ZIP Search Call 214-670-8418 for more information. Log into your account at or call 2-1-1 and select, Option 2. In addition to providing services, many civic, social, educational, fraternal, and community groups have access to space for programs, meetings, and special events on-site. 2005-2023 Community Impact Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Selecting "YES" will take you to the City of Dallas 311 Service Request website. The City of Dallas Office of Communications, Outreach & Marketing has a mission to communicate City initiatives, programs services and events through public awareness, engagement and transparency. This historic new law expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic fumes and other hazards while fighting for our country. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 2023 MLK Brochure (ENG)/ 2023 MLK Brochure (SPAN). Get your annual flu shot at one of 70,000 retail pharmacies and urgent care locations near you. Fill out the form below and someone from our department will contact you. No walk-ins are allowed. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. The screen has support . Download our brochure! For additional information, visit: Coronavirus Resources, For information onCoronavirusReliefFund (CRF)Emergency Short Term Rental Assistance Program,visit: 4:17 PM Jun 27, 2023 CDT 1500 Marilla Street, Dallas, TX 75201; Dallas Park and Recreation Department | 1500 Marilla | Dallas, TX 75201 | 214.670.4100 Contact Us Fill out the form below and someone from our department will contact you. All rights reserved. For assistance, you must either call to schedule an appointment with a caseworker or submit an application to be seen. , Free Math Tutoring K-12 (Every Saturday @ MLK Branch Library), 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week, 2023 Juneteenth 4K Freedom Walk & Festival, 2023 Juneteenth 4K Freedom Walk & Festival (Event Recap), A Magnificent Moms Day Experience (Event Recap), MLK Community Spring Egg-Stravaganza (Event Recap), 2023 Taste of Soul Soul Food Cook-Off (Event Recap), Celebrating Black History Month at the MLK, Jr. Community Center, 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week (Recap), 2023 MLK Day Parade-It Starts With Me (Video), Call For Student Artists! Eligible clients can receive assistance to cover up to 12 months of rent, utilities and/or arrearages. 2017 City of Dallas - Public Information Office. The Aaron Family Jewish Community Center of Dallas brings the community together by providing state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional programs in an inclusive environment defined by Jewish values and culture. Dallas Housing Authority. Distribution takes place at the Park South YMCA (2500 Romine Avenue, , Event Details Sign up to receive FREE math tutoring for grades K-12 at the Martin Luther King Jr. The Community Care Customer Service Guide explains each step in the Veterans community care journey once they are referred for care. For information about COVID-19, call 2-1-1, Option 1. Office of Community Care Home Mission Community Centers Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center MLK Campus and Facilities Community Service Programs and Services 2022 MLK Celebration Week West Dallas Multipurpose Center WDMC Campus and Facilities Community Service Other Programs and Services Dallas Financial Empowerment Center Submit a request for assistance online, or contact one of our nonprofit partners for assistance. The average consumption for Dallas Water Utilities , For a second year, the City of Dallas is proud to offer dozens of free and low-cost activities for youth , With extreme temperatures forecast across North Texas, the City of Dallas is encouraging residents to conserve and prepare. Our Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program currently serves over65,000 people each month in a total of 17 clinics located throughout Dallas County. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ive Been to the Mountaintop (April 3rd, 1968). Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Email contact for more information. DATE June 30, 2023 CITY OF DALLAS TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council SUBJECT Taking Care of Business - June 27, 2023 "Our Product is Service" Empathy | Ethics | Excellence | Engagement | Equity . The Office of Community Care (OCC) operates the West Dallas Multipurpose Center (WDMC) which serves the West Dallas community. Please carefully review the eligibility information and documentation that will be needed for your application. Call 214-670-7230 for more information. Each of the 5 buildings on campus provides a variety of services to more than 300,000 Dallas citizens a year, meeting the original 1966 goal of a comprehensive multi-service community center. 5500 Caruth Haven Lane, Dallas, Texas 75225214-750-4222Full Contact Listing. Programs generally serve clients who are: Reservations can be made one month in advance by calling 214-670-8418 or by completing one of the reservation forms at the link below. Irving Municipal Courts. Subscribe for the latest updates directly from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center. The City of Dallas Social Services program is not able to assist people who live outside of City of Dallas city limits with Rental Assistance. 2. Dallas County Health and Human Services - 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75207 Telephone: 214-819-2000 DCHHS Older Adult Services Program offers socializing opportunities and more independence for Dallas County residents 60 years and older. Special thanks to Reliant NRG, Deborah Sutton, Rose Wright, and others for your contribution and enhancement of the PAD Program. Distribution takes place at the Park South YMCA (2500 Romine Avenue, , Event Details Sign up to receive FREE math tutoring for grades K-12 at the Martin Luther King Jr. End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage | Texas Health and Human Services There is also space available in the MLK Branch Library and the MLK Recreation Center for meetings and events. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday Each Month. VA also provides health care to Veterans family members and dependents through programs like the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). It is the largest city in and seat of Dallas County with portions extending into Collin, Denton, Kaufman, and Rockwall counties. Portion of Lewisvilles Main Street to be Medical City Lewisville invests $16M in upgrades. Provides information and referrals on senior services, educational programming and other resources that support and promote financial and social well-being. The City of Dallas Social Services program is not able to assist people who live outside of City of Dallas city limits with Rental Assistance. Tehachapi Veterinary Hospital. To ensure coverage continues, if you're eligible, report changes (contact information, pregnancy, etc.) Main Services maternity care CFT has awarded over $2 billion in grants since its founding in 1953. All items are donation-based and provided to us from local organizations or individuals. Must register online to participate. The Office of Community Care (OCC) provides direction and oversight of the City's social, human, and supportive services to help create equity for seniors, children, and other city of Dallas residents to improve their quality and standard of living. Click here to sign up for our newsletter! Texas Senate, House put forth separate property Gov. It continues to surpass COVID-19; it is expected to grow exponentially with a death due to heart disease occurring every 36 seconds within the U.S. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center has meeting space available inside of Building A for individuals and organizations. You may apply for rent assistance by completing the tenant or landlord application below. VA provides care to Veterans through community providers when VA cannot provide the careneeded. Please list the name of the Park / Rec. Tehachapi Veterinary Hospital is looking to add a great associate veterinarian to their amazing team of professionals. The City of Dallas was allocated $355.4 million for Local Fiscal Recovery through . Updated Community Care Overview VA provides care to Veterans through community providers when VA cannot provide the care needed. Note: Additional information may be required. 4:17 PM Jun 27, 2023 CDT, Rachel and Travis Bagley spent time in Medical City Lewisvilles renovated mother/baby unit. Funding donated to this page will support the 41st annual celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a weeks worth of events focused on equity, diversity, and opportunity. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. First Name* Last Name* Email Address* Phone Number Preferred Method of Contact Best Time to Contact Dyson Hot + Cool Jet Focus Heater and Fan$330$470 now 30% off. If you are unable to afford period products you can visit us to receive a free, one months supply of products. Scholarship & Awards Gala. To learn more about American Heart Month and heart health click here. The Office of Community Care (OCC) provides direction and oversight of the Citys social, human, and supportive services to help create equity for seniors, children, and other city of Dallas residents to improve their quality and standard of living. as soon as possible. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. February is a month all about showing your loved ones how much you care about them and with it being National Heart Month, its also about showing your heart and body how much you care about it too. Our goal is to provide the highest quality care for our patients with compassion, integrity . Dallas County Community Supervision & Corrections. Please switch auto forms mode to off. The City of Dallas Department of Housing/Community Services offers a variety of housing and community services that strengthen communities. There are many ways to give back to the community! The Community Council of Greater Dallas Inc offers services to individuals that provide them with job placement, job readiness, training, and career development workshops. Bldg. Community care is based on specific eligibility requirements, availability of VA care, and the needs and circumstances of individual Veterans. DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY REFERRAL LIST 2 Agency Name Phone Number Services Offered The Hope Clinic (469) 800-2500 Medical Hope's Door (972) 422-2977 Shelter for abused women & their children . visit for more resources. Let's connect! To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. OCC Senior Services (214) 670-5227 M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm. The public foundation professionally manages more than 1,200 charitable funds for individuals, families, companies and nonprofits and runs several key initiatives like CFTs NTX Giving Day, Educate Texas at CFT, and the W. W. Caruth, Jr. Fund at CFT. Center / Facility. The Salvation Army Pleasant Grove Corps Community Center8341 Elam Road, Dallas; open M-F 9:00-5:00 . You can try calling Salvation Army for a free fan at 214-630-5611. Volunteer Center of Dallas. The Child Care Assistance program is designed to assist the "working poor" or full-time students with the cost of child care for a maximum of one (1) year. For questions, visit:, 2022 NDSM Emergency Assistance Guide (Download). Water Conservation Manager. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center 2922 MLK Jr. Blvd. The MLK Fresh Produce Distribution Center provides fruits, vegetables, and dry goods to the surrounding community at no cost. The additional five teams for 2022 will be in next year's budget, so the cost has yet to be determined, but the City of Dallas budgeted $2,192,998 for the expansion to five RIGHT Care teams. You can try calling Salvation Army for a free fan at 214-630-5611. Dallas, TX 75241 Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson invites you to a family-friendly event with speakers, live performances, activities, giveaways, food, and fun! If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, Our mission is to provide social and supportive services designed to help create equity for seniors, Dallas Office of Community Care have hearing loss. Dallas Park and Recreation Department | 1500 Marilla | Dallas, TX 75201 | 214.670.4100. Communities Foundation of Texas is a 501c3 EIN 750967565. Community Council of Greater Dallas serves as the Community Action Agency for Dallas County by providing programs and services to individuals in poverty, working families, youth, and older adults. The City of Dallas Social Services program is not able to assist people who live outside of City of Dallas city limits with Rental Assistance. Dallas (/ d l s /) is the third-most populous city in Texas and the most populous city in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the United States at 7.5 million people. Visit the MLK Fresh Produce Distribution Center. You can also the name of the organization if you dont know the program, End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage | Texas Health and Human Services, Department of Family and Protective Services, Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Dallas Mayor's Summer of Safety Celebration Saturday, August 27, 2022 9AM-1PM UNT Dallas 7300 University Hills Blvd. If you are interested in Rental or Utilities Assistance through the City of Dallas Office of Community Care, Social Services program, you may call our appointment line to speak with a caseworker, Monday - Friday - 9am- 2pm. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Indian Health Service/Tribal Health Program, CHAMPVA In-house Treatment Initiative (CITI), Indian Health Services/Tribal Health/Urban Indian, Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program, Veterans Health Information Exchange Program, Durable Medical Equipment/ Pharmacy Requirements, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), Learn about care and services for Veteran dependents, Call TTY if you Call 214-670-8418 for more information. Programs: The names of the programs that various organizations offer. By Destine Gibson Needs: This column refers to what youre looking for, like Rent Payment Assistance or Food Pantries. Scholarship Fund. , The 10.5-acre campus is home to fivefree-standing buildings, including the Administration building. Click here to sign up for our newsletter! The City of Dallas Social Services program is not able to assist people who live outside of City of Dallas city limits with Rental Assistance. Use this service request to report any concerns regarding maintenance of parks, street medians, triangles, athletic fields, and special non-park properties such as libraries and cemeteries. Before joining Community Impact in 2022, she worked at The Dallas Morning News. The automated hotline offers information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information about the PAD Program, They offer monthly recruitment by working closely with area employers who partner with the to place clients. Our Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program provides housing/ rental assistance and support services for persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The Social Services program assists clients with: If you are interested in Rental or Utilities Assistance through the City of Dallas Office of Community Care, Social Services program, you may call our appointment line to speak with a caseworker, Monday Friday 9am- 2pm. The hospital's labor and delivery unit will receive similar amenities, like new flooring and couches that convert to beds. Please see below , The City of Dallas has been awarded a $344,236 grant to implement a WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project (WIC , High temperatures and reduced precipitation are increasing water demands on Dallas water system. Community partners will be available to discuss insurance opportunities for those without insurance and provide assistance in signing up for Texas Benefits like SNAP and childrens CHIP and Medicaid. With the goal of building thriving communities for all, Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) works in North Texas and across the state through a variety of charitable funds and strategic initiatives. 1-214-239-7115, Copyright 2023 JCC Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions. Financial services are based on the availability of funds. For this event, the Office of Community Care and the West Dallas Multipurpose Center will be partnering with the American Health Association- Dallas and will feature a variety of health screenings as well as other opportunities and demonstrations allowing you to learn more about supporting your health and wellness. Free Math Tutoring K-12 (Every Saturday @ MLK Branch Library), 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week, 2023 Juneteenth 4K Freedom Walk & Festival,, 2023 Juneteenth 4K Freedom Walk & Festival (Event Recap), A Magnificent Moms Day Experience (Event Recap), MLK Community Spring Egg-Stravaganza (Event Recap), 2023 Taste of Soul Soul Food Cook-Off (Event Recap), Celebrating Black History Month at the MLK, Jr. Community Center, 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week (Recap), 2023 MLK Day Parade-It Starts With Me (Video), Call For Student Artists! The Fresh START housing assistance program offers case management and rental assistance to aid the homeless and those at-risk of homelessness, including individuals impacted by the criminal justice system, to increase skills and income, on the road to self-sufficiency. (Courtesy Medical City Lewisville). Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center: 214-670-8416. If you are interested in Rental or Utilities Assistance through the City of Dallas Office of Community Care, Social Services program, you may call our appointment line at 214-670-8416 to speak with a caseworker, Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are part of the No Wrong Door system, which is designed to streamline public access to long-term services and supports (LTSS). Home delivered meal service to seniors who normally receive transportation. DALLAS CITY HALL, ROOM 6FN: Meeting details: Agenda: City Plan Commission: 6/1/2023: 9:00 AM: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 6TH FLOOR: Meeting details: Agenda: previous day . The City of Dallas launched a COVID-19 resource and information hotline. To promptly provide quality legal assistance to indigent individuals identified with mental health illnesses by partnering with the criminal justice system, community resources, and government officials in order to facilitate the best possible outcome of criminal issues and linking them to appropriate services in order to reduce the rate of reci. Note: Additional information may be required. 2018 Communities Foundation of Texas. Destine Gibson covers the cities of Lewisville and Coppell. Please share with others who may benefit. West Dallas Multipurpose Center:214-670-6530, Martin Luther King, Jr. CommunityCenter:214-670-8416. Our centers enhance the quality of life of residents in the surrounding neighborhoods by providing an assortment of services ranging from rental assistance, energy assistance, fresh produce and supplemental meal distribution, health promotion and medical services, childcare and family counseling, educational and technological training, and community events and activities. 2023 Black History Month Art Display, Celebrating Thanksgiving at the MLK, Jr. Community Center, MLK Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway (Event Recap), Winter Warm-Up Coat Drive and Distribution, Day of the Dead/ Da de los Muertos (Event Recap), Utility Bill Assistance (Electric, Water, Gas), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), U.S. Government issued ID or secondary identification, Social Security Cards for all household members, Lease agreement or proof of homeownership, Proof of household income for the past 30 days, Eviction notice or mortgage delinquency notice, Receipts for bills/expenses paid in the last 30 days. City of Dallas - Child Care Services (214) 670-0506 Child Care Assistance City of Dallas - Home Repair (214) 670-3644 Home Repairs . 3. Throughout the year, we distribute free snack packs, hygiene kits, clothing, and more to residents in the surrounding communities. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Tuesdays at 12 p.m. For questions, contact Miles of Freedom at 214-290-2337. Centers. With a 2020 census population of 1,304,379, it is . A Dallas, TX 75215: Meeting details: Agenda: South Dallas/Fair Park Opportunity Fund Board : 6/26/2023: 6:00 PM: . Dial 2-1-1or (877) 541-7905 | Chat now in English | Chatear ahora en Espaol, Medicaid Members:Continuous Medicaid coveragehas ended and Medicaid renewals have started, effective April 1, 2023. Watch Council Meetings Open Meetings Dallas City News City Manager Memos Open Records Request. Tours are available by appointment only. Branch Library. Our vision is to be the voice of the City of Dallas by being the best at telling our stories. We appreciate your patience during this time. TheCity of Dallas is committed to providing assistance to residents in need of rental, utility or other assistance through the Dallas Rent Relief programs. The City of Dallas is making free period products, including pads and tampons, available in many of its public facilities, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center, through an initiative calledPeriod Access Dallas, or P.A.D. CODs Office of Community Care hosts its annual I Heart Health Fair, City of Dallas Department and Facility Holiday Closures, City of Dallas receives grant to reach more families through innovative WIC outreach efforts, Summer of Safety: City of Dallas offers free and low-cost summer activities for kids and teens, City of Dallas urges electricity conservation and emergency preparedness, Dallas Public Librarys Catalog System Restored. The number is 214-670-INFO (4636) and provides Dallas residents with important and useful information, in English and Spanish. Find a COVID-19 testing site|COVID-19 vaccine|More COVID-19 information. Dyson's bladeless fan can blow cool or hot air, making it perfect for year-round use. Special thanks to Reliant NRG, Deborah Sutton, Rose Wright, and others for your contribution and enhancement of the PAD Program. The Office of Community Care invites all adults and seniors in the community, especially those with chronic health conditions and/or those who suspect they may have an undiagnosed chronic health condition to participate. Help keep yourself and your loved ones healthy! Find more info at | Follow us on social media @DallasParkRec. City of Dallas Community Resources by findhelp - Search and Connect to Social Care Support Sign Up Log In Search for free or reduced cost services such as food, healthcare, job-seeker and legal assistance, and more. We also offer great mentorship for any new graduates! For more information about the PAD Program, Financial services are based on the availability of funds. Registration begins at 3 p.m. Learn about Veteran community care as soon as possible. Public facilities , Dallas Public Librarys catalog system returned to full operation on Friday after more than seven weeks of all-analog service at . To ensure coverage continues, if you're eligible, report changes (contact information, pregnancy, etc.) Click here to see how you can help support our mission to serve the community! City of Dallas, Dallas ISD break ground at Reverchon Park for multimillion dollar restoration to bas Revitalizing Reverchon: Iconic Baseball Field at Historic Park Set for Renovation Read on. 32-inch Fire TV 2-Series 720p HD Smart TV is $130 for Prime members (35% off; $70 off) A great pick for a college dorm or kid's room, this 32-inch screen is small but solid. Low income (earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income), At risk of housing instability or homelessness, ie are late on rent or at risk of eviction, Have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, even if temporarily, such as through increased expenses or loss or reduction of income, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), West Dallas Neighbors Garden & The Orchard,, Utility Bill Assistance (Electric, Water, Gas), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), U.S. Government issued ID or secondary identification, Social Security Cards for all household members, Lease agreement or proof of homeownership, Proof of household income for the past 30 days, Eviction notice or mortgage delinquency notice, Receipts for bills/expenses paid in the last 30 days. Learn about eligibility, appointments, getting care,costs and billing, Join the VA network, registerfor training, file a claim andsign up for updates, Information for third party insurance companies about billing, rates and charges, Veterans Crisis Line: The OCC oversees the following programs and services offered on the WDMC Campus: City of Dallas Social Services Social Services ( Senior Services Senior Services ( Child Care Services We provide direct services to clients to assist them with employment, education, life skills, mentoring, substance abuse treatment and community services.
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