But that part I cantalk about later when I sign the deal. Questions Post Question There are no questions yet for this company. Known For: Online marketing expert. So I've got this writing ritual, and I'll write every morning for aboutsixtytoninetyminutes,Monday through Friday. Ultimately, Nashvillians will choose five At-Large members this election. We had a great relationship, recalls Galloway. Michael and Debora Mirt he is a former president of HealthSpring purchased the plot for $490,000 in October 2019, so why is it showing up here, in late 2020? And I'm someone who thrives on change. Though this stone and brick tudor was only on the market for seven days, it is not the quickest sale on this months list. Couch, chairs, coffee table, and side table: custom. Our budget process is still convoluted and inaccessible for many residents. ,for the record. Spouse/Partner: Hobie Porterfield. Today, Porterfield lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband, Hobie.[1]. See the links below for more info: (Sponsored) Amy Porterfield 46 years old Get notified of updates This, too, shall pass,and I do believe her. Sellers agent: Eve Stuart and Jennifer Telwar, Zeitlin Sothebys International, Buyers agent: Andy Beasley, Brentview Realty. (Our definition of civility is being a good, active, honest and respectable citizen). You've got this! But I struggled with that one. The issues that I am most passionate about and the fights that I am called to fight to transcend district boundaries and impact all Nashvillians. I got paid to create content and create plans and execute for somebody else. This was another big, lofty ceilinged room, so Galloway filled some of the height with a canopy bed, and also brought in neutral tones and earthy elements. Thanks so much for joining me today and allowing me to just share allof this. 6339 Charlotte Pike 920, Nashville, Tennessee, 37209 . I think this episode is more about my mental health and just protecting it and being careful about kind of what comes up for me and sharing that in case anybody else is struggling in those areas as well. And the friends that I have that I had when I came here that live in Nashville, they've literally embraced me with open arms. [2], She attended The University of California, Santa Barbara and began working in content development after graduation. I am a life-long Tennessean. Rug: Lindye Galloway Shop. When online marketing educator and podcaster Amy Porterfield and her husband made the move from California to Nashville in 2020, they wanted to bring their California roots to their . Hobieand I moved here. So we rolled into town with,basically,no furniture, no family close by,freezing temperatures,and just each other,and thank goodness for that. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Looking for list-building ideas and inspiration? Bed and bench: custom. I totally get that. Do horses watch Netflix? Many of you might already know that I got a book deal,because I was promoting Gabby Bernstein's best seller. What I like is that its open to the kitchen but it feels disconnected, so it feels a bit more formal. Like, I'm notfakinganything. And I wanted to share this because I just wondered if maybe you've had something really good happen for you or you got this really great opportunity and all of a sudden you created all thesewell, what if this happens? I hope that it didn't bring you down, but it inspires you and reminds you that you're doing big things in this world,and the world needs those big things you're doing. Like,the end of2020, I started to see the scale go up,and then,I added this whole move onto my life experiences. I've worked really hard for twelve years to build the business I have, and now I get to teach other people how I built this business through a book. And for me, I'm just really aware of it now, even more so than I've ever been. I currently sit on the board for The Destiny Theatre Experience, a Nashville theater company, as well as eMpowerment Inc. and Ignite Her Pursuit, both non-profit organizations that partner with schools in Southeast Nashville. And I want to acknowledge you and tell you that I see you, if this is your situation, too, that you deal with this. They will welcome you with open arms. Leaders Media has established sourcing guidelines that rely on credible, expert-level, and primary sources for articles about people and companies. But for me, depression feels like this black cloud that just follows me everywhere. Well, becauseof COVID,thatallchanged. No matter what people say about you, no matter what support you might not have in your family, no matter what schooling you've had in the past, whatever is holding you back, for me, it often is the scale, but for you, whatever it is, we have to do it in spite of that. I'm not talking about,like,intense workouts, although that's great,too. You should be a better example for your students. But I do believe that when we're more aware of self-sabotaging or imposter syndrome, when weremore aware of it, we could be like,Oh, there you are, old friend. . Easier said than done, but very, very doable. Or the fact that showing up for my morning ritual will just be what it is,and I'm going to keep going. We had such a good time with you during the ten weeks. Porterfield has over a decade of experience in online marketing and has worked with a variety of businesses, from small startups to large corporations. Nfocus readers will recognize this 10,000-square-footer from this years Homes of Distinction issue. The home is full of imported and customized features: The front door and several ceilings are made of wood from a 150-plus-year-old barn in Leipers Fork, the fireplace in the library features antique walnut from Andrew Jacksons home and a fireplace in the living area is made of coastal limestone brought in from France. So if you're experiencing anything similar, try some of those things. And so that was really eye opening and really good for me to do, and,hopefully,a lot of people got value from it. And I will saythrough some small steps and having patience for myself day in and day out, I do feel as though Iveturned a leafand I'm moving in the right direction of getting healthier. Her father was a firefighter and her mother was a hairstylist. You've got this great life. I helped lead the charge to reinstate Representative Jones as it was important to me that we sent a strong message that we would not take threats to our democracy lightly and we would do everything in our power to protect the will of our voters. You have a successful business. In 2013, Porterfield launched her first podcast about List Building with Social Media, and that year her business made almost one million dollars. And maybe a few of you felt this, like,duringCOVID, but I alreadybecause I already started to slip during2020. INTRO:I'm Amy Porterfield, and this isOnlineMarketingMadeEasy. But funny enough, I don't say that to myself. It's embarrassing, but I've admitted this one time before, so if you're a devout listener to this podcast, you know this. Manage Settings I think anybody going through this probably knows this, but it's not helpful. Buyers are Amy and Hobert Porterfield. And then,it was a whole new level of reverting to old patterns,and it led to a significant amount of weight gain. Like,over the weeksand the monthswent by, it turned into depression, which started to feel like a constant cloud over my head. I don't wake up with a racing heart anymore,and I feel sad, but I'm letting myself grieve California and my old life. They were very easygoing. She encourages entrepreneurs to focus on their strengths and to use those strengths to create value for others, rather than trying to be all things to all people. These cookies do not store any personal information. Any reader who wishes to provide any additions or revisions to this article, including updating any out-of-date information, please email [emailprotected]. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. . amy porterfield inc. amy porterfield. I wasn't backing out. Bye for now. It's the weirdest thing. Like,all these thoughts that do not serveme, right? Over the last four years, I have been fully present for my district while being fully present for the issues that are shaping Nashville: addressing equity, fighting for education, advocating for more diversity on our citys Boards and Commissions, and defending democracy. Well, becauseof COVID,thatallchanged. I also know it's not going to do me any good to dwell on old videos or photos of where I look thinner, but sometimes that happens. Thankfully, there are a few quirky characters on this months list, too including a secret playground accessible by bridge and a fireplace made of wood that used to belong to Andrew Jackson. And most importantly, stick around until the endbecause as silly as it might sound, I haveaif you're multitasking, come back to memoment. Like,it definitely reared its ugly head. So, you know,none of thathas to do with her. We need dedicated funding for affordable housing and to continue to work with developers and non-profits to find creative solutions to incentivize the building of affordable housing. And one of my big themes in my book is how to be your own boss, how to call the shots. [8], Digital Course Academy is a program created by Porterfield that serves as a comprehensive guide to developing and launching profitable digital courses that help entrepreneurs leverage their expertise and build scalable online businesses. I'd write a paragraph and then just think, this is terrible. Ive also worked as a special education coach for over a dozen Metro Nashville public schools, served as the Faculty Advisory Committee chair for itinerant staff and was a proud, dues paying member of MNEA. AMY:So I'm going to take you through three really big life changes that I experienced early this year, the first being I moved from California, where I've lived all my life, to Nashville; the second one,falling back into old patterns of eating my feelings, which has resulted in a lack ofconfidence around my body; and then lastly,getting a book deal, which sounds great,I know, but I'll explain some of the challenges around that. By paying Metro employees living wages, we are not only taking care of the people who take care of our city, but other industries will in turn have to raise their wages to stay competitive. Amy Porterfield corporate office is located in 6339 Charlotte Pike 920, Nashville, Tennessee, 37209, United States and has 26 employees. Shopping. [5], In 2021, Porterfields company was listed in the Inc. 500, and in 2022, she wrote her first book, Two Weeks Notice. Here's something that kind of sucks. Learn more about our mission, editorial ethics, and how we source references in our editorial policy. This was Galloways favorite room of the house. The home is loaded with four bedrooms, and lots of bonus space, including a home office, a playroom, a rec room with a wet bar and a two-story guest house. Meaning,like,they're not wide-open issues and challenges that I haven't had any resolve over, but again, I don't think they're fully healed yet,either. Leslie Brown. The Titans stadium deal is an example of the disconnect between the people of the city and the people making decisions. I even woke up in a new state on the first morning of2021. And I know that my weight doesn't determine my ability to do amazing things in my business. When online marketing educator and podcaster .css-4onbcm{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-4onbcm:hover{color:#242D39;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Amy Porterfield and her husband made the move from California to Nashville in 2020, they wanted to bring their California roots to their new touch-of-country home. Affordable/attainable housing has been named by citizens again and again (NashvilleNext, polling, etc.) So there we are, three months later,Hobie,Scout,and I cometruckininto town from California,and it looks nothing like it did when we firstbought the house. Pendant lamps: Circa Lighting. Its really embarrassing to admit, but its happened to me, and I feel like it's imposter syndrome. I feel like I could just cry right now because I feel so much of the judgment I judge myself with, but I know that you sometimes do that to yourself as well. The Tennessee General Assembly has gutted Metro Nashville's governance model and finances. So I just want to make sure you're really clear of what I just said. So I don't think it's ever going to fully stop for me, that kind of dynamic I talked about. Because the notice of completion was filed in November and the Mirts purchased the newly completed abode for $3.1 million. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Now, at the time of this recording, I still have not signed a contract. She emphasizes the importance of creating a business that not only generates income, but also allows entrepreneurs to do work that they are passionate about and that makes a positive impact in the world. I feel like I have to be so good or so strong because how can I be a good leader if I'm not? So here's what I want you to hear. And customize is exactly what she didmost of the house is decorated with bespoke items (along with products from the Lindye Galloway Shop). Amy Porterfield's Annual Report & Profile shows critical firmographic facts: What is the company's size? (Coincidentally, that house is just down the street at 6448 Penrose Drive. And so I don't necessarily want to be all polished and professional. That's normal. I believe in standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. I guess most people now, theirexperienceis like mine,where you get on Zoomcalls. Amy Porterfield's annual revenues are $1-$10 million (see exact revenue data) and has 10-100 employees. For me lately, I've been not wanting to do photo shoots or maybe turning down some speaking opportunities because I don't feel comfortable in my skin. She added a reading nook beside the window to create an area for waking life in the room. So here I am in all my rawness, I don't know whatever word else to use, but I just want to keepbeingan example of what is possible. I am well aware. But even walks with Scout have changed my perspective. Well, same thing with food,or if you're a drinker. My areas of expertise include how to start. It wassomeone's front yard. It employs 11-20 people and has . I have learned so much about governance over the last four years. [9], Porterfields podcast, called Online Marketing Made Easy, includes expert interviews, mini-execution plans, and behind-the-scenes secrets from her biggest business launches. Nashville, TN. I even woke up in a new state on the first morning of2021. If you've been loving this podcast and finding value in it, I'd love it if you could just share it with one entrepreneurial friend who you think could benefit from it. And I'm just like,oh. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are a-okay with. It just kind of threw me off. A 2023 Vanderbilt poll showed that most Nashvillians do not agree with the direction of the city. Copy link. It's not easy, but I do believe it can be done. I would start by grabbing something to eat at Tonys Mexican Restaurant or The Original Memphis Wings in Antioch. My poor husband had to deal with me. But my experience was not like that. Theres also a mudroom with literally 12 coat hooks. Sendthem a DM, because that's the main way you can supportOnlineMarketingMadeEasyis by sharing it with someone who we can help grow their business as well and maybe support them so they feel a little less lonely on the entrepreneurial journey as they go. Education: University of California Santa Barbara. This Williamson County property, aka The Farm at South Harpeth, features an updated 4,387-square-foot farmhouse on 220 acres of sprawling woods that line the South Harpeth River. The administration and council has worked to address the affordable housing crisis through the citys Housing Division and has implemented several recommendations from the Affordable Housing Task Force. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. While these were highlights, there have definitely been moments when opportunities were missed.