city of lancaster zoning ordinance

These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. David Carlson (608) 723-5196 Building & Zoning Ordinances Check out our new online searchable City of Lancaster Code resource! (Ord. aV.X 3KO ~( hTM@27]O"K.^Vw"QB#h8ro"4;}&_\S@iuDhF7]u^T$/xxk Quick Links. <]>> Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. 1107. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17.10, CHAPTER 17.12, CHAPTER 17.16, AND CHAPTER 17.42 OF THE LANCASTER MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS Ordinance No. Code of Ordinances Non-Development Codes Click here for the City of Lancaster non-development codes. City Job Opportunities. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. The Bureau of Planning administers four ordinances of the City of Lancaster: - Heritage Conservation District Ordinance - Historic District Ordinance - Stormwater Management Ordinance - Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance - Zoning Ordinance NOTICE OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Our employees, whether they serve in a public safety, public works, utility service, or administrative function, constantly strive to provide you with the very best service possible. Nyliah AcostaPlanning ManagerPhone: (972) 218-1317Email, VacantPlanning TechnicianPhone: (972) 218-1315Email, Appointments are encouragedMonday - Friday8:00 am - 5:00 pm, City Hall211 North Henry StreetLancaster, Texas 75146, City of Lancaster211 N Henry StreetLancaster, TX 75146Ph: 972-218-1300 Driving Directions. 0000002680 00000 n *There may be discrepancies in the code when translating to other languages. CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER, OHIO; Annotations OffFollow ChangesShare Download Bookmark Print. LANCASTER - MUNICIPAL CODE modified; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Title 2 - ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL; . trailer HWr8}WQ7;SSHL-[rY\6 0oH%VR%Z"Ono-IR%yqk]x-d?1|_o&h1 ,' E Our goal is to make sure that Lancaster residents have access to the water they truly need. Both ordinances are essential to our mission to provide clean water to our residents not just today, but also for future generations, said Neal. The Zoning Ordinance, Section 300 of the City Code, of the City of Lancaster has been enacted for the betterment of public health, safety and general welfare of City residents and visitors. ["TI^@H4VB-Fj6{6SrOmD>Id.TOPm o7CG7Yi{cDP/R1 Z*.83Y Qh6!JWlGVkCDxz'o HdDf\hXd]!1G$)?zl1lcCi0Lb>Lb4*K\V\j] c< 4 endstream endobj 241 0 obj <>/Size 232/Type/XRef>>stream CjM\g0aP(aEiavOw~a*Z!6ZxytX?sgy7(47Bk ml Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. endstream endobj 612 0 obj <>stream Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from the formatting and pagination of the official copy. Lincoln-Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan; City of Lincoln Capital Improvement Program; GIS Map; Use Group . 0000000016 00000 n 232 0 obj <> endobj Home Building, Planning, Zoning & Licensing The Building and Zoning Department provides information and instruction to citizens, business owners, builders, and developers within the City. 17.16.020 - Purpose and intent. 136 West Main Street. @U[qf)&vpadl@kt,7e_ It cautions against misusing water that is supplied by a public water system. City ordinances, standards, guidelines or policies. LANCASTER, Pa. Note: The video is from . This office also enforces Zoning and Land Development regulations through Code Enforcement activities. 1109. Chap. ~?/7c,g cNF^fy\Ez@c oJ>60q^( ]11bZv(e2}=][]|Xqpm>.y\G[GG]sTXPs2zXUx{p2X)]?A2O%cqG5Z-&dT8_!zxp,hpDG{ +]Dww6&N.H'Q'@JP3t*~7b8~Mg. City Council. msXA6Mk}I)iE3oF43a6`nH0LIYY,1fk8c6.6/./>/a\j\dZ6^WyhXkqJcwng/PJJ0FB8oLo~lh,V4zjv+6Fecn:^k/6Lf2KK7j4!s$s#h5 MJsDlZS.2\)Ib_q code of ordinances city of lancaster, south carolina; supplement history table modified; part i - certificate of incorporation; chapter 1 - general provisions 0Y #XEiZk~^N+Dr!Kkw0DH0I RTgJ+P& 4J}y:x(jd)!x 0000000516 00000 n 0 0E.u&m)8UN8lECZTM.b Mayor's Office Lancaster Office of Promotion Department of Neighborhood Engagement Department of Public Works Bureau of Parks & Public Property Bureau of Solid Waste & Recycling Bureau of Streets, Traffic & Fleet Bureau of Engineering & Construction Services Bureau of Stormwater Management Bureau of Wastewater Bureau of Water . 44933 N. Fern Avenue. 1111. Codified Ordinances of Lancaster, OH PART ELEVEN - PLANNING AND ZONING CODE PART ELEVEN - PLANNING AND ZONING CODE TITLE ONE - Subdivision Regulations Chap. %PDF-1.4 % Planning Commission. Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. h20T0Pw/+Q0L)656)BH#32 Q!vv M3 Wireless Telecommunications. Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM. If you are interested in operating a homestay in Lancaster City, then the unit must meet the City's Zoning Ordinance definition of Homestay, which was adopted on May 10, 2022. Except Holidays. Lancaster CA 93534. Skip to Main Content. Address. 1091 Adopted 8/9/22 endstream endobj 617 0 obj <>stream Subdivision Procedures. PDF documents are not translated. Chap. All details or issues not specttically covered by these regulations shall be subject to the regulations of the City of Lancaster Zoning Ordinance currently in effect. A. 2021 Holiday Schedule. ordinance no. 989 an ordinance of the city council of the city of lancaster, california, approving the residential zoning ordinance (title 17, 1105. The Lancaster County Board has zoning jurisdiction over all the remaining land, including a few unincorporated areas of the county. 0000001595 00000 n hsO,0B(lC(UW 99 J VW@8edT\Xy7q(%avs4>_y?nWg7]Ub^ap6#.o2v*`fz(WE!xCq);5\H[&q7D%Hn1 0LS=q The purpose and intent of the residential zones are to implement the city's general plan, and land use . What is a Special Permit? O19-10 Adopted 8/13/19 hkO0J?jy{PGeKv+Q%"_. endstream endobj 233 0 obj <>/Metadata 29 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 28 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 31 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20090818100644)/PageLabels 26 0 R>> endobj 234 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 235 0 obj <> endobj 236 0 obj <> endobj 237 0 obj <> endobj 238 0 obj <> endobj 239 0 obj <> endobj 240 0 obj <>stream How do I find out the zoning of my property in Lancaster? AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER, SC AS TO REZONE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS TAX MAP #0067J-0F-008.00, OWNED BY KONSTANTINOS & MARGARET MOUSIOS TO R15, RESIDENTIAL Ordinance No. 611 0 obj <>stream The second ordinance, number 893, is called Water Efficient Landscape. It restricts the planting of trees and other plants that use large amounts of water and requires the use of smart irrigation controllers on new development contracts. Chap. In addition to the conditions and What can we help you find? %PDF-1.6 % Allowing water to flow from any faucet, hose, etc. The City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is seeking the professional services of an urban planning firm to assist with a comprehensive update of the City of Lancaster Zoning Ordinance, as amended, in order to assure consistency with the City of Lancaster Comprehensive Plan and Mayor R. Rex Parris. hVMo8+59"9, hl Upcoming Events. Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm M-F Hours of Operation. Administration of the Comprehensive Plan, subdivision regulations, and the Development Code, Processing of all zoning, specific use permit, site plan, variance, and platting requests and recommending these requests to the, Providing of zoning information to the general public, business owners, and developers. View parking requirements, district development standards, the land use table, and the Lancaster Development Code. August 26, 2023 In order to receive a ticket number and study guide, you must complete the online application & upload the required documents at, click on the Employment Opportunities icon. City Government. Lancaster, Ohio 43130-3712. Loading. It also provides for standards for plant selections, water features, use limitations, soil conditions and irrigation features, which will be established by the City Council. Last Checked: Jun 15, 2023 | Report Error Other Counties in California Alameda County Butte County Calaveras County Contra Costa County El Dorado County Fresno County Humboldt County Imperial County Kern County Kings County Lake County Madera County Marin County Mendocino County The purpose and intent of the I zones is to provide the means necessary to implement the city of Lancaster general plan, specifically: The HI zone implements the "heavy industry" category; as set forth in the text of the general plan and as delineated on the general plan map. LANCASTER - MUNICIPAL CODE modified; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS . endstream endobj 614 0 obj <>stream startxref Where specific standards and requirements are established by 1hese regulations, they shall take precedence. Phone: 661-723-6000, Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government. The City of Lancaster is in the process of updating their comprehensive plan, which was last prepared in 1993. 1101. xbbg`b``3 ` h261Q0P061U07QwJ,Nu+H)K-LNwKOKW012 KM&T C0lglRTbAPRbI1DoTKn >0R What is a Variance & Appeal? @m*F+;VBb``0va`qq`06f`R`D3J!H17XsD%EAb`d i/xnm[d; E) Nyliah Acosta Planning Manager Phone: (972) 218-1317 Email Vacant Planner Phone: (972) 218-1312 Email Vacant Planning Technician Phone: (972) 218-1315 Email Appointments are encouraged Monday - Friday unless the water used is then collected, re-cooled and reused. City of Lancaster. On January 8, 1998, the County filed an application with the Board for a special exception 2 to construct on 13.63 acres of its 60 acres of property a facility to house up to 144 juvenile delinquents awaiting final . 699 3, 1995: prior code 4-1.107) 12.04.400 Flora and turf. Each 30 minutes this occurs will be considered a separate offense. It also provides for standards for plant selections, water features, use limitations, soil conditions and irrigation features, which will be established by the City Council. Under the City of Lancaster Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance), the property is located in a "Mixed Use" 1 zoning district. }h!n*q6cU/gVDU% YOn0bvFF::4L)Ar$2)+RM7{0 O The first, Ordinance 892, is a Prohibition of Wasting Water. (If you live in the City Limits, emergency services, such as . The code also identifies several acts as a waste of water, including: Phone: 661-723-6000. Ord2021-05 - An ordinance amending the Lancaster Township zoning ordinance and the official zoning map for Lancaster Township to change the zoning classification of Lancaster County tax parcel ID Nos. 0000000781 00000 n for more than 30 minutes without putting the water to a beneficial use. Chap. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Housing Discrimination Complaint Investigation, PARCS: Parks, Arts, Recreation & Community Services, Antelope Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Antelope Valley Black Chamber of Commerce, Business Resources / Economic Development, Development Opportunities & Area Advantages, Antelope Valley Illegal Dumping Task Force, Hazardous Materials and Electronic Waste Disposal, Los Angeles County Environmental Resources, Election Information/ Informacion de eleccion, Prime Desert Woodland Preserve Gateway Accessibility & Beautification Project, Measure R - SR 138/SR 14 Interchange Project, Property-Based Improvement District (PBID), Lancaster Redevelopment Agency (LRA) Audit Reports, Emergency Repair & Turf Replacement Program, A.V. 0000002379 00000 n 232 11 Minimum Design Standards and Requirements. At its core, this ordinance aims to prevent developers from using landscaping that requires large amounts of water. 0000001221 00000 n Frequently Asked Questions What is a Change of Zone? Title 16 - SUBDIVISIONS Title 17 - ZONING PDF Files Statutory References Prior Code Table Prior Zoning Ordinance Table Ordinance List and Disposition Table Code Comparative Table Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational purposes only. Please note that the English language version is the official version of the code. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. Interactive Trash Pickup Map. endstream endobj 613 0 obj <>stream The comprehensive plan will serve as a foundation for decision-making as it relates to future development, with a focus on community outreach to help understand what is most important to the local community. The code applies to all new projects reviewed by the City for conditional use permits or design on or after February 1, 2008. "| 242 0 obj <>stream PRIOR ZONING ORDINANCE TABLE; ORDINANCE LIST AND DISPOSITION TABLE; CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE - AND DISPOSITION LIST modified; 16.52.030 - Certificate of compliance. A person shall not enter, be or remain in any park while in possession of, transporting, purchasing, selling, giving away, or consuming any alcoholic beverage except at a concession area duly authorized by the city council and properly licensed. %%EOF (Chapter, Skip to code content (skip section selection), CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER, OHIO, TABLES OF SPECIAL ORDINANCES OF LANCASTER, PART NINE - STREETS, UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES CODE. endstream endobj 615 0 obj <>stream xb```b``* X 3V>RP? 340-31394--0000, . We are confident that this ordinance will help reduce unnecessary water use, which will also conserve clean drinking water for more important purposes, said Public Works Director Robert Neal. City Of Lincoln; Lancaster County; City Attorney; Planning Department; Advisory Boards; Document Management Search; Lancaster County Board of Commissioners; Lincoln City Council; Open Data and Performance Management; PATS; Documents. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Obligations of Developer and City. . The Zoning Ordinance, Section 300 of the City Code, of the City of Lancaster has been enacted for the betterment of public health, safety and general welfare of City residents and visitors. Vice Mayor Marvin Crist. The ordinance follows the guidelines recommended by a coalition of Antelope Valley water purveyors, landscape architects, City officials, builders, and representatives from the Building Industry Association to establish standards for landscape design that are appropriate to Lancasters climate and resources. What are Use Groups? The City of Lancaster celebrates Black History Month by recognizing influential Lancaster locals Allowing water to leak for an unreasonable length of time. American Legal Publishing and the jurisdiction whose laws are being translated do not vouch for the accuracy of any translated versions of such laws. h1WIf z^Xdoapx8fVYQCW City of Lancaster 211 N Henry Street Lancaster, TX 75146 Ph: 972-218-1300 Driving Directions. 0000002602 00000 n CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER, OHIO Local legislation current through December 12, 2022 State legislation current through June 28, 2022. PRIOR ZONING ORDINANCE TABLE; ORDINANCE LIST AND DISPOSITION TABLE; CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE - AND DISPOSITION LIST modified; . Using water to cool any refrigerator, air-conditioning system, motor, etc. Specific Chapters to reference: Zoning Subdivision of Land Commercial Industrial Development Building Construction Notice of Proposed Ordinance or Zoning Action They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. What is an Administrative Amendment? Fire Department concerns & questions Online Payments Employment Opportunities Agendas & Minutes Library Contact Us | TDD Relay Service - 1-800-735-2922 While the ordinance does not apply to landscaping in private areas of residential projects, these developments are encouraged to use these guidelines to conserve local water resources and help ensure that water is not wasted. Lancaster, CA, Code of Ordinances Updated November 2020 By: Report a broken link solar energy The city's zoning code permits rooftop and ground-mounted solar energy systems by right in all districts, subject to specific standards addressing location and height ( 17.08.300 ). Our City About Us Sustainability Water Conservation, One of the many ways in which the City of Lancaster has worked to conserve local water resources and protect Lancaster from future shortages is the adoption of two ordinances to the Lancaster Municipal Code in early 2008. [[FqaWKLJ.> IgMyOuGLie(xE0`uw~]].}bwd9.QGly'|_ 3f City of Lancaster Trunk "B" Sewer Reimbursement District Map; Local Water Companies Map; Water Companies in Waterworks District 40, Regions 4 & 34; 44933 Fern Avenue, Lancaster, CA 93534 Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm M-F Phone: 661-723-6000. The City of Lancaster is proud to provide the best in service to our citizens. contained in Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Lancaster Municipal Code, or any other adopted development requirements; therefore, this Commission hereby finds that the environmental findings adopted by the City Council under City Council . The Lancaster County Zoning Office is responsible for administering the Unified Development Ordinance as adopted by Lancaster County Council, Town of Heath Springs Ordinance, and Town of Kershaw Ordinance. The waste of water in these ways, in addition to proof that the waste came from a specific home or business, is considered evidence that the owner or occupant of that home or business is responsible for the waste. 0000001444 00000 n Allowing a faucet or hydrant to leak or drain into a sewer after having been told to fix the problem by any public officer. .x1XaQkF2Yd;|{)Jja! 0000000962 00000 n 0000002135 00000 n THE CITY OF LANCASTER RECOGNIZES FAIR HOUSING MONTH IN APRIL. endstream endobj 616 0 obj <>stream Development Codes Click here for information regarding the Lancaster Development Code from Development Services, Planning Department . Enter your address to find your township, borough, or city. American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational purposes only. At its core, this ordinance aims to prevent developers from using landscaping that requires large amounts of water. This includes office, commercial, industrial and institutional landscaping; park and greenbelt landscaping; developer-installed landscaping in multiple family residential developments, and common areas of single-family residential developments. Please be advised that the City of Lancaster will be administering a Civil Service Entrance Examination for Police Officers on Saturday, . What is a Use Permit? We hope that all local citizens will join us in this effort to conserve our natural resources and protect our environment., 44933 Fern Avenue, Lancaster, CA 93534 Discharging fireworks on any property owned by the city is illegal, as is using them within 150 of an occupied structure, the police department said. CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Not Even for a Minute: Never Leave Your Child Alone in the Car, Mayor R. Rex Parris Interviewed for Showtime's Years of Living Dangerously. Loading Do Not Show Again Close . PERMITTED USES . City Code An all-inclusive reference guide for government officials and the private sector, the City Code contains the full text of Lancaster's administrative and regulatory legislation, building and zoning regulations, and ordinances pertaining to vehicles and traffic. xref

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