AMY PORTERFIELD: "The most important thing was to ensure that we were attracting the most-ideal boot campers. I knew I wanted financial security for my family, but I also longed for time freedom for myself. To view it please enter your password below: This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Weve been in this online-training world for long enough to know that showing up is an indicator of success, follow through, and the motivation necessary to make it across the finish line. Scaling back or retiring from client work, more fulfillment, compensation, and discretionary time, 5 Strategies To Create & Launch A Profitable Digital Course From Scratch, BUT! We use cookies to ensure you receive the best experience on our site. While you'll have community support inside the Bootcamp cheering you on with your busy schedule, it might take you a few more days to implement each list building strategy. We 100% guarantee you will love this bootcamp. And thats what they would get if I created a course. Amy is the digital coursemaster, and she will guide you every step of the way to build a successful digital course! . If you dont feel absolutely floored at the value of the content youre receiving inside SUBSCRIBED, simply email my team by 11:59pm PT on Training Day 1 (March 9) and well happily issue a full refund. Online marketing expert, Amy Porterfield, and Amy Jo Martin discuss how to finally step into the business you've always wanted. I quit my full-time job in June to run my business. Ive made millions of dollars for other people, so what is stopping me from taking my knowledge and making my own courses? There will be 5 days of LIVE training with yours truly but I made sure to include plenty of white space in this calendar for you too. It lit me up!! It was absolutely the nudge I needed to start taking entrepreneurship more seriously. If youre on the fence about investing in DCA,just go for it! Being a solo parent is never easy, but now I can support myself and my children no matter what life throws at me. I cant wait to meet you and cheer you on inside Digital Course Academy! Repeat. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The first year we made $5,000 just from YouTube ads on the videos! Life is busy we get it! Amy is ideal, I am ideal, and so are you! Its no wonder the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast has earned its spot as *cant miss* listening for hundreds of thousands of results-driven entrepreneurs like you. So I followed my heart and went after something completely new. However, after that extension, the trainings will no longer be available, so make catching up on any missed trainings a priority and schedule your time wisely! Id had straightened hair for a long time, and when I went natural, I did a big chop of all my straight hair. The other hairstylists werestrugglingto make enough money without completely burning themselves out. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ive now launched 3 different times and have made a total of $47,787 in revenue! So dont settle for anything less than the best! But we also learned all the things to make THIS year's Bootcamp 10x easier to move through while I built it using the framework Amy gives us in Digital Course Academy, and I launched it to my email list. Yet can you believe that I almost didnt get DCA because I didnt have a list yet? And Ill prove it! Learn the 7 key decisions and get a head start on creating your digital course. YOU'RE INVITED to my "Course Confident" Bootcamp! It wasnt easy growing up and finding a space that I felt comfortable in But after joining the beauty industry and becoming a hairstylist, Ifinallyfound the place where I felt that I belonged. ", Becoming my own boss completely redefined my life if you are looking to find your OWN style of freedom, Ive created a FREE guide to get you there. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But it had also flatlined. These cookies do not store any personal information. These two courses are SUCH a powerful combo for your soon-to-be thriving business and I dont want you to miss out! However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. This ones for my side hustlers, homemakers, and full-time 9-to-5ers. How Amy Porterfield founded a business that's brought in millions Get Ahead 46-year-old used this 4-part strategy to quit her job and start her own business now it's brought in tens of. Plus, when you enroll in SUBSCRIBED, you receive a BONUS training replay extension which means youll have access to all the SUBSCRIBED trainings while the LIVE Bootcamp wraps up. And my podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy, receives over 1 million downloads. Not only am I now running a 7-figure business, but Ive helped 100 women lose over 100 pounds. If you're ready to be supported, educated and inspired in your digital course creation -- you're in. So I work with women who are looking to lose weightfor the LAST time. I dont think any of this wouldve been possible without DCA. Meet approachable breakdowns, mindset chats, and the honest transparency of a friend shoulder-to-shoulder with you in the trenches. That was totally based on an idea I got from one of Amys podcast episodes. By my third year in business, I made $300,000 and I have Amy to thank!, I fell into the entrepreneurial world completely by accident. And one more thing. Amys also built a wonderful community of people who are willing to help and encourage you when you feel like giving up. 4 days to be exact! But remember, every great success story started with that one bold decision to pursue a dream. You are so fantastic! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are a-okay with, 13+ years of course creation + sales experience, Lifetime access to ALL future updates of core program, Tech library with simple set up videos for course hosting + marketing. I want you to feel like $47 was a steal. As of today, 7,000 women have gone through the course. 1,772 views Aug 29, 2022 9 Dislike Share Save Emily Reagan 866 subscribers Course Confident Bootcamp starts Aug 30- I ran my business for 12 years, and when I wasnt taking pictures of food, I was teaching workshops about food photography. Amy is one of the clearest, most inspiring teachers you could ever find! Sub Summit 2023 RecapJune 12, 2023. Digital Course Academy was created to slowly but surely replace those doubts with data-backed action. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Digital Course Academy is for dreamers like you. Every single SUBSCRIBED training is recorded and instantly available to rewatch, so you can catch up whenever is best for you. - finally put your expertise into a. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. You have truly changed my life! I cant imagine going through my first launch without my awesome accountability buddy! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I love the way that Amy has structured DCA she makes learning how to create a digital coursesoooeasy! At first I was just talking about my life, but they evolved to be more about personal finance because thats my expertise. showing you how to pre-sell your course (before recording a single lesson!) (1) Lead generation with a single lead magnet + opt in page (2) Amplifying your online reach using social media + engaging more meaningfully with your audience (3) Long term list building strategies that will simply and effectively scale your business for years to come. 01 My Exit Runway Checklist Before you stroll into your boss's office and hand in your notice, you want to make sure you're set up for success in every way possible. I thought Id done everything right, and now I was unemployed. Welcome to Course Confident: A 5-Day LIVE Bootcamp to Get Digital Course Clarity, Attract Your Audience, and Show up with Confidence Online with Amy Porterfield! You don't learn how to spell until you learn your ABC's, right? , Starting a business Growing an audience This week only, when you enroll in my list building program, List Builders Society, youll get my BRAND NEW program, The Online Business Starter Suite a $97 offer for FREE! Your chance to build a more resilient, recession-proof business or side-hustle simply by turning what you already know into a course is available to you right now. Welcome to Course Confident: A 5-Day LIVE Bootcamp to Get Digital Course Clarity, Attract Your Audience, and Show up with Confidence Online with Amy Porterfield! Size: 4 GB Delivery: MEGA, BOX View Files (PROOF): Link . My business has now earned more than $82 million in revenue. You dont need to know the HOW but you do need to have a WHY if helping more people while building a business set up to weather any storm sounds like your idea of a worthwhile endeavor, you don't want to miss this! Then, in January 2019, the company shut down with only 2 days notice. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Cross actions items off the list one at a time until you have the makings of a beautiful digital course to show for it. Thank you, Amy, for teaching me how to build a business that gives me a lifestyle I love! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Been there. At the time I was miserable at my job I was a consumer finance lawyer and my husband was encouraging me to find a passion project. But you never know what curveballs will be thrown your way. Free Masterclass @ 11:00am - 12:30pm CT. As I adjusted to a completely new normal, DCA helped me build a brand, inspire women, and grow a business.. Your audience is wildly Googling what youre capable of teaching today and there has truly never been a better time to get in on the action and help the people searching desperately for solutions that YOU have. Amy does a remarkable job breaking down the steps for creating a passion-filled life and business. I spent several months trying to figure out what to do next. People in Amy's Digital Course. The newly updated Digital Course Academy is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create your digital course like a pro but how to market your course and get it into the hands of dozens or even hundreds of customers. These cookies do not store any personal information. I took the job with the understanding that I would still start my business. I kept going, never gave up, and I launched in July of 2019. Because of my own love for the beauty industry and the support its given me, Ineverwant any other hairstylists to feel discouraged or to miss their opportunity to create a beautiful life for themselves. You're right maybe I should increase the price? And as I was adjusting to this new normal, I knew that I needed to build a life to both support and inspire my children. Regardless of whether youve been in business for 10 years or youre starting from scratch. In Course Confident, youll develop a big-picture vision for your profitable digital course, then well get into action with a community available 24/7 to ask questions and bounce ideas off of. If you must miss a LIVE training, youll still get the bulk of the training. I started listening to Amys podcast to get inspired. I am so thankful for Amy and my investment in DCA It has allowed me to design a new life, and then a brand and business to support it! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are a-okay with. Youll have until September 13 an entire extra week to watch the replays and lean into the community support inside the Bootcamp as you implement. IS STROLLING INTO YOUR BOSSS OFFICE AND HANDING IN YOUR NOTICE YOUR FAVORITE DAYDREAM? I knew I needed to shift my business online, but I wasnt sure how to get started. Want to find out how your experience and expertise fits into this equation? Heres what to expect starting august 30: Course Confidentis designed to move you towards your digital course without requiring you to carve massive chunks out of your already full calendar. The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast with Amy Porterfield has become my go-to resource for business strategies and growth. Growing my email list. My first course using Amys system funded three months of travel and gave me the freedom to fire my most painful clients! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Become a VIP and spend 1 extra hour with me every single day of the Bootcamp. My email list is my business's #1 revenue generator by far because Ive spent the last 14 years incorporating strategies that *actually* matter when building a list into my day-to-day business. and Show Up With Confidence Online, Inside Course Confident, Ill help you make the 4 most important digital course decisions: What to teach, how much to charge, what type of course is best, and how to grow your audience NOW. Like youre about to receive so much support and relevant, business-boosting instruction that paying ONLY $47 for it feels like a crime. Stay a while, wont you? And thats how I began doing a lot of cooking. Thats when I started teaching other stylists how to create a streamlined customer experience so they could scale their businesses behind the chair, and still have a life. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are a-okay with. and how to create and launch a high-converting marketing suite that ethically (and authentically) enrolls more students than you ever thought possible every time you deliver it. Well cover everything from what topics youre torn between and unique-to-you roadblocks to, Access to every drop of goodness inside Course Confident, including 5 days of learning the most current and profitable digital course insights in the industry right now.
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