ames public library staff

However, there is a lot more to these book battles than just reading. A students account number is the number 4 + their student ID number. You may access the reservation system from anywhere including the app or a catalog computerat Peninsula Center Library. Press enter or spacebar to select a desired language. Purpose of Meeting Location Information Ames Public Library 515 Douglas Avenue Ames, IA 50010 (515) 239-5646 See map: Google Maps For more information about First Amendment Days events, check out the website here: Keep in mind that its possible that all the rooms will be in use and a second session may not be available to you. We can provide you with information on topics such as: Have you walked into a library and wished you could check out more books than you could possibly carry? The study rooms are checked out on the hour in 1 or 2-hour blocks of time starting when the library opens. Check out a Kindle Paperwhite at participating libraries with a collection of titles that you are sure to enjoy. Free space, accessible space, programmed space, gathering space, and critical third spaces for all ages, but particularly for youth. Reservations can only be made by visiting the online reservation system. Note: Selection of genres varies per library. Use the information below to contact all units and people found in the building. Address: 18025 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos CA 90703. Mathematics, Political Science, Physics, Art & Design, English, Hispanic Studies, International & Global Studies, Japanese, These Centers provide enhanced resources, computer technology, and homework helpers to support the educational needs of students in these communities. Please be aware, we do not provide medical advice, nor are the materials we provide a substitute for a professional medical opinion. The definition of family in the event of death includes those listed for Family Sick Leave and these additional relatives: aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sibling-in-law, step-sibling, and grandchild. Our vision for technology and media resources: The Ames Community School District and Ames Public Library (APL) have entered into a data sharing agreement to provide electronic library cards for all K-12 students. We want to help them continue using the Library. Over the last decade, the librarys role as a community gathering space has become increasingly clearer. 515 Douglas Avenue Passports for the ISU exhibits are available at the Parks Library. Ames Public Library is part of the Hospitality industry, and located in Iowa, United States. While collection formats change and evolve, the physical book wont go away completely and more importantly the library is so much more than its physical collection. There's something for everyone. Additionally, our community-wide public transit system, CyRide, is a partnership between the City of Ames, Iowa State University, and ISU's Student Government. Because final authority lies with the Library Director and Board of Trustees, this language replaces wording such as City Manager as appropriate. Friday &Saturday: 9am-6pm Travel back three years to see how the library staff moved out, renovated, and moved back into the Ames Public Library Join Ames Public Librarys team of passionate staff, engaged volunteers, and diverse partners in the heart of our vibrant community. Ten days per year for the first seven years of service (months 1 through 84). Only one study room session may be checked out at a time. This is why it is wonderful that the library space is getting more active! The book report feature is great as well--right along with many of the standards we are teaching in our classrooms, and a great tool for guiding students. Twenty days per year after completing fourteen years (months 169 through 276). We want everyone to have a fair chance at using a room and these rules are in place to help ensure that! Unlimited remote access! The quizzes offer students feedback, and also encouragement as they continue to read. For the purpose of Family Sick Leave, immediate family is defined as spouse or domestic partner of the employee; child, step-child, or foster child; parent, step-parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent; sibling; others whose permanent home is that of the employee; and any other person who, by unique relationship, maintains a family role similar to a relative as stated above. Ames, IA 50010 515-239-5360. Get the tools and resources you need to give your child the best possible start. Each Family Place Library features the following core elements: The first three years of a child's life lay the foundation for learning. Shared with Public The layout of the library is great, the staff is super helpful and in a great location! Click here for Christie's stories. This is the best interactive read aloud website I have found. Librarians understood this critical role and embraced it. Information on the U.S. naturalization process; Study materials for the naturalization test, Reference materials on the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship, Multimedia tools including DVDs and an audio CD, California Census Schedules from 1850 to 1910, Copies of The Alta California newspaper 1849-1891, as well as dozens of other 19th century newspapers from Gold Rush boomtowns, the Owens Valley and San Francisco, Official city and county histories from the 19th and 20th centuries, Materials on the Donner Party, California water projects, famous California crimes, Hollywood culture, biographies of Californians, pioneer narratives of the early days of California, and histories of the state written over the course of 150 years. Website: All regular Library employees classified as exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act shall earn vacation on a monthly basis at the following rates which reflect longevity in City service. Online Homework Help is also available on the Internet computers in all County libraries and from home computersduring designated hours. Only one study room session may be checked out at a time. Kindles are not sent to other libraries for pick up. 515 Douglas Avenue These exhibits will be displayed in the library April 1-30. Libraries build community through space too. If a second session is available, it may be in a different room than the first. During this time, please take advantage of our e-books and other online resources. New Sections and Subsections are indicated as such. Staff from The Bridge Home will be available in the Library to assist individuals and families on the verge ofor experiencinghomelessnes. With the support of grants and corporate/community funding, the Library has established 48 Homework Centers. After over 16 years with the library, Heid is ready to retire, leaving a legacy of revolutionizing youth services, the former Ames Public Library director said. Catalog Home; Keyword; Browse; Advanced; Saved Searches; My Lists; Library Info Ames, IA 50010(515) 239-5646, Monday-Thursday: 9am-9pm Additionally, our community-wide public transit system, CyRide, is a partnership between the City of Ames, Iowa State University, and ISU's Student Government. The library is getting back to its old self! We are still on a phased journey as we adapt to the pandemic, but we have dozens of programs in the library courtyard and in parks around the city. With Student Library Cards, students can check out up to 3 physical items at a time. AMES PUBLIC LIBRARY - 18 Photos & 12 Reviews - 515 Douglas Ave, Ames, Iowa - Libraries - Phone Number - Yelp Restaurants Home Services Auto Services Ames Public Library 12 reviews Unclaimed Libraries Edit Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM See hours Write a review Add photo Photos & videos See all 18 photos Add photo Ames Public Library's mission is to connect people to the world of ideas--in our recently-expanded building, on our Bookmobile, through outreach, and of course digitally. You are responsible for the laptop and you agree that you will reimburse the LA County Library for any damages if the laptop is damaged, lost or stolen while checked out to you. The Library Director has authority over the contents of and access to these files. Ames Public Library does not charge overdue fines on materials returned late. Ames Public Library's mission is to connect people to the world of ideas-in our recently-expanded building, on our Bookmobile, through outreach, and of course digitally. If you havent come in to see us yet, stop by. A lunch period may be required during a six-hour shift. You dont need internet access - all the books are pre-loaded onto the Kindle so you are ready to read. Terms of Service and Laptop Library Locations, LA County Library Californiana Collection, More Books to Explore: Suggestions Just for You, Work Ready: Borrow a Laptop & Learn Job Skills,, //,,, Juneteenth Emancipation Day: A Celebration of Freedom,, List of Genres available at this location, City directories dating from the 19th century, General physician and hospital information, Book and website recommendations for further reading, Renew up to 3 times, as long as no one else is waiting, Must be 18 or older (or under 18 with parent permission), eBooks cannot be added to this device by user. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they've recommended. Two (2) additional days (charged to sick leave) may also be approved by the Director. You can pick one up, explore the library to find all of the exhibits, and then return to a service desk for a prize. Students are responsible for lost or damaged materials however library staff are eager to work with students to resolve any account issues. Failure to uphold the principles of Ames Public Librarys Confidentiality and Library User Records Policy may be considered just cause for dismissal. The Library Director acts as an agent of the Board. Sheila Schofer Ames Public Library It was about this time last year after gathering data, surveying our staff and public, and holding several community engagements sessions that the Ames Public Library unveiled its new Strategic Plan. We try our best to accommodate as many patrons as we can every day. LA County Library will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of data or media due to any cause while you are using a laptop from this kiosk. We are looking for a director that understands the changing role of a modern public library, inspires creativity and innovation, supports the welcoming and inclusive environment that our community expects and celebrates, and nurtures connections with community partners and leaders. The Ames Public Library is a municipal library that operates under the leadership of the Library Board of Trustees. Friday &Saturday: 9am-6pm Love ames! We have themed programming and events at all our locations! The goal of this collection is to present a complete picture of the history, culture, environment and artistic expression of the people of California and to some extent, the western United States. Story County Supervisors prepare to adopt budget with significant new expenditures, Changes to your neighborhood - maybe to your back yard - could be coming soon,, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Sun: 1pm-5pm, Jobs at the LibraryFacts & FiguresPoliciesBoard, Ames Public Library is a department of the. Ames Public Library 0:00 10:00 Over the years, you may have noticed a yearly program at our library called the Battle of the Books. My students and I love it. Find out what works well at Ames Public Library from the people who know best. Your photos will be reviewed and if they meet the criteria, they will be added to the Catalina PhotoShare online collection. Outreach to new and underserved populations. Photos New library section Old and new Old entry Outside children's bench This has always been the highlight of my APL experience New entry off Douglas Ave Storefront Line to get in at entry See More Hours Mon: 9am - 9pm Tue: 9am - 9pm Wed: 9am - 9pm Thu: 9am - 9pm Fri: 9am - 6pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Each Kindle has been loaded with expert-selected books. We were on track to match or even surpass those numbers in FY20 when the pandemic hit and the Library closed its physical space. 2023 The public is able to rent the North, South, or both. Friday &Saturday: 9am-6pm You can view additional information and reservation procedures on the meeting room page. Archives- (309) 556-1535Circulation, Reserves, Library Services Desk -(309) 556-3350Interlibrary Loan- (309) 556-1040, Action Research Center - (309)-556-1201Center for Engaged Learning - (309)-556-1201ITS Service Desk - (309) 556-3900Thorpe Center for Curricular & Faculty Development - (309) 556-3902Writing Center | Tutoring Services - (309) 556-3810, University Librarian & University Copyright Officer, Contact: (309) 556-3010, University Archivist & Special Collections Librarian, Contact: (309) 556-3144, Information Literacy & Scholarly Communications Librarian, Contact: (309) 556-3350, Contact: (309) 556-3350, Interlibrary Loan & Stacks Maintenance Specialist, Contact: (309) 556-1040, Contact: (309) 556-3350, Contact: (309) 556-3526, Operations Specialist (Circulation & Library Services), Contact: (309) 556-3172, Archives Processing and Metadata Specialist, Contact: (309) 556-2202, Administrative Specialist II - Center for Engaged Learning / Idea Center, Contact: (309) 556-1201, Administrative Specialist III - Information Technology, Contact: (309) 556-3886, Contact: (309) 556-3323, Director of IT Services & Academic Technologies, Contact: (309) 556-3834, Contact: (309) 556-3358, The Ames Library#1 Ames Plaza / PO Box 2899Illinois Wesleyan UniversityBloomington, IL 61702-2899Phone (309) 556-3350Fax - Administrative (309) 556-3261Fax - Public (309) 556-3706Directions & Maps, 1312 Park StreetBloomington, IL 61701United States Phone: (309) 556-1000. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. As you explore, you will learn about our rights and freedoms, and even have the opportunity to exercise them. How long are student library cards active? If you do not return the laptop to the kiosk on the same day you check it out, your library account will be charged the full replacement cost of the laptop. Leave of up to three (3) days with pay shall be granted in the event of death or serious illness in the family. (515) 239-5646 Company Ames Public Library Sheila Schofer Current Workplace Sheila Schofer has been working as a Director at Ames Public Library for 4 years. 1 Like Comment Share Jan 25, 2015 - Travel back three years to see how the library staff moved out, renovated, and moved back into the Ames Public Library Your library is back in action! Immediate Family See Family Sick Leave for specific definitions. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Search . Employees shall take an unpaid lunch period of at least one-half hour but not more than one hour during an eight-hour work day. The library staff immediately shifted gears and library "space" took on an entirely new look. The Library is closed on Easter Sunday and closes at 5:00 p.m. on New Years Eve; however, employees do not receive paid holiday time for these hours. Upcoming Month Week Day May 31 2022 Tue Danfoss Room Tuesday, May 31, 2022 1:30pm - 2:30pm Remind Me Add To My Calendar Print Share This is not a library sponsored event. This is one of my absolute favorite programs! In addition to the library staff and library resources, The Ames Library building Access to resources that emphasize emergent literacy, reading readiness, and parent education. In addition to the library staff and library resources, The Ames Library building houses several other campus units that support student learning and success. Use the Please remember that our study rooms are a privilege that many public libraries do not have. Fifteen days per year through the fourteenth year of service (months 13 through 168). If you have any questions, please contact: Fifteen days per year through the fourteenth year of service (months 85 through 168). Alternatively, if all of the study rooms are reserved, there is a quiet individual study area on the 3rd floor of the library. This is a public library for the city of Cerritos. References to Civil Service, collective bargaining agreements, unions, utility/police/fire retirement, and other specialized City of Ames designations are not applicable to Library employees. Here are just some of the schools and libraries using TumbleBookLibrary. 515 Douglas Avenue We were on track to match or even surpass those numbers in FY20 when the pandemic hit and the Library closed its physical space.

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