Each ribbon carries a maximum of four OLCs; the ribbon signifies the first award, a bronze OLC equals one additional award, and a silver OLC represents five additional awards. He received the trophy for a most meritorious flight in a reconnaissance competition flown over Virginia onOctober 9, 1912. Over the centuries, man has aspired to fly. The Aeronautical Medal (French: "Mdaille de l'Aronautique") is a state decoration of France established by the decree of February 14, 1945. The intent was to create an aerial order of merit intended for civilian and military personnel working in aeronautics. 0 references. a representative of the aerial navigation companies named for two years by decree of the minister for public works, transport and tourism. Mdaille commmorative de la bataille de Verdun, Mdaille commmorative de la bataille de la Somme, Medal for deportation and internment for acts of resistance, Deportation and political internment medal, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Military awards and decorations of France, World War 2 fighter ace Pierre Clostermann, First French female fighter pilot Caroline Aigle, General Jacques Marie Alfred Gaston Faure, Astronaut, brigadier general Jean-Loup Jacques Marie Chrtien, First French female air force general Valrie Andr, Admiral Philippe Henri Xavier Antoine de Gaulle, Ribbons of the French military and civil awards, War Cross for foreign operational theaters, Croix du combattant volontaire de la Rsistance, Mdaille des services militaires volontaires, Mdaille d'honneur du service de sant des armes, Commemorative medal of the 1859 Italian Campaign, Commemorative medal of the 1860 China Expedition, Commemorative medal of the Mexico Expedition, Commemorative medal of the Dahomey Expedition, 1901 China expedition commemorative medal, Mdaille commmorative de la guerre 19141918, Medal for civilian prisoners, hostages and prisoners of the 1914-1918 Great War, Commemorative medal for voluntary service in Free France, Mdaille commmorative de la guerre 19391945, United Nations operations in Korea commemorative medal, Middle East operations commemorative medal (1956), Mdaille commmorative des oprations de scurit et de maintien de l'ordre en Afrique du Nord, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon medal, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. NOMINATION PERIOD: Open and must be submitted to NAA by April 30 for submission to FAI by May 31, CLIFFORD B. HARMON AERONAUT TROPHY This page was last edited on 25 May 2023, at 03:22. American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsAIAA Honors and Awards12700 Sunrise Valley Drive #200Reston, Virginia 20191703.264.7523Email. The number of flight hours logged is no longer a criterion. The medal is suspended to a 37 mm wide royal blue silk moir ribbon by a wing shaped pendant with a relief five pointed star at its center and an horizontal slot to receive the ribbon. This is a category listing, which serves as an index of existing Wikipedia articles about recipients of the Aeronautical Medal. The Coast Guard awards the "Individual" Air Medal but not the Strike/Flight Award. The Aeronautical Medal (French: "Mdaille de l'Aronautique") is a state decoration of France established by the decree of February 14, 1945.It is awarded to both military personnel and civilians for outstanding accomplishments related to the field of aeronautics. The Aeronautical Medal (French: "Mdaille de l'Aronautique") is a state decoration of France established by the decree of February 14, 1945. of the by-laws of that corporation.. The soldier must be assigned as air crew with flight status (i.e., as a pilot, navigator, or gunner). From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Wu Tongshui, Principal of the Civil Aviation University of China Receives the French Aeronautical Medal of Honor,", http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2007/10/03/25348-medaille-de-l-aeronautique-pour-caroline-aigle.html, "Repatriation of the Remains of the Conqueror of the Alps", "Award of the Medal of Aeronautics to Mr Norman Lo", https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Medal_of_Aeronautics&oldid=8802416, Orders, decorations, and medals of France, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. In 1938, President T.P. This is all done automatically when you use a link and at no extra cost to you. Pilots and aircrew could log over 1,000 "flight hours" a year and earn a 40 or higher numeral on their Air Medal ribbon. Cross of the resistance volunteer combatant, World War 2 fighter ace Pierre Clostermann, First French female fighter pilot Caroline Aigle, Airbus senior vice president for engineering Bernard Ziegler, General Jacques Marie Alfred Gaston Faure, Astronaut, brigadier general Jean-Loup Jacques Marie Chrtien, First French female general officer Valrie Andr, Director-general of the civil aviation university Louis Pailhas, Engineer and CEO of the Dassault Group Serge Dassault, Admiral Philippe Henri Xavier Antoine de Gaulle, Rene Joyeuse Free French Officer and OSS Agent, Canadian Helicopter CEO Craig Lawrence Dobbin, Ribbons of the French military and civil awards. NOMINATION PERIOD: Only via U.S. Air Force by January 31 to Chief of Staff, WESLEY L. McDONALD DISTINGUISHED STATESMAN & STATESWOMAN OF AVIATION AWARDS The "score card" system was retained after the war. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, Category:Recipients of the Medal of Aeronautic Valor; Categoria:Insigniti con la medaglia al valore aeronautico; categora de Wikimedia; Wikimedia-Kategorie; ; Wikimedia-kategorie; Vicimid catagir; ; ; ; kategori Wikimedia; ; Wikimedia-categorie; ; Wikimedia category; ; ; jamii ya Wikimedia; Vikimedya kategorisi; categura 'e nu pruggette Wikimedia; categora de Wikimedia; ; Wikimedia-kategori; gurhi Vikimedia; ; kawan Wikimdia; ; ; Wikimedia-Kategorie; ; Wikimedia-blkur; kategorio en Vikimedio; kategorie na projektech Wikimedia; kategorija na Wikimediji; Wikimedia:Ronnaghys; ; page de catgorie d'un projet Wikimedia; kategori Wikimedia; kategorija na Wikimediji; Wikimedia proyektnda trkem; ; Wikimedia-Kategorie; Wikimedia-Kategorie; ; kategorija w projektach Wikimedije; th loi Wikimedia; ; Wikimedia projekta kategorija; kategoria ti Wikimedia; ; ; Wikimedia-Kategorie; categoria de um projeto da Wikimedia; ; ; Wikimedia-kategori; Wikimedia-kategori; kategori Wikimdia; kategori Wikimedia; Wikimedia-kategori; ; ; Wikimedia category; ; pajenn rummata eus Wikimedia; Wkmediya:Kategor; Wikimedia:; ; Wikimedia ; ; Wikimedia category; Wikimediako kategoria; Vikimdia emohenda; categora de Wikimedia; Wikimedia-Kategorie; Wikimedia-Kategorie; tudalen categori Wikimedia; Vikipidiya:Shopni; kategori e Wikimedias; ; Wikimedia-kategorie; Wikimedia-kategory; ; ; categoria Wikimedia; Wikimedia:Kategorija; ; ; ; categoria Vicimediorum; Wikimedia-categorie; ; :; Wikimedia-luokka; ; Wikimedia category; kategori Wikimedia; ; categoria di un progetto Wikimedia; :; Wikimedia-categorie; Wikimedia-kategoriija; Wikimedia kategooria; Wikimedia:Klassys; ; ; ; ka Wikimedia; catigura di nu pruggettu Wikimedia; categoria de um projeto da Wikimedia; ; ; tumbung Wikimedia; kategria projektov Wikimedia; kategorija Wikimedije; kategorya ng Wikimedia; categoria de Wikimedia; Wikimdia-kategria; kategori Wikimedia; kategoria w projekcie Wikimedia; ; ; kategori Wikimedia; categorie n cadrul unui proiect Wikimedia; : ; Wikimedia-Kategorie; categora de Wikimedia; Kategoriya ning Wikimedia; Wikimedia; , Recipients of the Medal of Aeronautic Valor, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Recipients_of_the_Medal_of_Aeronautic_Valor&oldid=405079399, Uses of Wikidata Infobox with subinfoboxes, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 0 references. This led to automatic "score card" awards of the Air Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross for completing a set number of operational missions rather than distinguished service, meritorious action, or bravery, as had been intended. Due to dissolution of the United Engineering Trustees, Inc., administration of the Daniel Guggenheim Medal Board of Award was transferred to AIAA in 1999. Guggenheim, interested by his son, Harry, who had been a naval aviator in World War I, had given $3,000,000 for the promotion of aviation, through the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics. Originally envisioned before the Second World War, it was intended as an equal to the Order of Maritime Merit. File. Originally envisioned before the Second World War, it was intended as an equal to the Order of Maritime Merit. the technical and industry director to the secretary of state for the armed forces (air). Hangar 7, Suite 226 Sale Date. The United States Army used the same criteria as the Air Force. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 218 60 pixels. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. The first Mackay Trophy winner was a young Second LieutenantHenry H. Hap Arnold. Cumbersome corporation procedure and financial problems created an undue burden on the members of the Board. a member named by decree of the minister for public works, transport and tourism, representing the ministry. of engineering and the corresponding engineering sciences had been established. Durand was chosen as Temporary Chairman under whom elections were held, and Elmer A. Sperry was elected the first president. Activities of the Board are governed by Rules of Award which are revised as necessary to meet current conditions. By 1927, a growing number of pioneers had become outstanding in promoting the art, a war has been fought in which the new mechanisms had had their baptism in fire, a new branch The Mackay Trophywas first presented by ClarenceMackay in 1912 andwas later deeded to the National Aeronautic Association. (This is a return to the standard used before November 22, 1989.). Sergeant Margaret Alfreda Wynne (UK) WAAF translator for the Free French. [1] Below Marianne is the gilt inscription "Honneur et Patrie" (Honour and Country). Extra ribbons were worn to hold extra OLCs if the recipient had earned more than four OLCs. A bronze star was used to denote a first award. Engineering Trustees, Inc., which had kept all books of accounts and investments for the Medal Fund from its inception. The award is given annually to a living individual or group whose vision, leadership, or skill, has made a significant and lasting contribution to the promotion and advancement of aviation or space activity. Originally envisioned before the Second World War, it was intended as an equal to the Order of Maritime Merit. Finally, the medal can be awarded for exceptional service during serious air related accidents. NOMINATION PERIOD: Only via U.S. Air Force by January 31 to Chief of Staff. Each year the winners names are engraved on the Trophy. Medaille de l Aeronautique francaise.jpg 346 766; 104 KB. It can be awarded for prowess in the air, an act of heroism in the air, or for particularly unusual work or research in aviation. The trophy is awarded annually to a living American for "significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States." Commanders could still issue the awards on those grounds, but the recipient must perform exceptional or meritorious service as well . Part of NAA's mission is identifying and recognizing those who have contributed to the "art, sport and science of aviation and space flight in the United States." www.identifymedals.com Identify Medals All rights reserved - 2023. However, it may also be awarded to certain other individuals whose combat duties require regular and frequent flying in other than a passenger status, or individuals who perform a particularly noteworthy act while performing the function of a crew member but who are not on flying status. Daniel 4 See also. It is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of all recipients. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Later, an equivalent "flight hours" conversion was created and an award standard was set by individual commands. The Daniel Guggenheim Medal was created as an international award for the purpose of honoring suitable persons, and it is also a commemoration of the support given by Daniel Guggenheim to the advancement of aeronautics through donations for the support of schools of aeronautics and for the encouragement of civil aviation. Originally envisioned before theSecond World War, it was intended as an equal to theOrder of Maritime Merit. In 1942, with World War II holding public attention, and with several of the international members in enemy countries where they were out of communication with the Board, it was decided that no international members should be included for the NAA presents more than a dozen awards throughout each year to honor achievements in aviation and space. It was awarded retroactive to September 8, 1939, to anyone who distinguishes himself by meritorious achievement while serving with the Armed Forces in aerial flight. For more information on each award and nomination guidelines, click on the individal award name to the left on this page. [1], The Aeronautical Medal is limited to no more than 275 new recipients per year, it is awarded twice annually on 1 January and 14 July. Enlisted members are also awarded three points toward promotion per award. In 1951, the Board resumed election of international members, selecting a representative from England. CLIFFORD W. HENDERSON TROPHY NOMINATION PERIOD: June 1 August 15, National Aeronautic Association the director of the aeronautical administration control department. If you have any questions, please contact NAA at 703-416-4888, or e-mail. The Air Force uses the aircraft sortie designation as a tool, but uses, Subsequent awards of the Air Medal are denoted in the. [1], The medal can be awarded posthumously and to foreign nationals. The recipient receives this coveted award at the Wright Memorial Dinner in December of each year near the date of first flight (December 17th). support of schools of aeronautics and for the encouragement of civil aviation. The award was renamed in 2007 in honor of former NAA Chairman Wesley L. McDonald and is presented at NAA's Fall Awards Dinner. NSN 8455-00-252-9963. d. Lapel Button: MIL-L-11484/17. [5][6][7], The original award criteria set by an Army Policy Letter dated September 25, 1942, were for one award of the Air Medal:[8]. The medal is suspended to a 37mm wide royal blue silk moir ribbon by a wing shaped pendant with a relief five pointed star at its center and an horizontal slot to receive the ribbon. NAA works to identify worthy candidates and generate nominations for seven (7) FAI Awards. It was created in 1942 and is awarded for single acts of heroism or meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. NSN 8455-00-257-4308. It is awarded to. Reagan Washington National Airport 2020 Honours, Medals & Awards Royal Aeronautical Society 2 RAeS Honours, Medals & Awards The global aerospace community's most prestigious and long-standing awards honouring achievement, innovation and excellence. The reverse bears the inscription on four lines MDAILLE DE LARONAUTIQUE 1945 (AERONAUTICAL MEDAL 1945). It is awarded for professional valour to both civilians and military pilots and non pilots serving under the Ministry of Defence (Air) or the Department of Transportation. The award is given annually to a living individual or group whose vision, leadership, or skill, has made a significant and lasting contribution to the promotion and advancement of aviation or space activity. Administered by the United States Air Force and NAA, the trophy is awarded for the "most meritorious flight of the year" by an Air Force person, persons, or organization. A nomination will be put forth annually by the President of the National Aeronautic Association and the recipient will be confirmed by a vote of the Executive Committee of NAA. a personality with a history of exceptional services in aeronautics named for two years by decree of the secretary of state for the armed forces (air). Hangar 7, Suite 226 FAI is a non-governmental and non-profit making international organization with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide. mdaille de l'Aronautique (it); mdaille de l'Aronautique (fr); Medalla de l'Aeronutica (ca); Mdaille de l'Aronautique (de); Mdaille de l'Aronautique (ro); (ja); Medalha da Aeronutica (pt-br); mdaille de l'Aronautique (sv); Mdaille de l'Aronautique (pl); Medalha de l'Aeronautica (oc); Luchtvaartmedaille (nl); . While it has been impossible in the short life of the Medal Board to include every aeronautical pioneer worthy of recognition in the list of Medalists, this list The award of the medal is sometimes denoted on a member's gravestone with the abbreviation "AM" followed by an ampersand and the number of oak leaf clusters or "OLC". I also sometimes get commissions for purchases made through links in the posts. Medal of Aeronautics ( French: Mdaille de l'Aronautique) is a civil honor of the government of France. distinguished character of the Award. [1], The medal is rectangular and made of gilt metal. Description: A Bronze compass rose 11116inches circumscribing diameter and charged with an eagle volant carrying two lightning flashes in its talons. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Aeronautical Medal". It is awarded to both military personnel and civilians for outstanding accomplishments related to the field of aeronautics. Awards will not be made to individuals who use air transportation solely for the purpose of moving from point to point in a combat zone. This same council has the authority to propose the revocation of the decoration for serious breaches of honour. The United States Navy and United States Marine Corps have two types of Air Medal awards: "Individual" for singular meritorious acts and "Strike/Flight" for participation in sustained aerial flight operations. a member named by decree of the minister for public works, transport and tourism, representing the ministry. [1], The medal can be awarded posthumously and to foreign nationals. Recipients of the Aeronautical Medal Category page. It is awarded to both military personnel and civilians for outstanding accomplishments related to the field of aeronautics. mdaille de l'Aronautique; mdaille de l'Aronautique; Medalla de l'Aeronutica; Mdaille de lAronautique; Mdaille de l'Aronautique; Mdaille de l'Aronautique; ; Medalha da Aeronutica; mdaille de l'Aronautique; Mdaille de l'Aronautique; Mdaille de l'Aronautique; Luchtvaartmedaille; ; Medalha de l'Aeronautica; Mdaille de l'Aronautique; ; Leteck medaile; ; ; franzsischer Orden; dcoration franaise; medalla honorfica de Frana; decoraie francez; ; francouzsk vyznamenn; Frankrijk; ; ; Mdaille de l'aronautique; Mdaille De L'Aronautique; Medaille de l'Aeronautique; Mdaille de lAronautique; Mdaille l'Aronautique, Croix du combattant volontaire de la Rsistance, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Recipients_of_the_Aeronautical_Medal&oldid=333357395, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. With a history rich with six Guggenheim Medal recipients and 14 living members of the National Academy of Engineering, our faculty and emeriti faculty continue to be among the most highly decorated in the world. NSN for decoration set is 8455-00-269-5747. Provisions were made early for inclusion of members from foreign countries, confirming the international feature of the Fund. [35] Individual Recipients Groups [514] Imperial Medal Bars [360] Awards & Decorations 1870-1914 [183] Army Awards & Badges 1914-1918 The points of the compass rose on the reverse are modeled with the central portion plain for engraving the name of the recipient. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. It is awarded to both military personnel and civilians for outstanding accomplishments related to the field of aeronautics. This dissolution was legally consummated in October 1938, and the present name was assumedThe Daniel Guggenheim Other resolutions: 320 88 pixels | 640 176 pixels | 1,024 282 pixels | 1,280 352 pixels | 2,560 705 pixels. Medal of Aeronautics (French: Mdaille de lAronautique) is a civil honor of the government of France. It is awarded to both military personnel and civilians for outstanding accomplishments related to the field of aeronautics. This became a bureaucratic nightmare to correctly log because of the short flight time of typical helicopter flights. For more information on each award and nomination guidelines, click on the individal award name to the left on this page. This award is made annually to a woman who has contributed to the success of others or made a personal contribution to the advancement of the art, sport and science of aviation and space flight over an extended period of time. It is awarded for professional valour to both civilians and military pilots and non pilots serving under the Ministry of Defence (Air) or the Department of Transportation. The Aeronautical Medal (or "Mdaille de l'Aronautique") is a state decoration of France established by the decree of 14 February 14. In Originally envisioned before the Second World War, it was intended as an equal to the Order of Maritime Merit. A Brunswick War Merit Cross 1914; 2nd Class for Non-Combatants $85. This page is not available in other languages. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Below is an alphabetical synopsis of NAAs awards. The recipient must perform flight-related duties while serving in a combat zone.
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