How can we help make Vancouver a healthier community for all people? jeri.newbold@ Some regulations can be varied by the Director of Planning, as set out in the district schedule and in the general sections of the by-law. 2021 Standard Details Download complete set of standard plans (PDF) Search Group Index | Index T01 | Curbs, Gutters, Approaches T02 | Sidewalks, Ramps T03 | Landscaping and Irrigation The City Permit Center is open online and in-person. ePlans/Submittal Requirements: eplans@, Building Code Requirements: planreview@, Land Use Requirements: cddplanning@, Water/Sewer/ When a complaint is received by Code Compliance, an Officer is assigned to investigate the complaint. Want to Modify or Add a Second Driveway or New RV Pad to Your Residential Property? To this, a legal representative for the zone change applicant, Karen Schwartz, who owns a business on the property, contested that the area is not fit for housing. They are intended to reduce strain on school resources but, if the rates become too high for developers, could risk future production of affordable housing, some councilors cautioned. More about JSON schema. The city received one letter of opposition from someone who reasoned that the 0.8-acre site should remain classified as commercial, arguing that businesses would generate more revenue for the city. bryan.snodgrass You can search by: Name. Some districts are scattered across the city, while others are found only in a single neighbourhood or local area.. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Altogether, the revisions increase density and community commercial zones in select locations throughout Vancouver, which city officials said align with their goal to create 20-minute neighborhoods and boost retail districts. Pre-application forms will be accepted through April 30, 2023. A development agreement may obligate a party to fund or provide services, infrastructure, or other facilities. Type of license. The comprehensive plan will take around 2 years to prepare and adopt, and there will be a wide variety of opportunities and formats to inform policy, provide input and feedback, and weigh in on alternatives. Water, Sewer and Stormwater Standards & Details, Vancouver's Comprehensive Plan | Be Heard Vancouver, What is a Comprehensive Plan? (360) 487-7800 14 days return. The plan will guide the Citys growth and development for the next 20 years, with a target year of 2045 for achieving the overall vision that is established. Annexation is the process by which cities extend their municipal services, regulations, voting privileges and taxing authority to new territory. Jeri Newbold How can provide housing for the most vulnerable community members, while improve safety outcomes and community well-being for all? Our goal is to balance the long term economic, environmental, and social health of the community, consistent with state and federal law. How will the overall vision that is established in the plan inform equitable access to opportunity, employment, investment, and the benefits from those investments? ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT FEE . The city is divided into many development zones, with each zone further broken down into districts. the City of Vancouver Related by-lawsto determine if they apply to your property (for example. The comprehensive plan is a significant policy document that will help shape how the community looks and feels, and how it functions and operates over time. The plan will guide the Citys growth and development for the next 20 years, with a target year of 2045 for achieving the overall vision that is established. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. The following JSON object is a standardized description of your dataset's schema. 5585 . The Citys Community Development Department is responsible for many programs that together help to ensure Vancouver continues to be a great place to live, work and grow. See details. permitcenter@ Washingtons Growth Management Act requires the City to adopt an updated plan and changes to its zoning code by June 30, 2025. Engineering design manual (9.94 MB) Provides guidance for municipal infrastructure design and incorporates information previously found in other design documents. If you have any questions or would like additional information, contact Greg Turner, Land Use Manager, at [emailprotected]. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Find out if you Live or Work within the City Limits. In general, a development agreement is a contract between a local jurisdiction and a person who owns or controls property within the jurisdiction. Contact the Development and Building Services Centre online, City Hall By-law to regulate the development of that part of the City of Vancouver for which the Zoning District is described as Downtown District (DD). Fences, Decks, Sheds and General Residential Building Permit Information, East McLoughlin Area Safety Improvement Project, SE 34th Street Safety and Mobility Project, McGillivray Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project, Fourth Plain and Fort Vancouver Way Safety and Mobility Project, Reside Vancouver: An Anti-Displacement Strategy, Slow Streets: Healthy Neighborhoods Program, Community invited to comment on draft short-term rental regulations, City launches innovative engagement tool to reach central Vancouver community, City accepting applications for annual Affordable Housing Fund project grants, Occupancy of vehicles on private property. Need additional help? The Comprehensive Plan is one of our community's most important tools to help plan for the future. 10.5.1 For development on a site that is less than 36.6 m deep in an RS or RT district, or the C-1 district: the front yard depth may be reduced by up to 20% of the average depth of the site, How can we mitigate and adapt to the effects of a changing climate? The Code Compliance Team is charged with maintaining the safety, health, welfare and livability of neighborhoods through the use of various Website accessibility, {{ ctx.dataset.extra_metas.explore.download_count | number }}, {{ ctx.dataset.metas.metadata_processed|formatMeta:'datetime' }} (, {{ ctx.dataset.metas.data_processed|formatMeta:'datetime' }} (. Proposed changes are then presented during public hearings before the Vancouver Planning Commission and City Council in the fall. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Here's how to contact us. 1st Storey Cellar Finished grade Diagram: Floor Space Ratio 1.0 FSR(at 100%)* 50 120 1.0 FSR (at 50%)* 60 120 50 1.0 FSR (at 25%)* 30 120 50 Site area Floor area* Site area coverage % Also 453 West 12th Ave (YouTube video), Introduction to Growth Management and Comprehensive Planning in Washington (YouTube video), View the Citys Existing Comprehensive Plan (PDF), Pre-application conference form (220KB PDF), Pre-application conference form (46KB Microsoft Word .docx), Annual Review Q&A (2023) Microsoft Word, Report Street, Signals, or Sidewalk Problems, Report Water, Sewer, or Drainage Problems, Report a problem - streets, utilities, or public spaces, Virtual Permit Center Online Appointments. Below are copies of recorded development agreements within the City of Vancouver. Please access our Be Heard page to subscribe to email updates and learn more: Vancouver's Comprehensive Plan | Be Heard Vancouver. Some of the City's data is created using survey accuracy however some features are not as precise. The extract on this website is updated weekly. The Vancouver Housing Authority, the site owner, plans to develop a fire station, park, about 10 townhomes, 100 affordable housing units and an early childhood development facility. As our community continues to grow, what types of services, facilities and infrastructure will be needed? The Downtown District is the regional centre {{ datetime|moment:'YYYY' }} City of Vancouver, Terms of Use In a similar vein, they said it would make dense residential construction less likely nearby. The PlanningTeam works with the community to develop and implement plans and programs to guide the future physical and economic development of Vancouver. Formal applications will be accepted from June 1 to June 15. Pre-application conferences are required for proposed site-specific changes. These agreements are voluntary, but once made, they are binding on the parties and their successors. Comprehensive plans may be amended as frequently as once per year under state law. The City of Vancouvers Annexation Blueprint Plan (2007) identifies urbanized areas within the Vancouver Urban Growth Area and outlines a timeline for annexation. The following JSON object is a standardized description of your dataset's schema. Deputy Director Right-of-Way: Provider Credential Search Check a health care provider or facility's license. A development agreement shall be consistent with all applicable development regulations. Over the next 2 years, community members and the City will work together to develop a plan that will guide Vancouver's growth and development through 2045. (458.17 KB), Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD), Design guidelines for All Ages and Abilities (AAA) cycling routes, Transportation assessment and management study guidelines for consultants, Recommended guidelines for universal access to public docks in False Creek, Integrated Rainwater Management PlanVolume I, Vision, Principles and Actions, Integrated Rainwater Management Plan Volume II, Best Management Practices Toolkit, Waterworks Engineering-owned drinking fountains, Design guidelines for large sidewalk patios on City property. How do we shape growth to support our communitys climate goal of net zero emissions by 2040 and support overall state greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction requirements. The Zoning Development Bylaw describes each district and its list of Water, Sewer and Stormwater Standards & Details, Report Street, Signals, or Sidewalk Problems, Report Water, Sewer, or Drainage Problems, Report a problem - streets, utilities, or public spaces, Virtual Permit Center Online Appointments. City Hall Planning for our shared future will require widespread engagement and conversations about how we realize a shared vision. Planning & Development; Land Use & Planning Applications; Long Range Planning; Comprehensive Plan; Transportation Standard Details; Water, Sewer and Stormwater Standards This grouping allows for the development of retail, office and limited housing types if part of a mixed-use plan. The city is divided into many development zones, with each zone further broken down into districts. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. In cases where voluntary compliance is not achieved, Code Compliance Officers have the option to impose civil or criminal penalties. Find an active development application in your Service Requests Potholes, Lights, Drainage, etc. A full list of the approved revisions can be viewed on the city of Vancouvers website. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. ePlans is a web-based system for electronic plan review that provides a convenient central hub for development project groups (including applicants and City reviewers) to communicate and complete the entire plan review process online, from the initial application stage to the final approved plan set. The City has recently started the process to update its comprehensive plan, in order to respond to shifting growth, demographic, economic and social trends that have emerged since 2011, the last time the plan was updated. Questions? For sale on the MMCDA website. ym (Musqueam Indian Band), Swxw7mesh (Squamish Nation), and slilwta (Tsleil-Waututh Nation), More about unceded traditional territories, Building grades for sidewalk and street elevation, Sewer and water commercial connection permit, Underground storage tank removal or abandonment permit, Wastewater discharge permit (groundwater and contaminated sites), Request property research and copies of permits, Contact the Development and Building Services Centre, Find out how the Small Business Renovation Centre can help, Learn about the Zoning and Development By-law and how to get details about the rules that apply to your property, Development permit submission checklist and other resources needed to submit your application, Vancouver 3D Digital Model Submission (V3D) Pilot Program, development permit online application guide, Learn about sewer and water connection reviews, Development and Building Services Centre online, Applies to both construction/ renovation and changing the use of a building or part of a building, Renovating or buildinga house or laneway house:Review the steps to. Development Permit Lastly, a 0.8-acre site, containing three lots located at the corner of Northeast 52nd and 94th streets, near Vancouver Mall will change from commercial to urban high-density zoning, allowing for the future construction of 11 townhome units. Fences, Decks, Sheds and General Residential Building Permit Information, East McLoughlin Area Safety Improvement Project, SE 34th Street Safety and Mobility Project, McGillivray Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project, Fourth Plain and Fort Vancouver Way Safety and Mobility Project, Reside Vancouver: An Anti-Displacement Strategy, Slow Streets: Healthy Neighborhoods Program, Community invited to comment on draft short-term rental regulations, City launches innovative engagement tool to reach central Vancouver community, City accepting applications for annual Affordable Housing Fund project grants. Web( Make sure a contractor or tradesperson is registered and licensed. Follow these steps and review the relevant regulations in the Zoning and Development By-law and anyrelated by-laws before you begin. Vancouvers planning commission posed that the site has potential to meet housing needs and wouldnt hinder the citys commercial development, as the surrounding areas have an abundance of commercial zones. Virtual Counter Meetings with Permit Center Staff can be scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. permitcenter@ Individual property owners who wish to revisit the land use designation for their property are encouraged to reach out to City Staff to engage in the established stakeholder process during this time period. Principal Planner In keeping with the authority granted bythe charter, the Zoning and Development By-law establishes regulations for the development of land in Vancouver. The Zoning and Development By-law sets out the rules for development in each zoning district. 453 West 12th Ave After June 15, 2023, the City will temporarily suspend amendment requests from individual property owners to amend their comprehensive plan designation until the larger comprehensive plan update process has concluded, likely until 2026. The Vancouver Housing Authority, the site owner, plans to develop a fire station, park, about 10 townhomes, 100 affordable housing units and an early childhood development facility. Assistant Building Official The most common violations addressed by Code Compliance include (but are not limited to): Animal complaints to include barking dogs and other animal related nuisances are reported to Clark County Animal Control (see link below), Violations in the public right-of-way are addressed by the Citys Transportation Department or Public Works by filling out an online service request, Parking violations to include prolonged parking and vehicles abandoned in the public right-of-way are reported to and addressed by the Citys Parking Enforcement Officers by submitting an online complaint form, Code Compliance Supervisor V5Y 1V4, The City of Vancouver acknowledges that it is situated on the unceded traditional territories of the xmkym (Musqueam Indian Band), Swxw7mesh (Squamish Nation), and slilwta (Tsleil-Waututh Nation), More about unceded traditional territories, Amendments to zoning and land use documents, Subdividing, strata, addressing and street changes, Contact the Development and Building Services Centre online, Where a building can be located on a site, Other provisions necessary to enable good city building. Since the plan was last updated in 2011, Vancouver has experienced significant growth, as well as demographic, economic and social changes. Recently proposed school impact fees for development within the Vancouver Public Schools boundary changed slightly. This By-law is printed under and . You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. ym (Musqueam Indian Band), Swxw7mesh (Squamish Nation), and slilwta (Tsleil-Waututh Nation), More about unceded traditional territories, Subdividing, strata, addressing and street changes. citycddeng@ Is regulated by the Zoning and Development By-law. A small business owner planning a renovation or looking to start a business: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:30amto 4:30pm. The charter is a provincial statute that specifies the types of by-laws the City can enact and what the by-laws can regulate. Service Requests Potholes, Lights, Drainage, etc. This zone change will likely relocate mobile home residents who currently live on the site. Perform a holistic re-write of the existing Comprehensive Plan; Develop a detailed strategy for implementing the goals, policies, and strategies outlined within the revised plan; Modify the existing zoning code (Title 20 of the Vancouver Municipal Code) that is reflective of the goals and policies identified in the revised plan; Complete the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process outlined within the State Environmental Policy Act; Establish a process to develop and create the plan. Form of Tender and Supplementary General Conditions, including general conditions which supplement MMCD Platinum Edition, Vol II. Location Note: Some professional licenses don't list a street address and may not show up if you search just by location. Updates include improved document navigation, enhanced document accessibility features, and clearer rules with diagrams and tables. Applies to both construction/ renovation and changing the use of a building or part of a building. If you plan to do construction or make improvements on private property, we provide standards and guidelines so that completed work meets City building codes and requirements to ensure safety and accessibility. The fees, proposed by the school district, are now $2,786 for single-family homes and $2,486 per multifamily unit. Updates to Zoning and Development By-law in effect: November 14, 2022. These one-time fees for developers are created using variables spanning from a schools estimated cost per student to a districts bond and levy rates. The Citys Development Code (VMC 20.250.020) states that the purpose of a development agreement is to set forth the development standards and other provisions that shall apply to and govern and vest the development, use, and mitigation of the development of the real property for the duration specified in the agreement. Any general questions on the overall process can be sent to:, For questions on the 2023 annual review process, please contact, Bryan Snodgrass 2021 International Existing Building Code & WAC 51-50-480000 2021 International Fuel Gas Code & WAC 51-52-21000 2021 International Mechanical Code & WAC 51-52 2021 International Fire In each zoning district, land uses are categorized as either outright or conditional approvaluses: Check section 2.2of the district schedule where the property is located to see if there are any conditions that apply. To be referenced in design packages and utilized in designs for City of Vancouver infrastructure. The Zoning Development Bylaw describes each district and its list of permitted uses and regulations. Fences, Decks, Sheds and General Residential Building Permit Information, East McLoughlin Area Safety Improvement Project, SE 34th Street Safety and Mobility Project, McGillivray Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project, Fourth Plain and Fort Vancouver Way Safety and Mobility Project, Reside Vancouver: An Anti-Displacement Strategy, Slow Streets: Healthy Neighborhoods Program, Community invited to comment on draft short-term rental regulations, City launches innovative engagement tool to reach central Vancouver community, City accepting applications for annual Affordable Housing Fund project grants. The intent of this schedule is to maintain the residential character of the area in the form of duplexes, single detached houses, secondary suites, and laneway houses by encouraging new Property owners may submit amendment proposals to the City, including site-specific Comprehensive Plan and zoning designation change requests, during this annual review period. How will the Citys infrastructure and land uses be resilient and responsive to natural disasters, threats, and unexpected circumstances? (360) 487-7946 The Citys Development Code (VMC 20.250.020) states that the purpose of a development agreement is to set forth the development standards and other provisions that shall apply to and govern and vest the development, use, and mitigation of the development of the real property for The City of Vancouver has introduced changes to the Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL) that includes updates to the energy compliance requirements1 for new construction of single-family When a complaint is received by Code Compliance, an Officer is assigned to investigate the complaint. Water, Sewer and Stormwater Standards & Details, Report Street, Signals, or Sidewalk Problems, Report Water, Sewer, or Drainage Problems, Report a problem - streets, utilities, or public spaces, Virtual Permit Center Online Appointments. How can we develop an inclusive process for co-designing policy with the community, and ensure the voices of our most vulnerable and impacted community members are a central focus of the planning and policy design process? In Vancouver, the authority to regulate land use is granted by the Vancouver Charter. Washingtons Growth Management Act The City of Vancouver adopted Codes 2018 I-Codes with Washington Amendments, effective 02/01/2021 2020 NEC, National Electrical Code, effective 10/29/2020. Technical specifications for delivery of City of Vancouver infrastructure. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Horenstein said reserving it for residential buildings would be irrational and pose a threat to other businesses operating along the stretch. Service Requests Potholes, Lights, Drainage, etc. A specific, reasonable time will be imposed to correct any violations. Resources: Highlights of How will we address our community's current housing deficits, which have resulted from decades of underproduction and restrictive zoning? Supplements the manuals. Zoning regulates the development of property in Vancouver by encouraging land use and building in accordance with community goals and visions for the future of Vancouver and its neighbourhoods. Service Requests Potholes, Lights, Drainage, etc. permitcenter@ Service Requests Potholes, Lights, Drainage, etc. This data in City systems is updated frequently in the normal course of business, however priorities and resources determine how fast a change in reality is reflected in the database. Fences, Decks, Sheds and General Residential Building Permit Information, East McLoughlin Area Safety Improvement Project, SE 34th Street Safety and Mobility Project, McGillivray Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project, Fourth Plain and Fort Vancouver Way Safety and Mobility Project, Reside Vancouver: An Anti-Displacement Strategy, Slow Streets: Healthy Neighborhoods Program, Community invited to comment on draft short-term rental regulations, City launches innovative engagement tool to reach central Vancouver community, City accepting applications for annual Affordable Housing Fund project grants. Farther south, more than 8 acres formerly home to Lieser School, 301 S. Lieser Road, will change from urban low-density to urban high-density zoning to accommodate future growth on the property., 2018 I-Codes with Washington Amendments, effective 02/01/2021, 2020 NEC, National Electrical Code, effective 10/29/2020, Resources:Highlights of the NEC 2020 Changes-WA State Labor & Industries 2020 NEC Amendments, The Washington State Building Code is comprised of the model code editions listed with the Washington State Amendments, which may bedownloaded from the Washington State Building Code Council (, (360) 487-7800 call Phone: 360-664-6636 (TTY: Call 711 ) mail Email: Want to find out what uses are allowed on your property? Privacy Policy Members of Vancouvers planning commission initially opposed the zone change, reasoning the lands commercial designation could pose a challenge for future developments in adjacent lots. The most discussed map change centers around a 2-acre site on First Street near the city of Camas border, which will be classified as a community commercial zone from its previous urban low density. If a violation exists, notification of the violation is issued regarding the condition. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Partnering with our community to build and maintain a safer Vancouver! If a violation exists, notification of the violation is issued Find out if you Live or Work within the City Limits. We useseveral sets of standards to design and construct safe, long-lasting streets and utilities in Vancouver., Rebecca Kennedy A full list of the approved revisions can be viewed on the city of Vancouvers website, Vancouver OKs plan to measure progress on transportation, housing, culture, safety and more, Vancouver City Council opposes foie gras, fur sales, sale of dogs at retail stores, Clark County Council discusses growth plan, climate change, Vancouver moves toward expanding developer tax break to more parts of the city, How Washington cities lobbying muscle shapes housing, public records bills, In Our View: Office space market signals promising future. (9.94 MB), Construction specifications rebecca.kennedy