Effective January 17, 2023 the Riverside Superior Court's policy regarding the normal availability and unavailability of official court reporters is as follows: 2023 ADR Conference has ended Create Your Own Event. SELPAs encourage and empower parents to get involved in their children's school, district, and community. The Riverside Superior Court encourages parties to participate in ADR and provides a range of opportunities to do so from the Case Management Conference to the day of trial. The Tri-Valley SELPA is awesome! The SELPA Administrators of California lead in the design of professionaldevelopment for educators across California. 7248 Joshua Ln Yucca Valley, CA 92284 (760) 365-7130. He described Ramachandran as demonstrating all the hallmarks of an exceptional scientist: deep intelligence, critical thinking, creativity, a strong work ethic, and a great team player.. Check out the schedule for 2022 ADR Conference. 2023 ADR Conference has ended Create Your Own Event. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. As the new accountability system shines a differentlight on students with disabilities, Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) are uniquely positioned to leverage a well-established resource network to support LEAs in improving outcomes for students with disabilities. ADR representative/contact (1992-2000). Contact info. SEIS/CALPADS Mentor Office Hours June 27, 2023; Educational Benefit & The IEP Process July 18, 2023; Educational Benefit & the IEP Process - VIRTUAL July 25, 2023 . participate in a pretrial conference and to receive a written Trial Order. ADR offers alternatives to trial including mediation, arbitration and settlement conferences. Director, Management and Consulting Services . Press Release. Argandona is expected to pursue graduate school in 2024. . Readiness Conference, and (5) [__] Setting an Order to Show Cause re Failure to Appear at Trial Setting Conference A. Freedom Conference 2023 | Burning Ones Thu, Jul 20 7:00 PM 909 N D St 2023 Curriculum Institute - Hybrid Event Wed, Jul 12 9:00 AM Riverside Convention Center - Riverside, CA The Emergent Summit 2023 - Tech | Music | Art | AI | Blockchain Mon, Oct 16 11:00 AM Riverside Convention Center 2023 CAPSBC Hybrid Public Hearing Today 11:00 AM If the case is not resolved through that process, a Trial Setting Conference will be scheduled thereafter. Geoffrey Leung, MD. June 20, 2023. . ADRCal Website These organizations provide free or low-cost mediation services through the Dispute Resolution CABE aligns with the Cities of Monterey and Riverside, and the California Department of Public Health Guidance for the use of masks during each One-Day Regional Conference. ADR is designed to meet the interests of all parties involved which results in a crafted, mutually agreeable outcome, rather than having a decision made by a third party such as a hearing officer or judge. Sharon Spivack - 2023 ADR Conference Schedule Speakers Attendees Back Sharon Spivack Antioch Unified School District Director, Special Education Antioch, CA antiochschools.net Thursday, March 16 8:20am PDT Welcome from State SELPA ADR Committee Patty Metheny, Ed.D. Simple; Expanded; Grid; By Venue; Speakers; Attendees; Search. Participation in an ADR session is voluntary andconfidential. If so, how? (951) 233-3443 (951) 688-7001 harlan@hbklaw.net BAR Number: 140831 ADR Experience: (Arbitration, Mediation & Settlement Conferences) 1995 and 2000 - The State Bar of California - Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration - RCBA; 2004 to present - Attorney Settlement Programs with Riverside Superior Court. At the Case Management Conference held approximately 180 days after the case is filed, eligible parties are ordered to mediation or judicial arbitration, at no cost to the . or browse by date . All involved must be willing participants who are prepared and open to finding common ground in the effort to move through the conflict. Thank you for your continued advocacy!! 2022 ADR CONFERENCE Committing to Action: Building Partnerships to Advance Student Learning Returning to In Person on* Thursday & Friday MARCH 17 & 18, 2022 8:30 am3:30 pm Riverside Convention Center 3637 5th St, Riverside CA 92501 Register Online: https://sbcss.k12oms.org/46-209648 The forum will take place from 3:00pm-5:00pm with the hearing following from 5:30pm-7:00pm. ADR uses specific techniques to promote understanding, open communication, and arrive at satisfying solutions to conflict that support and strengthen relationships. (Adopted 11-9-09, effective 1-1-10; Moved from Title 4 and renumbered from Rule SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 2023 ADR Conference: Venues Log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar. Location: Monterey, California Export to Your Calendar Register Thursday, November 9, 2023 : Substitute Service Exam at the Code Conference 11/9/2023. Our SELPA is that beacon for us, a true lifesaver. ADR uses specific techniques to promote understanding, open communication, and arrive at satisfying solutions to conflict that support and strengthen relationships. Ramachandran will be pursuing a doctorate in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder in August. We are excited to announce we have published three episodes of our Making it Happen! The Family Resource Centers Network of Californiasupports families of children with disabilities, special healthcare needs, and those at risk by ensuring the continuance, expansion, promotion, and quality of family-centered, parent-directed, Family Resource Centers. SELPA Administrators have traditionally held volunteer positions within ACSA that have required their leadership and active involvement in the planning of the conference. In addition to the work of the SELPA System Improvement Leads and SELPA Content Leads, which you can learn more about at ourStatewide System of Support page or the Compliance Monitoring page, our members play key roles in the coordination of multiple conferences each year. A total of $550 million will be used for both efforts related to the impacts of the pandemic on the educational system and outcomes for students with disabilities, with $100 million of that specifically for dispute resolution and prevention. The Straus Institutes faculty will design and implement trainings geared towards participants in a variety of roles in the education field and serving diverse stakeholders across the state. For 20 years, the Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution (CNDR) and our co-host, the Martin Daniel Gould Center for Conflict Resolution at Stanford Law School, have gathered law, business school, and undergrad ADR and Negotiation faculty from throughout Northern California to explore new topics and innovations in pedagogy in dispute resolution. a. The Court's ADR Department does not Learn how we lead in technical assistance, professional development, and other specializations. 2. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION LOCAL RULE: PAGE: EFFECTIVE DATE: RULE 3200 49 1-1-12 . SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE California Department of Education Unless otherwise indicated, the law and motion/case 2023 ADR Conference - Schedule. Our popular Making It Happen! Kerry Mamrot - 2023 ADR Conference Schedule Speakers Attendees Back Kerry Mamrot BOUSD Program Specialist Brea, CA Thursday, March 16 8:20am PDT Welcome from State SELPA ADR Committee Patty Metheny, Ed.D. Feeling supported with access to the tools, resources and information, I am equipped to support and advocate for my child. Hearing Times. I am grateful for the expertise, guidance, brainstorming, and fellowship that the SELPA network brought me during my time as a special education director. News Release - Statement Regarding Court . 3637 Fifth Street Riverside, CA 92501 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 7:30 am - 3:30 pm. SELPAs build on parent and communityknowledge and engagement through their Community Advisory Committees (CAC) that serve asforums for collaboration, training, andshared leadership in programdesign. Check out the schedule for 2022 ADR Conference. Mediator and ADR Neutral Facilitator Cases Resolved in 2023 (January 1 - June 27) 295,126. . It contains family-friendlyinformationand research-basedmaterialson key topics for Parent Centers; privateworkspacesfor Parent Centers to exchange resources, discuss high-priority topics, and solve mutual challenges; coordinationof parent training efforts throughout the network; atwice-monthlye-newsletterwith key topics, new resources, upcoming events, and materials to share with families; and materialsfrom Parent Centers themselves. Public Health Officer . SELPA Administrators of California and Pepperdine Straus Institute jointly announce an exciting new partnership for advanced level ADR certification and training programs. East Valley SELPA ADR Conference Presentation, "ADR Cadre - A Successful Model!" RCBA State Bar Assoc. . SELPA Administrators are proud to host Dr. Ron Powell and Dr. Sheri WIlkins for a 5-part book study of Guided Growth by Chasnoff and Powell, to increase our knowledge and expertise in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Some of his research includes understanding how Southern Californias high-elevation forests may be changing in response to climate change by examining species diversity in tree seedlings; understanding how invasive grasses affect native wildflower biodiversity in Riversides shrubland ecosystems; and understanding how vegetation has changed on Santa Cruz Island three decades after invasive sheep were removed. Alumni: please filter events by the category alumni.. It is also an opportunity to connect with others in the field and build relationships. It is ranked among the nation's best programs by U.S. News and World Report. Angelika Markes, East San Gabriel Valley SELPA CAC Parent Representative, Baldwin Park USD, Craig Helmstedter, Ed.D., Superintendent, Ocean View School District and Ventura County SELPA Superintendents' Policy Council Chair, Jim Stolze, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Yucaipa-Calimesa JUSD, Leslie Castellanos, Azusa Parent Alternate, East San Gabriel Valley SELPA Community Advisory Committee, Kimberly Tyler, Director of Special Education, Oroville City ESD, Grace Ventura, Director of Special Education, Jefferson Union High School District, Jeni Rickard, Ed.D, Assistant Director of Special Education, Pleasanton USD, Lee Medvedoff, M. At the conference, counsel for each party and each self-represented party must appear in person or remotely as provided in rule 3.672; must be familiar with the case; and must be prepared to discuss and commit to the party's position on the issues listed in rules 3.724 and 3.727. In response to the "One System" California Statewide Special Education Task Force Report that calledfor one coherent system to serve all students, the California Department of Education (CDE) designed theStatewide System of Support to assist LEAs and their schools in meeting the needs of each student served, with a focus on building capacity to sustain improvement and effectively address inequities in student opportunities and outcomes. Both student recipients are graduating with the UCR class of 2023. ADR is voluntary. Produced and recorded for the 2021 ADR Conference (virtual). . CRC 3.722 > > Read More.. Before the Case Management Conference ALL parties must: "Meet and confer" to discuss ADR and make good faith efforts to stipulate (agree) to a type of ADR for the case AND. Do they adequately reflect the current demands and realities of the legal profession? SELPA Partners with Pepperdine Straus Instituteon ADR Certification and Training Programs Co-Chair, RCBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee (1996-1997). Should we adapt our teaching to prevailing changes in mediation practice? How can we as educators help bridge the gap between theory and practice, both in the classroom and beyond its boundaries? litigants to participate in an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process before requesting a trial date and to participate in a settlement conference prior to trial. This award is an incredible honor, only made possible by the students willing to give themselves and me a chance, Wu said. Sched.com Conference Mobile Apps 2021 ADR Conference has ended As partners in special education compliance monitoring and Differentiated Assistance processes, SELPAs utilize continuous improvement as a framework for identifying equity gaps toimprovestudent outcomes. The awards are given by the Academic Senate. Date: February 24, 2023 from 9:00am - 2:30pm (PST) Location: UC Law San Francisco, 200 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 (in-person only) Registration: $30 MCLE Credit: 3 (three) California MCLE credit hours available for a single additional specially discounted processing fee Register now 2023 Speakers and Program: Program 1: It's reassuring to know that the SELPA philosophy of collaboration and solidarity is there to support staff, students, and families. has over twenty years of experience representing school districts in special education matters as an attorney in California. Home page. Consider the discovery and motions needed for a meaningful and productive ADR session. California. She started as a Special Day Class Teacher and transitioned as an RSP Demonstration Teacher. High-quality ADR, EEO, Legal, HR andLR/ER training for federal professionals. SELPAs provide extensive professional development on high leverage, evidenced-based practices, and SELPAs are key collaborators on numerousstatewide reform efforts. Welcome to the law schools master calendar! The Court assumes no responsibility of liability Many people resolve their cases before trial with the help of ADR. 3637 5th St Riverside, CA 92501 USA +1 (951) 346-4700. is also available at the Civil Clerks office. Employees utilizing ADR services to resolve a conflict have assurance that information raised in an ADR meeting will not be used against them at a future date. The Academic Senate cited Wus stellar record of engaging undergraduate students in research and supporting them in pursuing higher education. Find information on key aspects of SELPA legislative, fiscal, compliance, and ADR advocacy for member LEAs. 2023 ADR Conference: Directory 2023 ADR Conference has ended Schedule Speakers Attendees Search B Brian Garden Grove Unified SD Supervisor D Damico Riverside Unified School District Program Specialist JA Jenn Adebowale Panama-Buena Vista USD SELPA SELPA Director KA Kayla Adler VA Vanessa Adolphson San Juan Unified School District Director One on the evolution of gene expression and its role in insect-microbe interactions between two different aphid species using RNAseq data, which he presented at Pepperdine University. News Release - Riverside Superior Court Appoints Marita Ford As Interim CEO (pdf ) 11/15/2022. BLYTHE 265 N. Broadway, Blythe, CA 92225 INDIO 46-200 Oasis St., Indio, CA 92201 HEMET 880 N. State St., Hemet, CA 92543 RIVERSIDE 4175 Main St., Riverside, CA 92501 RI-FL020 DRS: Dispute Resolution Service, Riverside County Bar Association Interested in serving on one or more of the Court's panels? Issues Conference required by RSC Local Rule 3401, counsel shall meet and confer in an effort to agree upon the language of the supplemental questionnaire. We are proud to report that SB 354 (Ochoa Bogh) on Inclusive Practices and AB 1517 (Gallagher) on SELPA Governance have passed out of Appropriations and will be soon moving to the floor of the Legislature for a vote. In the event that Department S-302 is unavailable for trial, at the Court's discretion, the matter may be: (1) assigned to another trial department, (2) trailed until a department becomes available, or (3) continued. Many people resolve their cases before trial with the help of ADR. Subject Matter Expertise Area (s): Business This years conference will explore some of these questions and provide a forum for sharing pedagogical techniques to engage student learning and skill-building. Many SELPA Administrators hold volunteer positions within CMHACYand help to plan these events each year. DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The staff are wonderful. (For example, if you are an alum, click on the Event Category button below and select Alumni from the drop-down menu; the calendar will then display events open to alumni). It is the intent of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)that the IEP process be a non-adversarial one, and SELPA staff is there to support familiesand school and district staff in coming to agreement and moving forward. SELPA leadership and expertise is integrated throughoutthisStatewide System of Support. Ed., Director of Special Education, Jefferson Union High School District, Capacity Builders - Facilitators - Connectors. SELPAs facilitate equity in local decision-making and access to the full continuum of supports and services in the least restrictive environment for all students with disabilities regardless of where they reside. It is also an opportunity to connect with others in the field and build relationships. on any new parties to the action together with the cross-complaint. The SELPA makes a difference by creating a bridge between parents, teacher, and administrators. With the exception of trainings, all ADR services are confidential unless all participants in the ADR meeting agree otherwise. SELPA allows parents to make connections with other parents and people who value our children as productive members of our society. Superintendents in Ventura County are committed to our collaborative process and interaction with our local SELPA to ensure we meet the needs of each and every student. He has authored two research papers. Program Act (DRPA), coordinated by the County of Riverside: CAP: Community Action Partnership, Dispute Resolution Center 2023 ADR Conference has ended, Aparna Gupta David Dowling Stephanie Blondell, Amber Gallagher Tricia Lomino Lori Thomas Hicks Lindsay Flatos, Dr. Howana Lundy Sean McDuffee Barby Castro, Mildred Browne Margaret Farruggio Julia Martin Adriana Aro Tonya Saheli, JD, MS Laura Benghal, Heidi Lyon Shauna Schmoke Eron Easter Hinda Nadif Jennifer Gorospe Tull, Stephanie Blondell Aparna Gupta David Dowling, David Benson Dr. Maurice Ghysels Jessica Little, Barby Castro Sean McDuffee Dr. Howana Lundy, Lindsay Flatos Amber Gallagher Lori Thomas Hicks Tricia Lomino, Jessica Little Dr. Maurice Ghysels David Benson, Redefining Relationships in Special Education: An Opportunity To Uplift & Succeed as Leaders, Building a Relationship of Trust: The Power of Questions, Caught in the Middle: Supporting Joint Custody Decision-Making, Cultural Awareness as a Bridge to Connection, Daily Practices to Reduce and Resolve Conflict, How to Conduct Meaning, Equity-Based Conversations Part 1, Parent Ambassadors as Partners in Dispute Resolution, Preparing for Successful Engagement: Skill and Strategies, Redefining Relationships in Special Education: A Deeper Dive into the Decision Making of Leaders, Scrubbing the Question: Crafting Questions to Create Impact and Break Impasse, Break on Through to the Other Side: How to Transform our Relationship to Conflict, Building a Sustainable ADR Continuum: A SELPAwide Effort, Establishing and Restoring Relationships during the IEP Process, From Warring Parents to Warring IEP Teams, How to Conduct Meaning, Equity-Based Conversations Part 2, Achieving Friendly: Positive Outcomes Through Difficult Conversations, Fundamental Negotiation Skills: Making it Fun, Special Education Alternate Dispute Resolution Grant Workshop- Presented by CDE, The ABCs of Managing Parent-School Conflict, The Role of the Internal Neutral: Making an Oxymoron, Peaceful, Questions First, Questions Foremost: Developing Skills for Connection, Embracing ADR Processes Utilizing Data and Stakeholder Engagement, Preparing for Successful Engagement: Skills and Strategies. for any act or omission of any mediator on the list. Students, faculty, or staff: Please visit Sharknet for information regarding guidelines and procedures for events. Participants will be trained in the foundations of the mediation process, unique negotiation styles, and facilitation of problem-solving around education-related disputes, among other topics. SELPAs provide targeted technical assistance resulting in quality special education programmingand increased student engagement in the least restrictive environment. 1. Contact us with any questions. ADR offers alternatives to trial including mediation, arbitration and settlement conferences. a. Produced and recorded for the 2021 ADR Conference (virtual), "The Art and Science of the Apology," by Nina Meierding, M.S., J.D., Negotiation and Mediation Training Services Dr. Sue Singh 8:30am PDT Redefining Relationships in Special Education: An Opportunity To Uplift & Succeed as Leaders Dr. Singh 9:00am PDT News Release - Governor Appoints Two New Judges To Riverside County (pdf ) 12/16/2022. Chapman University School of Law Mediation Clinic (services only available at the court), 2023 Superior Court of California, County of Riverside, All Rights Reserved, Link to External Site: Judicial Council of California - Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Link to External Site: Judicial Council of California - ADR Types & Benefits, Link to External Site: Community Action Partnership - Resources/Information, Link to External Site: Riverside County Bar Association (RCBA) Dispute Resolution Service, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Information Package, Information for Parties/Counsel Ordered to Civil Mediation, Information for Parties/Counsel Ordered to Judicial Arbitration, Child Custody Recommending Counseling (CCRC), View Information About Serving on a Panel, Community Action Partnership, Dispute Resolution Center, Dispute Resolution Service, Riverside County Bar Association. LAW & MOTION/CASE MANAGEMENT RULES Department PS1 (Effective January 3, 2023) **Department Rules subject to changes and/or updates given the fluid nature of the COVID - 19 crisis, and the ever-changing availability of resources. Upland, CA 91786 (909) 982-8641. Generally, when disagreements are not resolved at a local level, a SELPA Program Specialist or SELPA Administrator assists districts and families in working through disagreements related to the IEP process. Colleagues and administrators were constantly coming to her for help settling disputes between themselves and parents so she decided to attend Pepperdine Law to study the art and science of mediation.
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