Halltown August 24 and 26. Thomas A. Fowler, "A" , Corp. Joseph W. Hitt, "B" , Pvt. John Kelley, "K" , Pvt. REFERENCES: Wallace, Lee A., Jr., "A Guide to Virginia Military Organizations. Virginia's 22nd Infantry was composed almost entirely of soldiers from West Virginia. Emailehistory@osu.edu. The group supported voting rights for black veterans, and lobbied the U.S. Congress to establish veterans' pensions. Bufords Gap June 20. Email, Bayley's Battery, Virginia Heavy Artillery, Lynchburg Beauregard Rifles [Mooreman-Shoemaker], 24th Virginia Cavalry Battalion, Partisan Rangers, 8th Virginia Infantry Battalion, Reserves, 37th Virginia Infantry [Electronic book: James H. Wood /. 1st Regiment Infantry (3 months), 1st Regiment Infantry (3 years). The voting rights and citizenship of former Confederates were restored when they applied for pardon and signed an Amnesty Oath. 14th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry Contents 1 Brief History 2 Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin 3 Other Sources 4 Regimental History and Roster 5 References Brief History Organized at Wheeling, Ohio County and Marshall County, August-October, 1862. Thomas J. Massey's Co., in service Aug. 23-Oct. 13, 1861, Co. F Capt. Vaughn had his and Jacksons brigades dismount, forming them along the edge of a wooded lot on rising ground looking towards Rutherfords Farm. But, before he went far enough to enable this force to get in his rear, Colonel Taggart, after a short engagement, wisely fell back. Gen. James Boggs, and, the companies enlisted a few days later for six months; reported as serving in the 18th, Brigade, Third Division, during this period. WebCivil War - West Virginia 14th Infantry. [2] Mustered out June 28, 1865. Co. E Capt. 1861-1865", Virginia Civil War Commission, 1964. The Federal victory proved temporary, for four days later, on July 24, 1864, Early struck back, this time with his entire army, at the Second Battle of Kernstown. 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry Marker On The Left Beside The West Virginia Memorial. Roster. For Regimental Histories of the following: Click here. Jubal Early's Maryland Raid, 1864. 13th Regiment Infantry, 14th Regiment Infantrty, 15th Regiment Infantry. Linger, James Carter, "Confederate Military Units of West Virginia", 1861 Voting Population of West Virginia Counties, After the Civil War, by Milton W. Humphreys, Confederate-General, Field & Staff Officers, Pierpont's Bastille-The Trials of Judge Thompson, Reluctant Unionists-Pierpont's "Lost" Telegram, Virginia Secession Convention & Western Virginia, Battle of New Market-West Virginia Cadets. Woods. for the first time in my life, I am deeply mortified at the conduct of troops under my command.. [2] Mustered out June 28, 1865. Jackson River, near Covington, December 19. Col. Ferguson was captured in July 1861 and sent to, Camp Chase. Ordered to Clarksburg, W. Va., and guard duty on the Upper Potomac, Headquarters at New Creek, until June, 1863. Col. Samuel B. Regimental returns for July to November 1861 account, for nine companies of the regiment (A to K, except G), and state that, Companies A to D and H reported to service, and that only a few members. Register of persons who have taken the oath of the convention, 1862-1863, Tyler County, Register of persons who have taken the oath of the convention, 1862-1863, West Virginia Adjutant Generals' Papers, 1861-1983, West Virginia Civil War Soldiers Database, West Virginia soldiers interred in Gettysburg National Cemetery, West Virginia Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, on 261 FS Library films beginning with 881595, on 765 FS Library films beginning with 1725491, List of West Virginia Civil War Confederate units, Register of persons who have taken and subscribed to by an ordinance for the reorganization of the state government, 1862-1865, National Archives and Records Administration, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=West_Virginia_in_the_Civil_War&oldid=5101055, West Virginia - Military - Civil War, 1861-1865, The West Virginia Archives and History has several sources and online databases, The George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War has the following in its. He was mortally wounded 2 days later in Putnam County. 1864. Joseph H. Lantz's Co. (North Fork Co.); roll on file shows some of. Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties against Rosser January 27-February 7, 1864. William Hayne's Co; in service Aug. 4-11, 1861, and Aug. 20-. John W. Sigler, "C" , Pvt. Salt Pond Mountain and Gap Mountain May 1213. Formed in August 1864 and served until the end of the war. Total length of service for the, Randolph County militia was less than six weeks. Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties against Rosser January 27-February 7, 1864. James L. Mathews, "I" , Pvt. Co. D Capt. Charleston, West Virginia : News-Mail, 1909 [Source: Loyal West Virginia 1861-1865, by Theodore Lang]. Date of issue: 31 January 1896. Co. F Capt. They were formerly part of the 2nd Kanawha Regiment and then the 36th, Regiment Virginia Infantry. Some members are reported to have volunteered for 18th, Regiment Virginia Cavalry and 33rd Regiment Virginia Infantry. Jonathan Hiser's Co.; mustered into service of the Confederate, States for six months from Nov. 14, 1861; after disbanding some members of, this company enlisted in the 1st Regiment Virginia Partisan Rangers, and. Jacob Osborne. Action at Greenland Gap April 25 (Co. "A"). Valentine Alexander, "G" , Pvt. Part of a series of articles titled There, the 2nd and 3rd West Virginia Cavalry swirled in around the Confederate left flank, forcing the Southerners back, setting the stage for the 14th West Virginia Infantry. 14th West Virginia Infantry from Wikipedia, 14th West Virginia Infantry from National Park Service, 14th West Virginia Infantry from The Civil War in the East, 14th West Virginia Infantry West Virginia Adjutant General Papers at West Virginia State Archives. Alabama|Arkansas - Florida|Georgia - Native American Units|Kentucky - Mississippi|Missouri - South Carolina, Tennessee|Texas|Virginia - West Virginia|Brigades, Divisions, & Corps, You may also visitUnion Army Regimental Histories,orCivil War Naval Forces, Assistance in posting new regimental histories, or advice of non-working links is appreciated. Battle of Cloyd's Mountain May 9. West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. John H. Hovernale's Co.; Captains: John H. Hovernale, 107th Regiment Virginia Militia (Randolph and Tucker), This regiment was divided into two battalions. On March 22, 1865, a detachment of Company H, armed in part with Henry repeating rifles, engaged a force of Confederates near Patterson Creek Station, West Virginia. States for six months from Nov. 14, 1861. How West Virginia was made : proceedings of the first convention of the people of northwestern Virginia at Wheeling, May 13, 14 and 15, 1861, and the journal of the second convention of the people of northwestern Virginia at Wheeling, which assembled, June 11th, 1861. About Salem June 21. Co. A Capt. Memorial can be reached from the intersection of Fort Avenue (Business U.S. 460) and John Lynch Place, on the right when traveling east. non-commissioned officer; served Oct. 1, 1861 to Feb. 24, 1862; 119th Regiment Virginia Militia (Taylor County), This regiment originated in a heavily Unionist county, however two companies, Capt. However, the presence of Captain Smith at this point of the mountain enabled the regiment to pass around and reach the summit of the mountain a mile in the rear of the force that had fired upon Captain Smith, and a mile or more inside Earlys lines. Col. Currence was later, Capt. Retreat to Charleston June 18-July 1. Strasburg August 15. Battery "C" Light Artillery, Battery "D" Light Artillery, Battery "E" Light Artillery. Buford's Gap June 20. Too far to participate in the Battle of RIch Mountain, the, regiment broke up after Garnett's defeat. in Capt. Capt. The regiment served mainly in West Virginia, in Genls. But Captain Smith replied, I have some ammunition left, and continued to fight. Crooks Expedition against Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 2-19. At least fourteen soldiers from Company A, 14th W.Va. Infantry, were captured by the Confederates at Cloyds Mountain and sent to Andersonville Prison in The 14th West Virginia was organized Skirmish near Burlington November 16, 1863. The library also has 261 microfilms of the. The regiment lost two men killed and several wounded. Major Moore at once advanced his men, and drove the enemy back to his breastworks of stone across the top of the mountain. Davis K. Higby's Co.; served July 14, 1862 to April 10, 1862, Co. F Capt. To obtain records for these soldiers see Confederate Service Records. Halltown August 24 and 26. Mulligan's Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to December, 1863. I. H. Duvals and George Crooks divisions, Eighth Army Corps. At Cedar Creek, on the night of August 14, 1864, General Crook ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Taggart, who was in command of the regiment, to move at one oclock that night, cross the Shenandoah River, and reach Massanutton Mountain before daylight the next morning, to ascend the mountain and establish a signal station on the north point of it. 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, West Virginia, to June, 1865. Sept. 10, 1861; enlisted Sept. 14, 1861 in Hardy County for six months; mustered in. Isaac Inskeep's Co.; rolls show company in service part of the time between, May 1 and July 1, 1861, when detailed by Maj. A. Smith of this regiment to guard, Five companies of this regiment could not be organized because regiment limits, 79th Regiment Virginia Militia (Greenbrier), Rolls show that five companies of this regiment were in service for one month, and twenty days, having been called out for short periods between June 3, and October 10, 1861. West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. [Source: Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, by Frederick Dyer]. 5th Brigade, 1st Division. Duvals brigade straddled the Pike, the 14th West Virginia Infantry holding the right of the line. Mulligan's Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to December, 1863. Andrew G. McNeil's Co., Levels Cavalry (Pocahontas), Coal River Rifle Co. (Kanawha and Putnam). which were composed largely of former members of lettered companies. WebAs Averell approached Rutherfords Farm, he posted his cavalry at both ends of Duvals infantry line, the 2nd and 3rd West Virginia Cavalry on the right, west of the Pike, and This website can also be searched by the name of a soldier. McGinnis. David H. Dinges' Co.; ordered into service of C.S.A. James Nelson Pott's Co. (Valley Head Co.), Capt. The information in the lists of West Virginia Military Units comes from the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors website. The regiment moved and was under cover of the timber at the foot of the mountain before daylight. Battery "A" Light Artillery (Daum's), Battery "B" Light Artillery (Keeper's). WebThe 14th West Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Duty at Martinsburg, Cumberland, Md., and Winchester, Va., until June, 1865. WV, Scammons Div. Co. No. Men in Gray: Confederate Soldiers of Central West Virginia George Tyler Moore Civil War Center - Shepherd College WebDiary of Major Shriver Moore, 14th West Virginia Infantry Medium: print Projects: West Virginia History OnView. affairs. Leroy Crawford's Co.; ordered into service of C.S.A. Co. C Capt. Co. B Capt. Capt. Web3rd Regiment Infantry: 4th Regiment Infantry: 5th Regiment Infantry: 6th Regiment Infantry: 7th Regiment Infantry: 8th Regiment Infantry: 9th Regiment Infantry: 10th Jackson River, near Covington, December 19. of this regiment went into Union service. Last modified September 13, 2022. John S. Kayser, "D" , Pvt. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. Indexes to service and pension records of Union volunteers are available at the FamilySearch Library and the National Archives. Martinsburg July 25. Most of Rutherfords Farm Battlefield is lost to development. William E. Green, "M", 1st West Virginia Infantry , 2nd Lieut. William Dunn's Co.; in service from Aug. 20-Oct. 11, 1861; rolls, show that members of Capt. Place and date: At Carters Farm, Va., 20 July 1864. 3rd Regiment Infantry, 4th Regiment Infantry, 5th Regiment Infantry, 6th Regiment Infantry, 7th Regiment Infantry, 8th Regiment Infantry, and, For Regiment Infantry Histories of the following:Click here. George W. Mills' Co. (Middle Fork Co.), Capt. John Taylor's Co.; reported on regimental morning report for, 46th Regiment Virginia Militia (Pendleton County), This regiment was ordered into service Nov. 14, 1861, for six months by command, of Maj. Gen. T.J. Jackson. Francis M. Smith, "C" , Pvt. From a Whirlpool of Death to Victory: Civil War Remembrances of Jesse Tyler Sturm, 14th West Virginia Infantry. Diamond Hill June 17. Isaac Stickley's Co.; ordred into service of C.S.A. Co. No. New River Bridge May 10. Mulligans Brigade, Scammons Division, West Virginia, to December, 1563. WebDepartment of West Virginia December 1863 in the Civil War Department of West Virginia December 1863 United States Army < to November December 1863 to January > Commanded by Brigadier General Benjamin F. Kelly The department went through a major reorganization in December creating four divisions. UNION WEST VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS 14th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry Organized at Wheeling, Va., August 25, 1862. The regiment arrived in camp at 1 oclock, after a hard march that brought poor returns. West Virginia in the Civil War | www.wvcivilwar.com | Steven A. Cunningham | Copyright All Rights Reserved. Yelling like demons, the 14th smashed into the left flank of Lewiss 57th North Carolina, delivering a nearly point-blank fire into the faces of the startled Tarheels. William S. Ruddell's Co.; in service Aug.3-10, 1861, and, from Aug. 16-Oct. 13, 1861; some members served later in McNeer's, Co. C Capt. Most of its men came from neighboring areas in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and a number of the men of Company A were from Doddridge and Harrison County, West Virginia. Diamond Hill June 17. WebThe Civil War Medals of WV -- Where Are They? Retreat to Charleston June 18-July 1. About Salem June 21. William S. Arbogast's Co.; mustered into service of the Confederate. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. To access available information, first log into FamilySearch. The two companies were stationed in two log houses at the cut. Battle of Five Forks. 11), on the right when traveling south. WebJan. Battalion Virginia Infantry, later Co. G(2nd), 25th Regiment Virginia Infantry. Snickers Ferry July 17-18. George W. Caldwell's Co., in service Aug. 23-Oct. 13, 1861, Co. B Capt. Sept. 10, 1861; enlisted Sept. 17, 1861 in Hardy County for six months; mustered in. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Martinsburg July 25. in th 5th Regiment Cavalry Virginia Militia. West Virginia in the Civil War . 2nd Maryland Infantry, Potomac Home Brig. Samuel W. Nester, "C", 12th West Virginia Infantry , Pvt. I reported, who joined Co. A. Virginia. The 14th West Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Each card gives the soldiers name, application and certificate numbers, state of enlistment, and might include rank and death information. 1st Regiment, to Lt. Col. in charge of the 11th Battalion of VA Reserves. James M. Berry's Co. (Braxton County) to form Co. B, 9th. Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation (SVBF) maintains a small interpretive area is on the side US Route 11 in Winchester. 5th Brigade, 1st Division. When Colonel Taggart was assigned his position in line his orders were to remain there until ordered away. The battle opened all along the line. The FamilySearch Library catlog list records of the West Virginia Grand Army of the Republic. Funkhouse, shows this regiment was in the service of the Confederate, States in August 1861. Ramseur, with the two cavalry brigades and several batteries of artillery, would bring about 3,500 men into the field, a larger force than his Yankee opponent. So Colonel Taggart waited the opportunity and when a breach in the enemys column presented itself the order was given, and over two fences, across the road, with one volley that startled the enemy, and the regiment was soon in line with the brigade, well pleased with its escape. Ramseurs division continued to advance, but at an angle, his left-hand brigade, North Carolinians commanded by Gen. William G. Lewis, invitingly dangling its left flank in the air. New Creek, W. Va., Marker is on Martinsburg Pike (U.S. November 28, 2008. Capt. Mustered out June 14, With the death of the last member of the Grand Army of the Republic the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War was formed. West Virginia University It is in Sheffield. Daniel Forbus, "B" , Pvt. Some of the Fairview Rifle Guards joined Co. E, 8th, Capt. Snicker's Ferry July 1718. Coleman B. Lemon's, Co. G Capt. William King, "K" , Pvt. Phone: 1-304-293-4040 Battle of Cloyds Mountain May 9. Joe Hooker Post No.45, West Virginia, Grand Army of the Republic Roster. 1890 Census Veterans Schedules - The "Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War" (NARA M123) are available online for the state of West Virginia. served in 30th and 26th Battalions Virginia Infantry. WebThe 14th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. About Salem June 21. From 1863 to 1868, former Confederates could apply for pardon from the federal government. 1549 University Ave. | P.O. Either way, Ramseur ordered his division to leave the northern Winchester defenses and march north to confront Averell. Co. No. West Virginia, Military Units - 14th Infantry. Hunter's Expedition against Lynchburg May 26-July 1. Edgar Keeny's Co,; in service part of the time between, This regiment was called out by the proclamation of the Governor dated, July 13, 1861, to rendezvous at Winchester, and appears to have served, until Nov. 30, 1861. 1864. Ordered to Clarksburg, W. Va., and guard duty on the Upper Potomac, Headquarters at New Creek, until June, 1863. Co. C, 189th Regt. When Ramseur appeared with his three brigades of infantry, the Confederate cavalry fell in behind him, but Averell, observing from the roof of the Carter barn, couldnt see Ramseurs advance because the woods blocked the view. Called out July 13, 1861 to rendezvous at Strasbourg. Madison Bailey's Co.; served from July 18-Oct. 25, 1861, Co. G Capt. James Corns' Co. (Sandy Rangers/Bloodtubs), Capt. West Virginia divided from Virginia and became a stateJune 20, 1863because of the Civil War. The Captain misunderstood the instructions given him, and moved up the mountain at its north end, where from the summit some distance down there was no timber. Matthew W. Perrine's Co. Later became Co. H, 3rd Regiment, Virginia State, Capt. Approximately 9,000 West Virginians chose to fight for the Confederate States of America andgenerally joined the confederate regiments of Virginia. 4 Capt. See the table below for lists of the regiments, battalions, batteries, and unassigned companies. George Avis' Co.; in service Sept. 27-Nov. 13, 1861; most. William M. Samples' Co.; in service part of the time between, 4th Co. Capt. Lewis W. Sanders' Co.; in service from Aug. 20-Oct. 11, 1861; some members later served in 30th Battalion Virginia Infantry. Madison M. Ballentine's Co.; in service Aug. 3-10, 1861. from Aug. 16-Oct. 13, 1861; some members served in Capt. I therefore maintained my position until dark, To Col. Duval, Averell gave all the credit: Colonel, this is your fight; I have never seen such heroism and bravery displayed, and I could embrace every man in your command. Duvals attack, Averell continued, was the most gallant charge and complete victory over vastly superior numbers.. It was disbanded April 5, 1862 by order of Gen. Joseph, Col. John H. Johnson, 1861 (to 2nd Lt., Co. E, 25th Regiment Virginia Infantry), Co. A Capt. Other companies and officers. WebAll but three of the armys infantry brigades were under the command of senior colonels or even lieutenant colonels, and an alarming number of regiments were commanded by captains. Approaching Winchester from the north along the Martinsburg Pike (called Valley Pike south of Winchester) were Col. William Powells cavalry brigade, Col. Isaac H. Duvals infantry brigade, and two batteries of artillery, all under the immediate command of Gen. William W. Averell. 4. Col. George F. Henry, 2nd Co. Capt. Lt. Col. Caldwell took command when the officer in command was taken, prisoner by Union troops. of Co. WebRank and organization: Private, Company K, 14th West Virginia Infantry. of which the Monroe and Mercer Reserves were a part. Duty at Martinsburg, Cumberland, Md., and Winchester, Va., till June, 1865. An incident in which the 14th Regiment bore a novel and unenviable part will be read with interest by those who participated. The 57ths line shattered, then completely gave way, thereby exposing the left flank of the next regiment in the brigade line, the 54th North Carolina. Samuel M. Wallace, who was promoted. Salem December 16. James O. Rolls are on file for 7 companies, A to G, and for 2 companies not lettered. Barnett Carter's Co.; served Aug.27-Sept. 26, 1861, 126th Regiment Virginia Militia (Nicholas), This regiment served in 1861 in Gen. Alfred Beckley's 27th Brigade of, 135th Regiment Virginia Militia (Greenbrier), Rolls on file for Companies A, B, C, D, F, and I show they were called into service, for short periods from June 3, 1861 to October 31, 1861.
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