These men were given Service Numbers 205420 205455. Adams Leonard. dailyinfo[23]=' B/1089 Lance Serjeant Sidney Frederick WALKER 9th Bn. Major-General Gough (CO, 7th Division, whose 21st Brigade had now also been ordered forward by Haig) reported that after a personal reconnaissance he was certain that forward movement was at the present time impossible. Harry Gibson was my Great Grandfather. Notts and Derby Garrison Regiment attached to Middlesex Regiment, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. In April, the 1/9th Manchester Regiment and the 2/5th Manchester Regiment were reduced to a cadre. Moved to the concentration area at Witley and Frensham. The 1st Battalion left Suez on 28th November 1899. 16-10-1916. dailyinfo[30]=' SD/3772 Lance Corporal John Edward GOLDSMITH 13th Bn. Regular Army The 1st battalion landed at Le Havre as part of the 24th Brigade in the 8th Division in November 1914 for service on the Western Front. Sometimes we change how an object is interpreted. On completing his service he joined Nottingham City Police and then joined 8th Battalion Sherwood Foresters (TA). No new IP was created in producing the above pictures and all image rights remain with the current owners. He is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial. . But perhaps the most interesting group was approximately 155 young men who were 18-19 years old and were raw recruits recently drafted into the Army through the Military Service Act. Took over the right sector of the line on the Asiago Plateau from the 11th (Italian) Division). Moved to Louth until the end of the war. Born 1875. Brig.Gen Lowry Cole, CO 25th Brigade, was mortally wounded when standing on the British parapet in an attempt to restore order. Division was ordered to move from it's position north of Neuve Chapelle to the south of it, with a view to strengthening a future offensive there. Bomb carrying party of the 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Regiment) going up to the front line at La Boisselle, 6th July 1916. They immediately moved to Hursley Park and came under orders of the 24th Infantry Brigade of the 8th Division. SEVER CEMETERY, ROUEN France ' The 1/Sherwoods dug in on the West bank of the Somme and defended the bridge at St Christ on the evening of March 23rd. Formed at Thoresby from the 246th Graduated Battalion (previously the 15th Training Reserve Battalion) as part of the 208th Brigade of the 69th Division. #Afghanistan . The front and communication trenches are by now very crowded and chaotic; German shelling adds to confusion. If you can provide any additional information, please add it here. 2/5th Btn. who died 20/07/1916 FROMELLES (PHEASANT WOOD) MILITARY CEMETERY France ' Downloading audio-visual for non-commercial offline listening or viewing. Early in 1942 the Battalion was. Pte. He then reorganised his platoon and consolidated new positions under heavy machine gun and rifle fire. The second Major, E.F. Griffin, a wartime commission Captain in the Reserve of Officers, is shown with a seniority date of the 10th August 1915. MiC for a Captain Charles Voss, M.B.E., 1st Sherwood Foresters Garrison Battalion. He set a most inspiring example and did splendid work. My father, who is 90 years old this year (2018), met him. Landed Mudros in 1915. whole: Dimensions: 26cm., Pagination: vii, 224p., 18 leaves of plates ill., frontis., maps, ports. Like this page to receive our updates. Formed at Plymouth as a service battalion of the Fourth New Army (K4) and joined the 98th Brigade of the 33rd Division. Private. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. // Stop Define Variables for days of the month He joined up on 9th April, 1915, leaving his home in Parade View, Matlock Bath. Assault on Southern Redoubt, Passchendaele. An extract from the London Gazette, dated 27th April, 1915, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery at Neuve-Chapelle on 12th March, 1915, when he, on his own initiative, crept to within a few yards of a very large number of the enemy who were massed on the flank of an advanced company of his battalion, and hurled bombs on them. The Great War Forum Limited Rifle Brigade who died 23/06/1915 YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Belgium ' Those of Richard Henry Stranger are certainly not a 'no' either. Passage of the Sambre Oise Canal at Landrecies, Ended the war at Landrecies Preux-Bousies. Rifle Brigade who died 01/07/1915 HOUPLINES COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION France ' Royal Navy who died 31/05/1916 CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL United Kingdom ' 1.4.1 1st Battalion 1.4.2 2nd Battalion 1.4.3 1/5th (Derbyshire) Battalion 1.4.4 40th (Sherwood Foresters) Anti-Aircraft Battalion 1.4.5 42nd (Robin Hoods, Sherwood Foresters) Anti-Aircraft Battalion 1.4.6 8th Battalion 1.4.7 2/5th (Derbyshire) Battalion 1.4.8 9th Battalion 1.4.9 10th (Home Defence) Battalion 1.4.10 12th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died 19/07/1916 AUBERS RIDGE BRITISH CEMETERY, AUBERS France ' Lancashire Fusiliers who died 17/07/1918 POZNAN OLD GARRISON CEMETERY Poland ' dailyinfo[14]=' Nurse Alice May STALLARD 1st Southern General Hospital Voluntary Aid Detachmentwho died 14/07/1918 HALLOW (SS. 30 Jun 2023 17:13:00 A981 Sergeant Reuben Hart of Church Gresley, Sherwood Foresters. leading in the enemy's direction and by means of bombing attacks gained possession of COPPER TRENCH and CRUCIFIX LANE gaining touch with the 12th Division at the Northern end of the latter trench. dailyinfo[13]=' 1000677 Private Edward Percy TILLING 43rd Bn. Non-Commercial educational use for the purpose of teaching and instruction, including internal training. From March 22 to April 4th the 1/Sherwoods took part in what was to become known as the First Battle of the Somme, 1918. dailyinfo[19]=' 3497 Private Bertie SMITH 2nd/6th Bn. The 16th battalion, Tank Corps landed in Sept. 1918 and took part in the Battle of the Selle, driving the Germans back. 8.30am: the attack had established three small lodgements in the enemy positions, but they were not in contact with each other and were under tremendous pressure. By downloading or embedding any image, you agree to the terms and conditions of the IWM Non Commercial Licence, including your use of the attribution statement specified by IWM. Moved to Shorncliffe Moved to Shorncliffe area and then to Bordon. Copyright 2018-2023, 1/9th Battalion Manchester Regiment in 1914-15, 1/9th Battalion Manchester Regiment in Egypt 1916-17, 1/9th Battalion Manchester Regiment in France 1917-18, C.O.s of the 1/9th Battalion Manchester Regiment. During the night the enemy counter attacked and was successfully repulsed but in the fighting Lieutenant Howard fell mortally wounded. dailyinfo[7]=' 24272 Private Albert ANGEL 16th Bn. Charles James Willoughby Hobbs, born in 1876, was the eldest surviving son of Capt and Mrs Hobbs of Kylemore, Malvern. 6.10am: Brig.Gen. If you have any unwanted This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. They then proceeded to Folkestone on March 30, 1918 and embarked for Boulogne arriving March 31, 1918. The senior Major in the 1st Battalion, and therefore 2nd in Command, was Malet Peyton Phelps, with seniority from the 30th March 1911. The Brigade administered the regular infantry regiments of the English Midlands. 9.00am 10 May: the Army and Corps commanders and staffs in attendance learned that there was insufficient artillery ammunition to continue two attacks., The Commanding Officer was Lieutenant Colonel William Raine Marshall, with seniority from the 11th February 1912, (although he had been a Brevet Lieutenant Colonel since 1902 and a Brevet Colonel from 1908). After the Second World War the British Army had fourteen infantry depots, each bearing a letter. Leicestershire Regimentwho died 15/07/1919 LEICESTER (WELFORD ROAD) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Our men withdrew after making their captures but the hostile barrage was responsible for our casualties. Harold Percy Spencer 1st Btn. With this, the Forester Brigade was disbanded. At the start of the war, Britain was ill-prepared to deal with the threat from enemy airships and aircraft. They landed in France on 5 November 1914 taking part in the battles of . First Expeditionary Force Lt Tudor Davies MC. 5.40am: On the further advance the 2nd East Lancs are hit by heavy machine-gun and rifle fire by the time they had progressed thirty yards from their own trench; the 2nd Northants, coming up ten minutes later, were similarly hit, but a party got through one of the gaps blown by the field guns, and into the German front trench. (we will only ever use it to respond to you about your feedback). The attack of 25th Brigade is much more successful: the wire on the left had been well-cut and the infantry poured through, crossing the almost-undamaged breastworks and into the German fire trenches. At 5.30 a.m. under an artillery barrage two platoons of B Company led by Lt. Clarke and 2/Lt Adams made a determined and successful raid on the post raided the previous day and also on a considerable length of OPPY SUPPORT TRENCH including a large dugout. By the end of the engagement the 8th Division had fulfilled its duties but had suffered significant casualties. 7.30pm: the meeting breaks up having decided to renew the attack next day, taking advantage of night to reorganise. Richard Hardstaff 5th Battalion Sherwood Foresters (d.1st Jul 1916) Richard Hardstaff was born in January 1895 in Bakewell Derbyshire. Returned to England and concentrated at Fovant, Salisbury Plain. Battalions of the Regular Army 1st Battalion August 1914 : in Bombay, India. document.write; The 1/5th Battalion The Sherwood Foresters landed 31 January 1942. & Derby Regiment). Hobbs. Two guns of 104th Battery, XXII Brigade RFA had been brought up into the 24th Brigade front and they now opened fire at point blank range against the enemy breastworks; they blow several gaps, although one of the guns is inaccurate due to the unstable ground on which it is located. Royal Navy who died 31/05/1916 CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL United Kingdom ' Acknown PRC Old Sweats 7k Norfolk! However the toll on the Battalion was heavy and 234 men were officially listed as Killed, Wounded or Missing. dailyinfo[10]=' 94575 Sapper Charles BELCHER 172nd Tunnelling Coy. var day=mydate.getDay(),_born_1865). They earned distinction at the following Battles on the Western Front: I believe the convention was that the Adjutant was on the CO's right hand side, (so sat left of the CO as we look at it). var month=mydate.getMonth()+1 Near Oppy (France) on the 6th October 1918, he led his Platoon with consummate skill and boldness. dailyinfo[13]=' 1000677 Private Edward Percy TILLING 43rd Bn. Its descendants remained in the Army Reserve until 2014. Approximately 35 men previously serving mainly in the 1/9th Manchester Regiment and 1/10th Manchester Regiments joined the 1/Sherwoods from the Manchester Infantry Base Depot in Etaples, many shipping out from the UK on March 31, 1918. His notes state the he worked with the Air Ministry, assisting in the return of parts to Leyland motors for a year. November 1914: if (year < 1000) year+=1900 Formed at Lichfield in July 1915 and moved in October to Malta and then onto Egypt, where it remained. Those known to have served with Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) during the Great War 1914-1918. The Battalions Majors have seniority dates that are a bit confusing. 2nd Battalion moved to Italy after its North African service. Sometimes we change how an object is interpreted. The January 1916 British Army Monthly List shows the Commanding Officer as Brevet Colonel W.B. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) who died 21/06/1915 TWELVE TREE COPSE CEMETERY Turkey (including Gallipoli) ' The pursuit of the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line. Son of Captain & Mrs S.H. Posted 2 April , 2009. var mydate=new Date() In 1963, the Royal Warwickshire Regiment was transferred to the Fusilier Brigade, and in the following year the Royal Leicestershire Regiment joined the East Anglian Brigade[5] and the Sherwood Foresters moved to the Mercian Brigade. Moved to Woking and absorbed into the 13th Yorks. Royal Sussex Regiment who died 30/06/1916 LOOS MEMORIAL France ' Age 40. I am not familiar with the cap badge, but from a little googling it appears to me to be a Sherwood Foresters' badge. The form will be sent to our Collections Management Team who will use it to improve our object records. PHILIP AND JAMES) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom ' var month=mydate.getMonth()+1 If you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here. They quickly returned to England, landing at Plymouth on 2 October, 1914. 30 Jun 2023 07:49:14 OCTOBER 1918, OPPY SECTOR. Drafted into the Army Reserve, for the duration of the war, approximately 3 months before their 18th birthday and assigned into 7th Reserve Battalion Notts and Derby Regiment, based in Ripon where they underwent basic training. . October 1915. Also the British Army in Tipperary (1920-22) - a neglected bit of . There seem too few medal ribbons on display, and they are way too unkempt to be a regular battalion, plus more than usual of the SNCOs are noticeably mature. However not sure it is the same man as the CO pictured here. Order of Battle of the 8th Division week ending January 5, 1918: Drafts for the 1/Sherwoods arrived throughout the month totaling 9 Officers and 152 Other Ranks. He was wounded in the abdomen by shrapnel on Feb 25, 1915 while in the line, but stayed in . is still Mullins, no second in command is listed, Major Griffin is senior Major and the adjutant since the 1st March 1916 has been a Captain C. Voss. dailyinfo[6]=' Sister Maggie Louisa GASKELL 2nd Western General Hospital Territorial Force Nursing Service who died 06/07/1919 MACCLESFIELD CEMETERY United Kingdom ' attd 1st/4th Bn. Read more about our collections and the information we hold. He lived through the war and was discharged on March . dailyinfo[24]=' Second Lieutenant David Wishart HANNA Military Cross 8th Bn. Both moved to Grantham and then Saltfleet and became the 7th and 8th Reserve Battalions. The Battle of Loos (the Division suffered severe losses and took the rest of the year to rebuild). But in the First World War, the increasing availability of the internal combustion engine, armour plate and the continuous track, as well as the problem of trench warfare, combined to facilitate the production of the tank. Moved to Hursley, Winchester and joined the 117th Brigade of the 39th Division. var day=mydate.getDay() Sergeant Samuel Hague 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. " The badge combined parts of the cap badges of the Royal Warwicks, Royal Leicesters and Sherwood Foresters. The division took over A Section, Suez Canal Defences till June. Traditionally its home defence focussed on defending the coastline rather than its airspace and with most of the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) operating overseas, few aircraft remained to defend Britain. RT @KeyserSosse: 30th June, 2007 Captain Sean "Dollar" Dolan, aged 40 from Rowley Regis, and of 1st Battalion The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, was killed by a Taliban mortar round in the area of Sangin Valley, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Lest we Forget this brave man Lancashire Fusiliers who died 17/07/1918 POZNAN OLD GARRISON CEMETERY Poland ' 25th May 2023 - Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. No obvious MiC for Griffin), The Adjutant appears to be the wartime commissioned Captain, P. H. Williams. General Heneker now proceeded to carry out a scheme for which for some time he had been considering an attack on the strong Fresnes--Rouvroy line to the North East of ARRAS in the preliminaries of the fighting which ensued the Battalion took a hand, being a reconnaissance in force on the 5th Oct.,, whereby the enemys positions in and about the Village of OPPY were definitely located . I remember him talking about his war experiences around the dinner table only when asked. Became a 2nd Reserve Battalion and the Brigade became the 3rd Reserve Training Brigade. This is the British Expeditionary Force order of battle on 9 May 1940, the day before the German forces initiated the Battle of France . From the order it is set out Twyford appears to have seniority over Griffin. dailyinfo[29]=' Chaplain 4th Class The Rev. Many thanks for this. A834 2nd Lieutenant John Glynne Morris, 16th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, (Chatsworth Rifles), killed 23 September . I am particularly interested on what was going on during the 3rd November 1918. Welsh Regiment who died 07/07/1916 THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France ' draperju1 April , 2009 in Soldiers and their units, Has anyone got access to the War Diary of the 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters covering the period 30th October-4th November 1918. These men were given Service Numbers 108926 108965. I was also unaware of Army Service Number website, which from a brief visit certainly does appear excellent. C Company pushed out along the C.T. ), By the time of the November 1918 British Army List, C.O. (There is a MiC for a Major Twyford but with no first name. 1st of September 2022 marks 23 years since the launch of the Wartime Memories Project. The Wartime Memories Project is run by volunteers and the free to access part of the website is funded by donations from our visitors. There were 33 Sherwood Foresters Battalions for the First World War which fought at many locations on the Western Front. The 1/Sherwoods were immediately put under the temporary command of the 23rd Infantry Brigade and were ordered to launch a counter-offensive attack at 10am. He was a cotton doubler in a cotton mill at Calver prior to . Sign up for a new account in our community. Want to find out more about your relative's service? Read more about our collections and the information we hold. Ended the war at Bermissart west of Mons, Belgium. It gives me the confidence to approach the Mercian regimental museum. He joined . Formed at Lichfield as a service battalion of the Fourth New Army (K4) and joined the 91st brigade of the 30th Division. (d.14th October 1915) Adkin Walter. Please use this form to give us feedback on an object. Developing our collections information. Ended war east of the Maubeuge Mons Road. dailyinfo[14]=' Nurse Alice May STALLARD 1st Southern General Hospital Voluntary Aid Detachmentwho died 14/07/1918 HALLOW (SS. "Llandovery Castle" (London) Mercantile Marine who died 27/06/1918 TOWER HILL MEMORIAL United Kingdom ' var fontend = '' The comparison photos forWilliam Raine Marshall appear a very good match to me. The logistics and organizational disruption of such a significant change in personnel in a front line infantry unit must have been overwhelming. The form will be sent to our Collections Management Team who will use it to improve our object records. At 5.30 a.m. under an artillery barrage two platoons of B Company led by Lt. Clarke and 2/Lt Adams made a determined and successful raid on the post raided the previous day and also on a considerable length of OPPY SUPPORT TRENCH including a large dugout. Died 1915. He died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. dailyinfo[12]=' Captain Donald Charles CUNNELL 20th Sqdn. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. 5.00pm: General Haig, hearing of the continued failure of the Southern attack and the hold-up after initial success of the Northern attack, orders a bayonet attack at dusk, 8.00pm. The concept of a vehicle to provide troops with both mobile protection and firepower was not a new one. dailyinfo[18]=' 4749 Sapper VENKAYASWAMI 2nd Queen Victorias Own Sappers and Miners who died 18/07/1918 DELHI MEMORIAL (INDIA GATE) India ' Albert Cornish 1st Devons. They were relieved on the evening of the 23rd and marched back to reserve billets in BLANGY TRONVILLE. 30th June, 2007 Captain Sean "Dollar" Dolan, aged 40 from Rowley Regis, and of 1st Battalion The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, was killed by a Taliban mortar round in the area of Sangin Valley, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Lest we Forget this brave man Completed Regular Army Colour Service x 2 (soldier and officer) and retired to the coast. Effective 31st July 1913 the Adjutant of the Battalion was Lieutenant Richard Henry Stranger. recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment), Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment),, Infantry administrative brigades of the British Army, Military units and formations established in 1948, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment (19461948}, 2nd Battalion, Royal Lincolnshire Regiment (19461948), 2nd Battalion, Royal Leicestershire Regiment (19461948), 2nd Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) (19461948, 19521955), 7th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment (19471962), 2/7th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment (19471950), 4th Battalion, Royal Lincolnshire Regiment (19471950), 6th Battalion, Royal Lincolnshire Regiment (19471950), 4th/6th Battalion, Royal Lincolnshire Regiment (19501958), 5th Battalion, Royal Leicestershire Regiment (19471961), 4th/5th Battalion, Royal Leicestershire Regiment (19611963), 5th (Derbyshire) Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) (19471961), 8th (Nottinghamshire) Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) (19471961), 5th/8th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) (19611963), This page was last edited on 12 January 2023, at 22:33. German bayonets can be seen behind their parapet. Formed at Derby and then deployed to France as part of the 5th Army Troops. SEVER CEMETERY, ROUEN France ' Australian Infantry, A.I.F. Battalion: 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derbys) Regiment. who died 20/07/1916 FROMELLES (PHEASANT WOOD) MILITARY CEMETERY France ' Royal Garrison Artillery who died 11/07/1917 MENDINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY Belgium ' Welsh Regiment who died 07/07/1916 THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France ' BRONNO. Grove Town Cemetery, Meaulte, Somme, France. But cannot be 1st Battalion if uniform detail post July 1915 and unlikely to be regulars (Frogsmile). dailyinfo[10]=' 94575 Sapper Charles BELCHER 172nd Tunnelling Coy. group photo, 6 & 9/Black Watch, 51st & 62nd Divisions - Battle of Tardenois and Operations Mars, Arras, West Country infantry regiments, 1st Canadian Division, POWs, British internees in Switzerland. Assigned to the Manchester Infantry Base Depot (MIBD) at Etaples, where on April 4, 1918 they were transferred to the 1st Battalion Notts and Derby Regiment (1/Sherwoods), and assigned a new six digit service numbers in the range 108979 109155. 10th Gurkha Rifles who died 28/06/1915 HELIOPOLIS (PORT TEWFIK) MEMORIAL Egypt ' Bomb carrying party of the 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters going up to the front line at La Boisselle, 6 July 1916. If so the photo would appear to be of men belonging to 1st Battalion, which was stationed in India immediately before the war. MiC for a Captain Charles Voss, M.B.E., 1st Sherwood Foresters Garrison Battalion. Does the Diary mention Serg John Anthony Chartlon 03/10/19189. Category Photographs Related period First World War (production), First World War (content) Creator If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 261814 your information is still in the queue, please do not resubmit, we are working through them as quickly as possible. Moved to Doncaster and then to Welbeck where it remained. First raised in the High Peak area of Derbyshire in 1860, it fought as infantry on the Western Front during the First World War and as an air defence unit during the Second World War. Like this page to receive our updates, add a comment or ask a question. BRONNO. This means that in the space of less than a week the 1/Sherwoods added more than 300 raw recruits who were 18 (or in some cases just 19) years old; fully 1/3 of Battalion strength. Canadian Infantry who died 13/07/1918 WAILLY ORCHARD CEMETERY France ' The 1/7th formed at Nottingham, 1/8th Stationed at Newark as part of the Notts & Derby Brigade of the North Midland Division and then moved to Harpenden and then Braintree. In February 1941 German forces forced the British back to the Egyptian Border. 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) in the Second World War 1939-1945 - The Wartime Memories Project - - 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) during the Second World War - Allied Forces Index This website uses cookies. Territorial Force Battalion. Harry was killed in action on 9th May 1915. dailyinfo[27]=' Assistant Steward Harry Robert COCKS H.M.H.S. Alexander was wounded when his tank was hit by a shell on October 5/6, 1918 in the Ramicourt valley during the Battle of Montbrehain. 1st Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) 16th Infantry Brigade - 3 September 1939 to 6 January 1940 The battalion was located at Peninsula Barracks, Haifa in Palestine at the outbreak of war with 'D' Company in Cyprus. 2/6th moved to Luton as part of 59th Division and then to Watford. Moved to Grainthorpe, Lincolnshire and the 5th Battalion absorbed the 6th. craters, moved forward to capture Delangre Farm, and then formed a defensive flank as ordered. dailyinfo[23]=' B/1089 Lance Serjeant Sidney Frederick WALKER 9th Bn. He spent five day's leave at home last summer. He survived the flu in late Dec. 1918 and was sent to the UK on Jan 30, 1919 for demobilization. The Regimental Sergeant Major is on the other side of the 2IC (Sam Browne). The Great War Forum Limited Courtesy of Michael Briggs. Sorry I can't help but the following may be of interest to you, an extract from some research I have done on the Parish Soldiers. Leicestershire Regimentwho died 15/07/1919 LEICESTER (WELFORD ROAD) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' In the early hours of May 27, 1918 the Germans launched a ferocious artillery barrage with signaled the start of the 3rd Battle of the Aisne. Read more about our collections and the information we hold. Aquitania with Divisional headquarters reaches Mudros. They immediately moved to Hursley Park and came under orders of the 24th Infantry Brigade of the 8th Division. Men of the Brigade were at this time seen to be retiring to their front line, having apparently received a shouted order. But it had an eventful life. Moved to West Lulworth and then to Winchester. Australian Infantry, A.I.F. Contact our Media sales & Licensing team about access. John. He was an instructor (including bayonet and physical training) during The Tank Corps build up in the first half of 1918. who died 04/07/1918 MERICOURT-LABBE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION France ' William Walters. Pte. Landed Balkans 4th November 1915 - I wonder if the 1st Garrison Battalion did spend a short time there. Balfour Road and Balaclava Road, seen at the top, still exist but the rest of the area shown has disappeared. Experts will know better. 30 Jun 2023 07:55:14 - 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) during the Second World War -. Transferred back to the 23rd Division and deployed to Italy to strengthen Italian resistance after a recent disaster at the Battle of Caporetto. 2], british army, infantry regiments, regiments of the line, sherwood foresters (nottinghamshire and derbyshire regiment), nottinghamshire and derbyshire regiment, 7 bn, 7th battalion, nottinghamshire and derbyshire regiment, sherwood foresters. The Wartime Memories Project is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. He was killed on this occasion.". [1], In 1948, the depots adopted names and this depot became the Midland Brigade with all regiments being reduced to a single battalion at the same time. Ended the war south-east of Maubeuge, France. Royal Flying Corps who died 12/07/1917 BAILLEUL COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION, NORD France '
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