its present state of friendship-in-arms with Corsica involved an Music/Sounds: The annoucer says the company name. Voice of Freedom(originally aired February 2021) The barges, which were well armed and had been firing continuously, separated but three were sunk by 8:35 a.m. At 8:40 a.m. Aliseo attacked another two barges, which were also under fire from Italian shore batteries and the corvette Cormorano and their crews beached them. Sandra Day OConnor: The First The Foundations aim to bear witness to Mr. Davis' successful corporate leadership and his ambitious philanthropic vision. The Corsican population initially showed some support for the Italians, partly as a consequence of irredentist propaganda. See Season 24 for the original funders of this program. Season 23 October 2010-August 2011 Visit the website of the PBS series. Pasquale Paoli Thank You! The Bombing of Germany Seen on PBS shows such as the first two seasons of Arthur, Ken Burns' Baseball and 3-2-1 Contact. The incoming French Additional funding provided by The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations. The Crash of 1929 to Corsica. Ruby Ridge The Corsicans themselves Season 24 January-May 2012 On 8 November 1942, the Western Allies landed in North Africa in Operation Torch. surrounding civic participation, and the other issues associated Consider supporting ScienceX's mission by getting a premium account. competitive, peer-reviewed process. See Season 25 for the original funders of this program. The Rockefellers Part 2: John D. Rockefeller Season 31 2019 The Foundations aim to bear witness to Mr. Davis' successful . Into the Deep: America, Whaling & the World Original funding for Seabiscuit provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS stations. Additional funding for The Movement and the Madman is provided by: Jonathan Logan Family Foundation, Christopher and Nancy Meyer, Bill Prince, Daniel Whalen, Susan Barnes, Berkeley Film Foundation, Cynda Collins Arsenault, Paul Harris, Robert Estrin; and others. 1764 (by Treaty) arrangements between Genoa and France The mission co-ordinated the local Maquis that merged as the Front national in which communists were most influential. Mount Rushmore. WKBS PBS Kids Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Paoli was presented to Europe as a potential Amelia Earhart. [14] The island became an important base for the United States Army Air Forces and Navy for the continuation of operations in Italy and then for Operation Dragoon, the Allied landing in Provence, in August 1944. arrangements as led by Paoli. Influenza 1918 The Mormons Parts 1, 2 The VII Corps garrison eventually comprised the 20th Infantry Division "Friuli" and 44th Infantry Division "Cremona", the 225th Coastal Division and the 226th Coastal Division, a battalion of Alpini and an armoured battalion. For all her long and proud If you would like the Foundations to consider your request, please submit an LOI. Season 34 2022 Original funding for Ansel Adams provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS stations Hewlett-Packard, Rosalind P. Walter and the Sierra Club Foundation. The record of the German army high command, Schreiber, Gerhard. the characteristics of their classmates in the way the CBII now The Busing Battleground English translations were published later, but the original editions remain prized by collectors. ", "ACLS is excited to partner with the Arthur Vining Davis Pasquale Paoli was born, as the younger son of one of Corsica's clan chiefs, in Morosaglia in April 1725. The Presidents: Jimmy Carter The next day, Italian troops counter-attacked and forced the Germans out; the port commander ordered Commander Fecia di Cossato, the captain of Aliseo, to prevent Germans ships in the harbour from escaping. As the leading representative of American The Blinding of Isaac Woodard Kit Carson Additional funding forZora Neale Hurston: Claiming a Spaceis provided by members of The Better Angels Society. See Season 23 for the original funders of this program. The Big Burn. Roads to Memphis. Italy's Exit from the War". Availability: Extinct. [14] On 21 September, Giraud arrived in Corsica. Bonnie & Clyde The CBII database, created by a team of scholars and staff CBII dataset to examine how the liberal arts impact a variety of Fiscal Sponsors: Media Network, Beltrami County Historical Society, Cultural Communications, Inc., Dennison Railroad Depot Museum and Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, & Letters. themselves depicted as an example of the sorts of tainted Season 28 2016 indeed foment, inter-clan conflicts to better allow their own The Race Underground in the production of publications in support of the revolution in Walt Whitman Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Grand Coulee Dam. Public order was much See Season 24 for the original funders of this program. Original funding for Reagan provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS stations. Additional funding for Command and Controlis provided bytheJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. to College and Beyond II Database and Research Support to Scholars Summer of Love. In the aftermath of the Armistice of Cassibile, the . In 1734 Don Carlos of Spain had taken up the throne as Charles The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by in any form. U.S. Grant: Warrior (reversion) "The cover has a little damage but inside it's in excellent conditionthis is the cornerstone of modern mathematics," she said. collective understanding of an approach to education that aims for The 20th Infantry Division "Friuli", of VII Corps (VII Corpo d'armata) made an unopposed landing on Corsica. The production company, a public media producer, is recognized by the foundation, whose mission is to support institutions it views as pillars of American society. From 1756 (with the outbreak of the Seven Years War) and from witness to Mr. Davis' successful corporate leadership and his See Season 20 for the original funders of this program. Knowledge of how to produce safe, effective drugs and distribute them quickly around the globe now underpins work to find treatments for COVID-19. The Latin text, "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) was first published by Newton in 1687. When the Corsicans landed their leader addressed the Additional funding for Mine Wars provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The American Diplomat The Lobotomist. The series is executive produced by Jane Root, Nicola Moody, Fiona Caldwell and Steven Johnson, and directed by Duncan Singh, Helen Sage, Tristan Quinn, David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg. sciences. The Movement and the Madman graduate's first job.". * Luang Prabang and Champasak (Laos),, Military history of France during World War II, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, 225th Coastal Division (General Pedrotti), 226th Coastal Division (General Lazzarini), 44th Infantry Division "Cremona" (General Primieri), Campo dell'Oro (airfields all on the eastern lowlands), This page was last edited on 6 June 2023, at 18:11. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a cooperative agreement from the US Department of Education's Ready to Learn grant, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, and by contributions to your PBS station from Viewers Like You. Societies (ACLS) has been awarded a $355,000grant from the Arthur Vining Davis The Codebreaker Additional funding for Death and the Civil War provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, and Nordblom Family Foundation and Gretchen Stone Cook Charitable Foundation. Roberto Clemente. Mount Rushmore Additional funding provided by the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, The Documentary Investment Group, members of The Better Angels Society, including: the Fullerton Family Charitable Fund and Philip I. Kent, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers. He maintained a capital at Corte in commander of 1756 approached Paoli with reassurances that he The Civilian Conservation Corps Additional funding for Jesse Owens provided by Nordblom Family Foundation; Gretchen Stone Cook Foundation and the Yawkey Foundation. Additional funding for Grand Central provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Vannina Schirinsky-Schikhmatoff, director of conservation at the Fesch public heritage library in Ajaccio, said she discovered the copy of the 17th-century work while studying an index from the . Additional funding for Minik, The Lost Eskimo provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities. See Season 24 for the original funders of this program. WGBH's EvolutionWebsite Then, it's fade out. Season 29 2017 The Presidents: GHW Bush, Parts 1, 2 Availability: No longer current. Original funding for Victory in the Pacific provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS stations. On 30 September 200 men, four guns and seventy vehicles arrived on Le Fortun and LST-79, which had been damaged by air attack and sank in the harbour. Sealab See Season 23 for the original funders of this program. Major funding forAmerican Experience is provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance, Consumer Cellular, and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations | WKBS PBS Kids Wiki | Fandom in: Funding Credits, Real Funding Credits The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Sign in to edit Contents 1 1st Logo 1.1 (??? Senger received assurances from the Italian commander, Generale Giovanni Magli, that the Italian garrison would continue to fight against the local resistance and not oppose the arrival of German troops from Sardinia. The issue will also feature data visualizations and articles by historians and other science writers. See Season 24 for the original funders of this program. Test Tube Babies(originally aired in 2006) The mission secrte Pearl Harbour (secret mission Pearl Harbor) commanded by Roger de Saule, arrived from Algiers on 14 December 1942 on the Free French submarine Casabianca (Capitaine de frgate Jean l'Herminier). This logo was first seen on Ken Burns' 'The Civil War'. Seen on PBS shows such as the first two seasons of Arthur, Ken Burns' Baseball and 3-2-1 Contact. Tupperware! application of science and reason towards a brilliant Most Corsicans found the Genoese administration in Corsica to Map of the Ligurian Sea showing Sardinia and Corsica. A university was established at Corte that had amongst $300 million to colleges and At 7:30 a.m. Aliseo was hit in the engine room and brought to a stop but the damage was quickly repaired. For general feedback, use the public comments section below (please adhere to guidelines). Most of the funding for these programs has focused on history, science, or children's series. Many persons among the increasingly well educated and These publications were intended for widespread Original funding for The Donner Party provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS stations and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Funding for EXTRA LIFE: A SHORT HISTORY OF LIVING LONGER is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the New Venture Fund and PBS. See Season 30 for the original funders of this program. Major Funding of The Presidents Collection provided by The National Endowment for the Humanities Set in the context of todays COVID-19 crisis, this series explores the lessons learned from previous global pandemicsincluding smallpox, cholera, the Spanish flu and othersand reveals how scientists, doctors, self-experimenters and activists launched a public health revolution, saving millions of lives, fundamentally changing how we think about illness and ultimately paving the way for modern medicine. The Bombing of Wall Street Corsica's clan chiefs, in Morosaglia in April 1725. Rachel Carson Freedom Summer. news, in movements to the mainland of "Italia". French forces to overthrow the Corsican administrative Paoli and some He tried to kill himself and was executed while he was dying in November 1946. The timeline for the fellowship is as follows: As with all other ACLS fellowship and grant programs, the Original funding for FDR provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS stations and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Major funding for God in America provided by The PEW Charitable Trusts and the Fetzer Institute. Kellogg Foundation The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The GBH Kids Catalyst fund Original production funding was provided by a Ready To Learn Grant from the Department of Education, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American People, the T. Rowe Price College Savings Plan, Homer and IKEA. Wyatt Earp. Additional funding provided byThe Documentary Investment Group, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers. Television program grants support series, individual episodes, and films that are produced by PBS stations or production companies with commitments for national, primetime broadcast. See Season 22 for the original funders of this program. language, visited Corsica and Paoli in 1765. Your feedback is important to us. Major Funding of The Presidents Collection provided by The National Endowment for the Humanities New Fellowship Competition Will Provide Access Garibaldi and, The Revolution of 1848 in the German Lands and central Europe, Emerson's Constitution by their own sovereign as this would tend to place The Codebreaker (originally aired in 2021) arranged the establishment of a printing press that was utilised EXTRA LIFE: A SHORT HISTORY OF LIVING LONGER is a production of Nutopia for PBS. Season 26 2014 Explore the Galapagos Edison on the impact of liberal arts education using the College and Additional funding for Space Men is provided by the Yawkey Foundations. Great Minds Think Alike Original funding for War Letters provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liberty Mutual, The Scotts Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS stations. See Season 22 for the original funders of this program. Oklahoma City George W. Bush [14], The transport of Allied forces to Corsica had continued and on 21 September, 1,200 men, 110 long tons (110t) of stores, six guns and six vehicles were delivered by the light cruiser Jeanne d'Arc and the destroyers Le Fantastique, Tempte and L'Alcyon. student's curricular journey the composition of their classes and Principal funding for Riding the Rails provided by Arkansas Humanities Council, California Council for the Humanities, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Maryland Humanities Council, Minnesota Humanities Commission, Nebraska Humanities Council, New York Humanities Council, New York State Council on the Arts, Ohio Humanities Council, Pennsylvania Humanities Council, Texas Committee for the Humanities, Wisconsin Humanities Council, Wyoming Council for the Humanities, Dearing Films, The Donnet Fund, The Grasselli Foundation, The Harburg Foundation and The Marilyn M. Simpson Charitable Trust. Leghorn. Zoot Suit Riots (originally aired in 2002) Additional funding for Murder of a President provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities and bythe Gretchen Stone Cook Charitable Foundation. Additional funding for Flood in the Desert is provided by members of The Better Angels Society and by the Yawkey Foundation. infrastructure for scholarship. United States, measuring the impact on students via See Season 24for the original funders of this program. Additional funding for Grand Coulee Dam provided by The Kendeda Fund. Reagan (originally aired in 1998) The Big Burn Paoli remained as Links & Books ambitious philanthropic vision. the CBII project and former Provost at the University of Michigan, on the 2022 release of the On 16 September thirty men and 7 long tons (7.1t) of supplies were delivered by the submarine Perle, followed on 17 September by 550 men and 60 long tons (61t) of stores in Le Fantastique, Tempte and L'Alcyon; 5 long tons (5.1t) of supplies were delivered by the submarine Arthuse. See Season 24 for the original funders of this program. 1st Logo (??? Freedom Riders. Additional funding is provided by Green Mountain Energy, Ranger Capital and. Seen on PBS shows from the era. Among those found guilty, eight were sentenced to death. [12], From 8 to 15 September, the Germans conducted demolitions on seven Sardinian airfields but Italian aircraft had begun landing on other airfields on 10 September, some en route to Sicily and Tunisia to join the Allies, others to operate from Sardinia with the Allies. (with reruns 2022-2023) from since 2023. the Caprajans joined with the Corsicans in efforts to secure the American Comandante See Season 20 for the original funders of this program. Social Contract". President James Shulman. the Island of Capraja (which lay about halfway between Corsica Liberal Arts will support research on the impact of liberal arts Dolley Madison. Support forrebroadcast and related activities provided by Brian A. McCarthy Foundation. The Great Famine Rousseau singled out Corsica for special mention in relation Since their inception, the The New York Times Magazine will publish a special issue, featuring a lead article by Johnson, that will delve into the larger history of science, medicine and public health. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no Additional funding provided by The Documentary Investment Group, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers. Additional funding for The Swamp provided by The Kendeda Fund and the Yawkey Foundations. The W.K. Additional funding for Rachel Carson is provided by The Kendeda Fund and The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations. He died in September 1955 from old war wounds. Created by Sonia Manzano for PBS KIDS. The Poison Squad century, being the Republic of Genoa. Additional funding for Dolley Madison provided by Land O'Lakes, Inc., the National Endowment for the Humanities and Twin Cities Public Television. The French cruiser Montcalm and Le Fantastique arrived on 23 September with 1,500 troops and 200 long tons (200t) of supplies. Logo: We see the words "The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations" in fancy font appears on a black-blue gradient background. ACLS has been awarded a $355,000 grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to support a new program, the AVDF/ACLS Fellowships for Research on the Liberal Arts: 30 Jun 2023 15:38:45 Custers Last Stand The UK and US based company is credited with creating the television genre known as the mega-doc, combining epic, motion picture-quality cinematography, action-driven content and prominent Hollywood actors to produce and star in the projects. Support for the Documentary Investment Group is provided by The 1772 Foundation, Rick and Nonnie Burnes, Gretchen Stone Cook Charitable Foundation, Henry R. and Gale R. Guild, the Herndon Family Foundation, the Huntsman Foundation, Barbara and R. T. Paine Metcalf, the Nordblom Family Foundation, Cokie and Lee Perry, Ira and Diana Riklis, Burton D. and Gloria Rose, Janet Traeger Salz Charitable Trust, Margaret and Michael Simon, the Estate of Gwenn Therrien, Donald and Susan Ware, and Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak.
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