum Celebrates First Year This Work is Unprecedented, Rental Unit Registration Deadline July 31. We can remember to listen to our students. 2022 Governing Board Candidates 2022 Governing Board Candidates Flagstaff Unified School District #1 Maine Consolidated School District #10 Williams Unified School District #2 Grand Canyon Unified School District #4 Tuba City Unified School District #15 Page Unified School District #8 Fredonia-Moccasin School District #6 Howard Adelman's priorities are not yet available. Another one of my current projects is supporting local union chapters who are working with their school districts to establish community schools that offer students and families a variety of wrap-around services including academic supports, social services, and even medical and mental health consultations. Bylaw CULVER CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: July 15, 1997 Culver City, California Bylawrevised: July 12 2005 There are some very important issues at stake (even for me, whose kids graduated years ago). 5, ANTELOPE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area No. Board Member . Access additional information about this contest in the tabs in this section. Public schools are foundational to thriving, healthy communities.
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